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时间:2022-10-13 10:33:38浏览次数:58  
标签:计算机 students 计算机辅助 教学 CAI computer systems 学生


  • Computer-Aided Instruction(CAI), is a diverse and rapidly expanding spectrum of computer technologies that assist the teaching and learning process.

  • 计算机辅助教学是一门迅速发展的计算机技术,这种技术辅助教与学的过程。

  • CAI is also known as computer-assisted instruction.

  • 计算机辅助教学也简称CAI。

  • Examples of CAI applications include guided drill and practice exercises, computer visualization of complex objects, and computer-facilitated communication between students and teachers.

  • CAI的例子包括指导训练、练习、借助计算机观看复杂的对象以及通过计算机提供便利的教师和学生之间的交流。

  • The number of computers in American schools has risen from one for every 125 students in 1981 to one foe every nine students in 1996.

  • 美国学校计算机的数量已由1981年的每125个学生一台上升到1996年的每九个学生一台。

  • While the United States leads the world in the number of computers per school student, Western European and Japanese schools are also highly computerized.

  • 虽然美国在校学生拥有的计算机数量居世界领先地位,但西欧和日本学校里计算机也配的相当多。

  • Information that helps teach or encourages interaction can be presented on computers in the form of text or in multimedia formats, which include photographs, videos, animation, speech, and music.

  • 辅助教学的信息可以以文本或多媒体的形式在计算机上显示,这些形式包括照片、影像、动画、语音和音乐。

  • The guided drill is a computer program that poses questions to students, returns feedback, and selects additional questions based on the student's response.

  • 指导训练是一种计算机程序,它向学生提出问题、收回反馈,并根据学生的回答挑选额外的问题。

  • Recent guided drill systems incorporate the principles of education in addition to subject matter knowledge into the computer program.

  • 近来的指导训练系统除了题材知识外,还把教育原则融入计算机程序。

  • Computers also can help students visualize objects that are difficult or impossible to view.

  • 计算机也能帮助学生观看那些难以或不可能看到的物体。

  • For example, computers can be used to display human anatomy, molecular structures, or complex geometrical objects.

  • 例如,用计算机显示人体解刨、分子结构或复杂的几何物体。

  • Exploration and manipulation of simulated environments can be accomplished with CAI-ranging from virtual laboratory experiments that may be too difficult, expensive, or dangerous to perform in a school environment to complex virtual worlds like those used in airplane flight simulators.

  • 从虚拟的实验室的实验到飞机飞行模拟器中使用的复杂的模拟世界,通过CAI可以很轻易的完成,而这些实验(或飞行)在学校环境中是太难、花费太高、或者做起来太危险而无法进行的实验。

  • CAI tools, such as word process, spreadsheets, and databases, collect, organize, analyze, and transmit information.

  • CAI的工具软件,如字处理器、电子表格和数据库,起着收集、组织、分析和传送信息的作用。

  • They also facilitate communication among students, between students and instructors, and beyond the classroom to distant students, instructors, and experts.

  • 它们也能方便地使学生和教师之间与校外的学生、教师和专家进行交流。

  • CAI systems can be categorized based on who controls the progression of the lesson.

  • CAI系统可以根据受教育者的控制进行课程进度的分类。

  • Early systems were linear presentations of information and guided drill, and control was directed by the author of the software.

  • 早期的CAI系统是一系列的描述信息和指导练习,由软件的设计者进行教学控制。

  • In modern systems, and especially with visualization systems and simulated environments, control often rests with the student or with the instructor.

  • 在现代的系统中,特别是在可视系统和模拟的环境中,由学生或者教师进行教学控制。

  • This permits information to be reviewed or examined out of sequence.

  • 可以不按顺序地重复观看或检索信息。

  • Related material also may be explored.

  • 也可以探讨相关的主题。

  • In some group instructional activities, the lesson can progress according to the dynamics of the group.

  • 有些小组的教学活动,课程的进度可动态地根据该组的情况进行。

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • CAI can dramatically increase a student's access to information.

  • CAI能够极大地增加学生获得的信息量。

  • The program can adapt to the abilities and preferences of the individual student and increase the amount of personalized instruction a student receives.

  • CAI可适应每个学生的能力和爱好,能增加每个学生单独接受的辅导量。

  • Many students benefit from the immediate responsiveness of computer interactions and appreciate the self-paced and private learning environment.

  • 许多学生从与计算机交互的及时反应中获得收益,喜欢这种自定进度的单独学习环境。

  • Moreover, computer-learning experiences often engage the interest of students, motivating them to learn and increasing independence and personal responsibility for education.

  • 此外,计算机学习的经历常常吸引学生的兴趣、促使他们学习、增加独立性和个人的责任感。

  • Although it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of any educational system, numerous studies have reported that CAI is successful in raising examination scores, improving student attitudes, and lowering the amount of time required to master certain material.

  • 虽然很难评价任何教育系统的实用效果,但很多研究成果表明CAI在提高考试成绩、改进学生学习态度和减少掌握某些知识所需的时间方面是成功的。

  • While study results vary greatly, there is substantial evidence that CAI can enhance learning at all educational levels.

  • 尽管学习效果有很大差异,但有足够的证据表明计算机辅助教学能够提高各个层次学生的学习效果。

  • In some applications, especially those involving abstract reasoning and problem-solving process, CAI has not been very effective.

  • 有些应用中,特别是在涉及抽象推理以及解决问题的过程中,计算机复制教学并不是很有效。

  • Critics claim that poorly designed CAI systems can dehumanize or regiment the educational experience and thereby diminish student interest and motivation.

  • 批评者指责设计低劣的CAI系统使教育过程缺乏人情味,或是把教育经历分类,因此减少了学生的兴趣和动力。

  • Other disadvantages of CAI stem from the difficulty and expense of implementing and maintaining the necessary computer systems.

  • CAI系统的其他缺点是提供和维护必要的计算机系统的困难和开支。

  • Some student failures can be traced to inadequate teacher training in CAI systems.

  • 有些学生的考试不及格是接受CAI系统的培训不够,

  • Student training in the computer technology may be required as well, and this process can distract from the core educational process.

  • 学生也需要接受计算机技术的培训,而这又分散了学生的主要教育过程。

  • Although much effort has be directed at developing CAI systems that are easy to use and incorporate expert knowledge of teaching and learning, such systems are still far from achieving their full potential.

  • 虽然投入了很大努力致力于开发使用容易、综合了教学的专家知识的CAI系统,但这样的系统还远没有达到其潜在的能力。


  • In the mid-1950s and early 1960s a collaboration between educators at Stanford University in California and International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) introduced CAI into select elementary schools.

  • 在50年代中期和60年代早期,加州斯坦福大学的教育者与IBM公司合作把CAI用于所选的小学。

  • Initially, CAI programs were a linear presentation of information with drill and practice sessions.

  • 最初的CAI程序仅仅是一系列包含练习的信息描述。

  • These early CAI systems were limited by the expense and the difficulty of obtaining, maintaining, and using the computer that were available at that time.

  • 早期的CAI系统受到当时的费用、计算机的维护和使用的局限。

  • Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations (PLATO) system, another early CAI system initiated at the University of Illinois in the earlier 1960s and developed by Control Data Corporation, was used for higher learning.

  • 另一个早期的CAI系统,自动化教学的可编程逻辑系统(PLATO),是60年代初在伊利诺斯大学提出,由数据控制公司开发用于高等教育。

  • It consisted of a mainframe computer that supported up to 1000 terminals for use by individual students.

  • 它由支持多打一千个终端的主机组成,适用于每个学生。

  • By 1985 over 100 PLATO systems were operating in the United States.

  • 到1985年,有一百多套PLATO系统在美国使用。

  • From 1978 to 1985 users logged 40 million hours on PLATO systems.

  • 在1978年到1985年间,学生登录该系统的上机时间达到四千万小时。

  • PLATO also introduced a communication system between students that was a forerunner of modern electronic mail (messages electronically passed from computer to computer).

  • 它还在学生之间采用一种通讯系统,这就是当代电子邮件(信息从一个计算机传到另一个计算机)的起源。

  • The Time-shared Interactive Computer-Controlled Information Television system was a CAI project developed by Mitre Corporation and Brigham Young University in Utah.

  • 分时交互计算机控制信息电视系统(TICCIT)是MITRE CORPORATION和犹他州的伯明翰·杨大学开发的CAI项目。

  • Based on personal computer and television technology, TICCIT was used in the early 1970s to teach freshman-level mathematics and English courses.

  • 借助于个人计算机和电视技术,TICCIT系统在70年代早期用于大学一年级的数学和英语教学。

  • With the advent of cheaper and more powerful personal computers in the 1980s, use of CAI increased dramatically.

  • 随着80年代更便宜、功能更强的个人计算机的出现,CAI的应用急剧增加。

  • In 1980 only 5 percent of elementary schools and 20 percent of secondary schools in the United States had computers for assisting instruction.

  • 在1980年,美国仅有百分之五的小学和百分之二十的中学用计算机进行辅助教学,

  • Three years later, both numbers had roughly quadrupled, and by the end of the decade nearly all schools in the United States, and in most industrialized countries, were equipped with teaching computers.

  • 三年后,这两个数字差不多都增加到了原来的四倍。到80年代末,美国以及大多数工业化国家几乎所有学校都配备了教学用的计算机。

  • A recent development with far ranging implications for CAI is the vast expansion of the Internet, a consortium of interlinked computers. By connecting millions of computers worldwide, these networks enable students to access huge stores of information, which greatly enhances their research capabilities.

  • 对CAI具有深远意义的推动是Internet的巨大发展,Internet通过把遍及世界的数百万台计算机联接起来,使学生能获得大量的信息,可以大大提高他们的科研能力。

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/linshaoblog/p/16787277.html
