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时间:2024-01-18 20:38:16浏览次数:26  
标签:heart eyes 后续 xx 描写 anger sb 句子 out



  • be seized with xx
  • (heart/eyes) be filled with xx
  • do sth with xx
  • xx fill someplace
  • a feeling of xx take hold of(swept over) sb.
  • feel a warm wave of xx welling up one's heart.
  • the tears of xx fail sb.
  • a surge of xx (强烈的)
  • a flush of xx (突然的)
  • drown in feeling of
  • xx be drowned by yy (xx 被 yy 压过)
  • have xx written all over one's face.
  • let out a cry of xx
  • with xx tears welling up in one's eyes.
  • xx come in waves.
  • xx settled over sb like a cloud.


joy delight happiness

  • eyes sparkle/shine with joy.
  • then followed the exciting moment when......
  • one's heart pound with wild joy.


  • the air be filled with the pleasant smell of flowers.
  • white clouds flowed in the blue sky.


fear terror fright horror

  • one's heart be stuck in one's throat.
  • be scared out of one's wits.
  • make one's hair stand on end.
  • root sb to the spot.
  • freeze with fear.
  • (kness) knock in fright.
  • send a chill deep down in one's bones.


moved grateful

  • have a deep gratitude towards sb
  • shed tears of gratitude
  • be moved to tears
  • grateful tears welled up in one's eyes and a lump in one's throat.


nervous tanse anxious

  • feel one's throat tight and one's mounth dry.
  • have butterflies in one's stomach.
  • heart be in one's mouth.
  • legs tremble/shake.
  • nervousness showed in one's voice.
  • take a deep breath.


relief warmth

  • sb breath a sign of relief.
  • to one's relief


embarrassed awkward ashamed

  • one's face be flushed with embarrassment.
  • drop one's head in shame.
  • in a embarrassed voice/tone.
  • hear the embarrassment in one's voice.
  • an awkward silence/moment/pause


guilt regret

  • face wet with tears



  • fight back tears
  • with a sinking heart
  • cry one's eyes/heart out
  • sob/weep one's face burried in one's hands



  • decline one's head in despair.
  • abandon oneself to despair.
  • heart be torn with despair.




  • go purple with anger
  • cloud over with anger
  • glare at sb
  • give sb a glance of burning anger
  • flash with anger
  • unable to contain one's anger


  • teeth lock together in anger
  • shake one's fist at sb
  • slam/pound sth with fists
  • slame the door angrily behind
  • storm in/out/off
  • stamp one's feet in anger
  • anger pour/rush through sb
  • burn/boil with anger


curious curiosity

  • curiosity gets the better of sb
  • out of curiosity
  • burn with curiosity
  • driven by curiosity
  • contain/keep one's curiosity in check


  • throw one's head back
  • drop one's head
  • bury one's head in one's hands
  • rest one's head on/against

  • meet sb's eyes
  • stare into one's eyes
  • fix/focus one's eyes on
  • one's eyes sparkle/shine with xx
  • one's eyes fall settle on ……
  • one's eyes dance with xx
  • keep an eye on
  • look sb in the eye
  • narrow one's eyes
  • turn one's eyes to
  • squeeze one's eyes shut


mouth lip

  • open-mouthed
  • cup/cover one's mouth
  • one's heart in one's mouth
  • purse one's lips
  • lick one's lips
  • bite one's lip

  • clap one's hands
  • hold out one's hand
  • spread one's hands
  • cup …… in one's hands
  • extand a hand
  • reach for sb's hand
  • shake hands with sb
  • take sb's hand
  • hand in hand

  • shaky/trembling legs
  • cross one's legs
  • drag one's leg

  • barefoot
  • in bare foot
  • get/rise to one's feet
  • jump to one's feet
  • struggle to one's feet
  • plant one's feet to the ground
  • put one's feet up
  • stamp one's feet
  • raise oneself on tiptoe


  • fold one's arms
  • hold out/open one's arms
  • pull sb into one's arms
  • gather sb in one's arms
  • throw one's arms around sb
  • take one's arm
  • keep sb at arm's length
  • with crossed arms
  • arm in arm


  • cross one's fingers
  • lift/hold a warning finger
  • raise a finger to one's lips
  • wag one's finger
  • point an accusing finger at sb
  • drum/tap one's fingers on ……
  • run one's fingers through/along/over
  • finger sth
  • raise a thumb ingreet
  • stick out a thumb


  • look/glance over one's shoulder
  • shrug one's shoulders
  • shoulder to shoulder
  • shoulder one's way through
  • shoulder sb aside
  • shoulder out


  • 安静
    death hush descended over the audience

  • 安静+惊讶
    take sb by surprice

  • 很快风靡世界
    take the world by storm


where there \(\cdots\),there \(\cdots\).

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lzorange/p/17973337


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