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时间:2024-03-02 17:45:51浏览次数:16  
标签:11 ... What CONCEPT color re They NEW your


Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?

Key words and expressions

whose pron. 谁的

perhaps adv. 大概

blue adj. 蓝色的

white adj. 白色的

catch v. 抓住

Language points

Whose shirt is that? 那是谁的衬衫?

还可以这样说 , Whose is that shirt?

It's my shirt. 那是我的衬衫.

Is this shirt Tim's? 这是Tim的衬衫吗?

Perhaps it is , sir. 也许是吧.

Tim's shirt's white. Tim的衬衫是白的.

Is that pen your father's? 那支笔是你爸的吗?

Yes sir? 什么事?先生.

Yes sir. 是的.

Here you are. / Here it is. 给你.

Catch! 接着.

Sentence patterns

Whose is this ... ? 这是谁的...?

It's ... 它是...的.

This is my / your / his / her ...

Whose is that dress?

It's Emma's.

This is her dress.

Lesson 12 Whose is this...? This is my/your/his/her...

Whose is that handbag? It's Stella's.

Whose is this coat? It's Sophie's.

Whose is this umbrella? It's Steven's.

Whose is this pen? It's my son's. This is his pen.

Whose is that dress? It's my daughter's. That is her dress.

Is this suit your brother's or your father's? It's not my brother's. It's my father's.

Is that skirt your sister's or your mother's? It's not my sister's. It's my mother's.

Is this blouse your mother's? No, it isn't. Whose is it? It's my sister's.

Is that tie your father's? No,it isn't. Whose is it? It's my brother's.

Lesson 13 A new dress

Key words and expressions

colour/color n. 颜色

green adj. 绿色的

upstairs adv. 楼上

smart adj. 时髦的,巧妙的

same adj. 相同的

lovely adj. 可爱的, 秀丽的

Language points

What color's your new dress? 你的新裙子是什么颜色的?

It's green.

Come upstairs and see it. 这里的and不做'和'讲, 而是引导目的.

Come and help me. Come and clean the table.

Look! 看 Look at the dress. 看这条裙子.

Here it is. 就是它.

That's a nice dress.

It's very smart. 它很时髦很好看.

He is a smart student. 他是一个聪明的学生.

My hat's new , too.

What color is it?

It's the same color. the same size. 一样的颜色, 一样的尺寸.

It's green , too.

That is a lovely hat! is重读表示强调. You are busy.

Sentence patterns

What color's your ...? 你的...是...颜色的?

It's ....

What color's your new hat?

It's green.

Lesson 14 What color's your...?

What color's your umbrella? It's black.

What color's your car? It's blue.

What color's your shirt? It's white.

What color's your coat? It's grey.

What color's your case? It's brown.

What color's your carpet? It's red.

What color's Anna's blouse? It's yellow.

What color's Steven's tie? It's orange.

What color's this hat? It's grey and black.

What color is that dog? It's brown and white.

Lesson 15 Your passports please.

Key words and expressions

customs n. 海关

officer n. 官员

girl n. 女孩, 姑娘

friend n. 朋友

passport n. 护照

tourist n. 旅行者

Danish adj.& n. 丹麦人

Norwegian adj.& n. 挪威人

Language points


Are you Swedish? 你们是...?

No, we are not. 我们不是....

We are Danish. 我们是...

Are you friends Danish, too?

No, they aren't. 他们不是

They are Norwegian.

Your passports please. 你们的护照(复数)

Here they are. 给你(复数)

Are they your cases? 这些是...?

No, they aren't.

Are you tourists?

Yes, we are.

Sentence patterns


book -> books

ticket -> tickets

friend -> friends

case -> cases

Are you ...? 你们是...吗?

Are you French?

No, we aren't. We're German.

Are you tourists?

Yes, we are.

Are these your ...? 这些是你们的...吗?

What color are your ...? 你们的 ... 是... 颜色的?

Are these your cases?

Yes, they are.

What color are your cases?

They're brown.

Lesson 16 Are you ...?

Are you English. No, we aren't. We are Russian.

Are you American? No, we aren't. We're English.

Are you Dutch? No, we're not. We're American.

What nationality are they? They are Dutch.

Are these your tickets? Yes, they are.

What color are your tickets? They're yellow.

Are these your passports? Yes, they're.

What color are your passports? They are green.

What color are your ties? They are orange.

What color are your dogs? They're brown and white.

What color are your blouses? They're yellow.

Lesson 17 How do you do?

Key words and expressions

employee n. 雇员

hard-working adj. 勤奋的

sales rep 推销员

office n. 办公室

assistant n. 助手

Language points

How do you do? 正式场合,初次见面打招呼

Those women are very hard-working. 这些女孩, those是that的复数

What are their jobs? their是他们的, 工作要用复数

They're keyboard operators.

Who is this young man? 这个年轻人是谁?

This is Jim.

He is our office assistant. 他是我们办公室助理.

Sentence patterns


如果单词以s/x/ch/sh结尾, 复数形式要加 es

dress -> dresses

box -> boxes

watch -> watches

dish -> dishes

man -> men

woman -> women

以 f/fe 结尾的名词, 复数形式要去掉 f/fe , 加 ves.

housewife -> housewives

knife -> knives

What are their jobs? 他们的工作是什么?

They are ... 他们是...

What are their jobs?

They're teachers.

Lesson 18 What are their jobs?

What are their jobs? They are sales reps.

What are their jobs? They're mechanics.

What are their jobs? They're engineers.

What are their jobs? They're customs offices.

What are their jobs? They're air hostesses.

What are their jobs? They're housewives.

What are their jobs? They're postmen. They are hard-working.

What are their jobs? They're policemen. They're tall.

What are their jobs? They're policewomen. They're nice.

Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty

Key words and expressions

matter n. 事情

children n. 孩子们 ( child 的复数)

tired adj. 累

thirsty adj. 渴

sit down 坐下

ice cream 冰激凌

Language points

What's the matter, children? = What's wrong?

We're tired... and thirsty, Mum. 复数的代词加形容词.

We're hungry. We're happy.

Are you all right now? = Are you OK now?

No, we aren't.

Look! 看

There's an ice cream man. 有个卖冰激凌的人.

These ice cream are nice. 这些冰激凌真不错

These windows are open.

Those boxes are heavy.

Sentence patterns


They're ...

Are you ...?

We're ...

These ice cream are nice.

Are you all right?

Yes, we are.

Lesson 20 Look at them!

Are that boy's shoes dirty? No,they aren't. Are they clean? Yes, they are.

Are this girl's hands clean? No, they aren't. Are they dirty? Yes, they're.

Are those hairdressers thin or fat? They're not thin. They're fat.

Are those shoes small or big? They're not small. They're big.

Those shops are open. Those shops are shut.

Those cases are light. These cases are heavy.

Grandfather and grandmother are very old.

Grandson and granddaughter are very young.

Those hats are very old. These hats are very new.

Those trousers are short. These trousers are long.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lg369/p/18048955


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