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Doubly linked list【1月17日学习笔记】

时间:2024-01-17 20:01:01浏览次数:21  
标签:node run 17 temp list next Doubly NULL 节点

//Doubly linked list
using namespace std;
struct node {
	int data;
	node* next;
	node* prev;
node* A;

node* getnewnode(int x) {
	node* temp = new node;
	temp->data = x;
	temp->prev = NULL;
	temp->next = NULL;
	return temp;
void insertathead(int x) {
	node* temp = getnewnode(x);
	if (A == NULL) {
		A = temp;
	A->prev = temp;//1节点头部指向新节点
	temp->next = A;//新节点尾巴指向1节点
	A = temp;//头指针指向新节点//头指针与新节点不是双向,新节点头部默认指向NULL

void insertattail(int x) {
	node* temp = getnewnode(x);
	if (A == NULL) {
		A = temp;
	else {
		node* run = A;
		while (run->next != NULL) {
			run = run->next;
		run->next = temp;
		temp->prev = run;//新节点头部指向末节点

void print() {
	node* run = A;
	while (run != NULL) {
		cout << run->data<<" ";
		run = run->next;
	cout << endl;

void reverseprint() {
	if (A == NULL)  return;//empty list,exit
	node* run = A;
	while (run->next != NULL) {
		run = run->next;
	}//going to last node
	while (run != NULL) {
		cout << run->data << " ";
		run = run->prev;
	}//traversing backward uing prev pointer,结束时run指向NULL(run指向NULL:打印模式)
	cout << endl;
int main() {
	A = NULL;
	insertathead(2); print(); reverseprint();
	insertathead(4); print(); reverseprint();
	insertathead(6); print(); reverseprint();
	insertattail(-2); print(); reverseprint();
	insertattail(-4); print(); reverseprint();
	insertattail(-6); print(); reverseprint();

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/whvivy/p/17971050


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