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时间:2024-03-07 21:46:23浏览次数:18  
标签:03 27 07 16 35 2024 01 2022 10






-- 员工管理(带约束)
create table tb_emp (
                        id int unsigned primary key auto_increment comment 'ID',
                        username varchar(20) not null unique comment '用户名',
                        password varchar(32) default '123456' comment '密码',
                        name varchar(10) not null comment '姓名',
                        gender tinyint unsigned not null comment '性别, 说明: 1 男, 2 女',
                        image varchar(300) comment '图像',
                        job tinyint unsigned comment '职位, 说明: 1 班主任,2 讲师, 3 学工主管, 4 教研主管',
                        entrydate date comment '入职时间',
                        create_time datetime not null comment '创建时间',
                        update_time datetime not null comment '修改时间'
) comment '员工表';

-- 准备测试数据
INSERT INTO tb_emp (id, username, password, name, gender, image, job, entrydate, create_time, update_time) VALUES
                                                                                                               (1, 'jinyong', '123456', '金庸', 1, '1.jpg', 4, '2000-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:35'),
                                                                                                               (2, 'zhangwuji', '123456', '张无忌', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2015-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:37'),
                                                                                                               (3, 'yangxiao', '123456', '杨逍', 1, '3.jpg', 2, '2008-05-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:39'),
                                                                                                               (4, 'weiyixiao', '123456', '韦一笑', 1, '4.jpg', 2, '2007-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:41'),
                                                                                                               (5, 'changyuchun', '123456', '常遇春', 1, '5.jpg', 2, '2012-12-05', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:43'),
                                                                                                               (6, 'xiaozhao', '123456', '小昭', 2, '6.jpg', 3, '2013-09-05', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:45'),
                                                                                                               (7, 'jixiaofu', '123456', '纪晓芙', 2, '7.jpg', 1, '2005-08-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:47'),
                                                                                                               (8, 'zhouzhiruo', '123456', '周芷若', 2, '8.jpg', 1, '2014-11-09', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:49'),
                                                                                                               (9, 'dingminjun', '123456', '丁敏君', 2, '9.jpg', 1, '2011-03-11', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:51'),
                                                                                                               (10, 'zhaomin', '123456', '赵敏', 2, '10.jpg', 1, '2013-09-05', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:53'),
                                                                                                               (11, 'luzhangke', '123456', '鹿杖客', 1, '11.jpg', 2, '2007-02-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:55'),
                                                                                                               (12, 'hebiweng', '123456', '鹤笔翁', 1, '12.jpg', 2, '2008-08-18', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:57'),
                                                                                                               (13, 'fangdongbai', '123456', '方东白', 1, '13.jpg', 1, '2012-11-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:35:59'),
                                                                                                               (14, 'zhangsanfeng', '123456', '张三丰', 1, '14.jpg', 2, '2002-08-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:01'),
                                                                                                               (15, 'yulianzhou', '123456', '俞莲舟', 1, '15.jpg', 2, '2011-05-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:03'),
                                                                                                               (16, 'songyuanqiao', '123456', '宋远桥', 1, '16.jpg', 2, '2010-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:05'),
                                                                                                               (17, 'chenyouliang', '12345678', '陈友谅', 1, '17.jpg', null, '2015-03-21', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:07'),
                                                                                                               (18, 'zhang1', '123456', '张一', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2015-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:09'),
                                                                                                               (19, 'zhang2', '123456', '张二', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2012-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:11'),
                                                                                                               (20, 'zhang3', '123456', '张三', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2018-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:13'),
                                                                                                               (21, 'zhang4', '123456', '张四', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2015-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:15'),
                                                                                                               (22, 'zhang5', '123456', '张五', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2016-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:17'),
                                                                                                               (23, 'zhang6', '123456', '张六', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2012-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:19'),
                                                                                                               (24, 'zhang7', '123456', '张七', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2006-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:21'),
                                                                                                               (25, 'zhang8', '123456', '张八', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2002-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:23'),
                                                                                                               (26, 'zhang9', '123456', '张九', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2011-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:25'),
                                                                                                               (27, 'zhang10', '123456', '张十', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2004-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:27'),
                                                                                                               (28, 'zhang11', '123456', '张十一', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2007-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:29'),
                                                                                                               (29, 'zhang12', '123456', '张十二', 1, '2.jpg', 2, '2020-01-01', '2022-10-27 16:35:33', '2022-10-27 16:36:31');
use db01;
select * from tb_emp;
select name,entrydate from tb_emp;
select name 姓名,entrydate 入职日期 from tb_emp;
select distinct job from tb_emp;-- distinct用于去除重复记录
select * from tb_emp where id<=5;
select * from tb_emp where job is null;
select * from tb_emp where job is not null;

select * from tb_emp where password != '123456';
-- != 和 <>效果一样
select * from tb_emp where password <> '123456';

select * from tb_emp where entrydate>='2000-01-01' and entrydate<='2010-01-01';
select * from tb_emp where entrydate between '2000-01-01' and '2010-01-01';
select * from tb_emp where entrydate between '2000-01-01' and '2010-01-01';

select * from tb_emp where entrydate between '2000-01-01' and '2010-01-01' and gender=2;

select * from tb_emp where job=2 or job=3 or job=4;
select * from tb_emp where job in (2,3,4);

-- 模糊匹配
select * from tb_emp where name like '__';
select * from tb_emp where name like '张%';

-- count不对null进行运算
-- A:字段

select count(id) from tb_emp;
select count(username) from tb_emp;
select count(job) from tb_emp;
-- B:常量
select count('A') from tb_emp;

-- C:*
select count(*) from tb_emp;

-- min max
select min(entrydate) from tb_emp;
select max(entrydate) from tb_emp;
-- avg求平均
select avg(job) from tb_emp;

-- 分组查询返回的字段分为分组字段和聚合函数
select gender,count(*)  from tb_emp group by gender ;
-- 2015-01-01之前入职的员工数大于2的职位 聚合函数的结果作为条件时要再后面最后加having作为分组后过滤的条件
select job,count(*) from tb_emp where entrydate<'2015-01-01' group by job having count(*)>=2;

-- 排序查询 order by 默认升序asc
select * from tb_emp order by entrydate asc ;
-- 降序desc
select * from tb_emp order by entrydate desc ;

select * from tb_emp order by entrydate ,update_time desc ;-- 第一个字段排序相同第二个才生效

-- 分页查询
select * from tb_emp limit 0,5;-- 第一页的索引是0,查询5条信息
-- 起始索引=页面-1*每页记录数


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhenaifen/p/18059834


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