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时间:2022-10-12 16:24:29浏览次数:79  
标签:var pipe width num mode rst DW div stages




参数名 默认值 参考值 功能
a_width None ≥ 2 除数的位宽
b_width None ≥ 2 & ≤ a_width 被除数的位宽
tc_mode 0 0 or 1 是否有符号
rem_mode 1 0 or 1 余数选择 模或余数
num_stages 2 ≥ 2 流水线级数
stall_mode 1 0 or 1 暂停模式
rst_mode 1 0 to 2 复位模式
op_iso_mode 1 0 to 2 操作隔离模式
Dw_div_pipe divides the operands a by b to produce a quotient and a remainder, if selected through aparameter, with a latency of num_stages-1 clock (clk) cycles. 
The parameter tc_mode determines whetherthe input and output data is interpreted as unsigned (tc_mode=0) or signed (tc_mode=1) numbers.
Automatic pipeline retiming ensures optimal placement of pipeline registers within the divider to achievemaximum throughput. 
The pipeline can be stalled by setting the load enable signal en low(stall_mode=1). 
The pipeline registers can either have no reset (rst_mode=0) or an asychronous (rst_mode=1) or synchronous reset (rst_mode=2) connected to the reset signal rst_n.

Operand lsolation Mode 
lf "stall_mode' is '0' , this parameter is ignored and no isolation is applied. o Follow intent defined by Power Compiler user setting 
1 = 'none' 
2 = 'and"3  'or' 
4 = preferred isolation style : 'and 
Note: See the DesignWare Building Block IP Low-Power Overview for detailson how to apply operand isolation.

Dw_div_pipe 将操作数a除以b得到商和余数,其延迟为num_stages-1个模块时钟周期。流水线重定时保证流水线寄存器在除法器的最佳位置,以实现最大的吞吐量。

参数 功能
tc_mode 确定输入和输出数据是被解释为无符号数(tc_mode=0)还是有符号数(tc_mode=1)。
stall_mode stall_mode=1时,可以通过将“en”信号拉低,来暂停流水线。
rst_mode 流水线寄存器可以没有重置(rst_mode=0)或异步(rst_mode=1)或同步复位(rst_mode=2)连接到复位信号rst_n。

如果“stall_mode”为“0”,则忽略此参数并且不应用隔离。o遵循Power Compiler用户设置定义的意图
1 =“没有”
2 = 'and '
3 = 'or'
4 = 首选隔离方式: 'and'

-21/4模数是3,因为 -21 + 4 x 6是 3。
但是-21除以4商-5余数为-1 。

//       This confidential and proprietary software may be used only
//     as authorized by a licensing agreement from Synopsys Inc.
//     In the event of publication, the following notice is applicable:
//                    (C) COPYRIGHT 2000 - 2014 SYNOPSYS INC.
//                           ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
//       The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorized
//     copies.
// AUTHOR:    Rajeev Huralikoppi         Feb 15, 2002
// VERSION:   Verilog Simulation Architecture
// DesignWare_version: 289c69a9
// DesignWare_release: I-2013.12-DWBB_201312.5
// ABSTRACT:   An n stage pipelined Divider Simulation model
//      Parameters      Valid Values    Description
//      ==========      =========       ===========
//      a_width         >= 1            default: none
//                                      Word length of a
//      b_width         >= 1            default: none
//                                      Word length of b
//      tc_mode         0 or 1          default: 0
//                                      Two's complement control:
//                                        0 => inputs/outputs unsigned
//                                        1 => inputs/outputs two's complement
//      rem_mode        0 or 1          default: 1
//                                      Remainder output control:
//                                        0 => remainder output is VHDL modulus
//                                        1 => remainder output is remainder
//      num_stages      >= 2            default: 2
//                                      Number of pipelined stages
//      stall_mode      0 or 1          default: 1
//                                      Stall mode
//                                        0 => non-stallable
//                                        1 => stallable
//      rst_mode        0 to 2          default: 1
//                                      Reset mode
//                                        0 => no reset
//                                        1 => asynchronous reset
//                                        2 => synchronous reset
//      op_iso_mode     0 to 4         default: 0
//                                     Type of operand isolation
//                                       If 'stall_mode' is '0', this parameter is ignored and no isolation is applied
//                                       0 => Follow intent defined by Power Compiler user setting
//                                       1 => no operand isolation
//                                       2 => 'and' gate operand isolaton
//                                       3 => 'or' gate operand isolation
//                                       4 => preferred isolation style: 'or'
//      Input Ports     Size            Description
//      ===========     ====            ============
//      clk             1               Clock
//      rst_n           1               Reset, active low
//      en              1               Register enable, active high
//      a               a_width         Divisor
//      b               b_width         Dividend
//      Output Ports    Size            Description
//      ============    ====            ============
//      quotient        a_width         quotient (a/b)
//      remainder       b_width         remainder
//      divide_by_0     1               divide by zero flag
//              RJK  05/28/13   Updated documentation in comments to properly
//                              describe the "en" input (STAR 9000627580)
//              DLL  01/28/08   Enhanced abstract and added "op_iso_mode" parameter
//                              and related code.
//              DLL  11/10/05   Changed legality checking of 'num_stages'
//                              parameter along with its abstract "Valid Values"
//		RJK  2/5/03	Fixed port size mismatches for output
//				ports, quotient & divisor (STAR 159440)

module DW_div_pipe (clk,rst_n,en,a,b,quotient,remainder,divide_by_0);
   parameter a_width = 2;
   parameter b_width = 2;
   parameter tc_mode = 0;
   parameter rem_mode = 1;
   parameter num_stages = 2;
   parameter stall_mode = 1;
   parameter rst_mode = 1;
   parameter op_iso_mode = 0;

   input clk;
   input rst_n;
   input [a_width-1 : 0] a;
   input [b_width-1 : 0] b;
   input en;
   output [a_width-1 : 0] quotient;
   output [b_width-1 : 0] remainder;
   output 		divide_by_0;

   wire   a_rst_n;
   reg [a_width-1 : 0] a_reg[0 : num_stages-1];
   reg [b_width-1 : 0] b_reg[0 : num_stages-1];
// synopsys translate_off
  // Behavioral model
   assign a_rst_n = (rst_mode == 1)? rst_n : 1'b1;
   always @(posedge clk or negedge a_rst_n)
      begin: pipe_reg_PROC
	 integer i,j;
	 reg [a_width-1 : 0] a_var[0 : num_stages-1];
	 reg [b_width-1 : 0] b_var[0 : num_stages-1];

	 a_var[0]  = a;
	 b_var[0]  = b;
	 if (rst_mode != 0 & rst_n === 1'b0) begin
	    for (i= 1; i < num_stages; i=i+1) begin
	       a_var[i]  = {a_width{1'b0}};
	       b_var[i]  = {b_width{1'b0}};
	    end // for (i= 1; i < num_stages-1; i++)
	 end // if (rst_mode != 0 & rst_n === 1'b0)
	 else if  (rst_mode == 0 || rst_n === 1'b1) begin
	    // pipeline disbled
	    if (stall_mode != 0 && en === 1'b0) begin
	       for (i= 1; i < num_stages; i=i+1) begin
		  a_var[num_stages-i]  = a_var[num_stages-i];
		  b_var[num_stages-i]  = b_var[num_stages-i];
	       end // for (i= 1; i < num_stages-1; i++)	       
	    end // if (stall_mode /= 0 || en === 1'b0)
	    else if (stall_mode == 0 || en === 1'b1) begin
	       // pipeline enabled
	       for (i= 1; i < num_stages; i=i+1) begin
		  a_var[num_stages-i]  =  a_var[num_stages-i-1]; //Changed By Me
		  //a_var[i]  = a_var[i-1];
		  b_var[num_stages-i]  =  b_var[num_stages-i-1];
		  //b_var[i]  = b_var[i-1];
	       end // for (i= 1; i < num_stages-1; i++)
	    end // if (stall_mode == 0 || en === 1'b1)
	    else begin // X processing on en
	       for (i= 1; i < num_stages; i=i+1) begin
		  a_var[i]  = {a_width{1'bx}};
		  b_var[i]  = {b_width{1'bx}};
	       end // for (i= 1; i < num_stages-1; i++)
	    end // else: !if(stall_mode == 0 || en === 1'b1)
	 end // if (rst_mode == 0 || rst_n === 1'b1)
	 else begin
	    for (i= 1; i < num_stages; i=i+1) begin
	       a_var[i]  = {a_width{1'bx}};
	       b_var[i]  = {b_width{1'bx}};
	    end // for (i= 1; i < num_stages-1; i++)
	 end // else: !if(rst_n === 1'b1)
	 for(i= 1; i < num_stages; i=i+1) begin 
	    a_reg[i]  <= a_var[i];
	    b_reg[i]  <= b_var[i];
      end // block: pipe_reg_PROC
   DW_div #(a_width, b_width, tc_mode, rem_mode)
      U1 (.a(a_reg[num_stages-1]),
  // Parameter legality check and initializations
  initial begin : parameter_check
    integer param_err_flg;

    param_err_flg = 0;
    if (a_width < 1) begin
      param_err_flg = 1;
	"ERROR: %m :\n  Invalid value (%d) for parameter a_width (lower bound: 1)",
	a_width );
    if (b_width < 1) begin
      param_err_flg = 1;
	"ERROR: %m :\n  Invalid value (%d) for parameter b_width (lower bound: 1)",
	b_width );
    if ( (tc_mode < 0) || (tc_mode > 1) ) begin
      param_err_flg = 1;
	"ERROR: %m :\n  Invalid value (%d) for parameter tc_mode (legal range: 0 to 1)",
	tc_mode );
    if ( (rem_mode < 0) || (rem_mode > 1) ) begin
      param_err_flg = 1;
	"ERROR: %m :\n  Invalid value (%d) for parameter rem_mode (legal range: 0 to 1)",
	rem_mode );
    if (num_stages < 2) begin
      param_err_flg = 1;
	"ERROR: %m :\n  Invalid value (%d) for parameter num_stages (lower bound: 2)",
	num_stages );
    if ( (stall_mode < 0) || (stall_mode > 1) ) begin
      param_err_flg = 1;
	"ERROR: %m :\n  Invalid value (%d) for parameter stall_mode (legal range: 0 to 1)",
	stall_mode );
    if ( (rst_mode < 0) || (rst_mode > 2) ) begin
      param_err_flg = 1;
	"ERROR: %m :\n  Invalid value (%d) for parameter rst_mode (legal range: 0 to 2)",
	rst_mode );
    if ( (op_iso_mode < 0) || (op_iso_mode > 4) ) begin
      param_err_flg = 1;
	"ERROR: %m :\n  Invalid value (%d) for parameter op_iso_mode (legal range: 0 to 4)",
	op_iso_mode );
    if ( param_err_flg == 1) begin
        "%m :\n  Simulation aborted due to invalid parameter value(s)");

  end // parameter_check 

  // Report unknown clock inputs
  always @ (clk) begin : clk_monitor 
    if ( (clk !== 1'b0) && (clk !== 1'b1) && ($time > 0) )
      $display( "WARNING: %m :\n  at time = %t, detected unknown value, %b, on clk input.",
                $time, clk );
    end // clk_monitor 
// synopsys translate_on   
endmodule //

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/powerforme/p/16770080.html


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