论文《A New Hardware-Efficient Algorithm and Reconfigurable Architecture for Image
Contrast Enhancement》提到对对比度增强的图像进行客观评价,引用论文《Image Enhancement for Backlight-Scaled TFT-LCD Displays》中的边缘损耗率指标(The edge loss rate)。
原文:Contrast enhancement is not easily measured by quantitative criteria. To judge the preser,vation of image details quantitatively, a measure of the edge loss rates was adopted [13] for the test cases for the seven algorithms.
1 The edge loss rate
为了对性能进行定量度量,我们设计了两个度量来衡量边缘保存的程度,一个使用Sobel算子,另一个是仅显著差异(just noticeable difference,JND)算法。
adopted for the test cases for the seven algorithms. The edge loss rate εE is defined as the ratio between the number of missed edge pixels ψ Em and the number of original edge pixels ψ Ei .
1.1 sobel算子
\[sobel_x= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & -1\\ 2 & 0 & -2\\ 1 & 0 & -1\\ \end{bmatrix} \]\[sobel_y= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 0\\ -1 & -2 & -1\\ \end{bmatrix} \]\[A=\frac{Em}{Ei} \]其中,\(E_m\)表示丢失的边缘像素数量,\(E_i\)表示原始边缘像素数量。
1.2 JND算法
第二个度量仅显著差异(just noticeable difference, JND)算法进行边缘像素分类,采用JND边缘像素分类算法来计算边缘丢失率\(B\)
\[B=\frac{Dm}{Di} \]其中,\(D_m\)表示丢失的边缘像素,\(D_i\)表示原始边缘像素数目。
2 后记