月份:数据记录的月份总用电量(overall):该月新加坡的总用电量公共住房(public housing):包括1至5房间公共住房的用电量私人住宅(private housing):包括私人公寓和独立住宅的用电量其他类别(others):可能指一些特殊类型的建筑或设施的用电量
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
housing_df = pd.read_csv('total_household_electricity_consumption_2005_2020.csv')
def convertfloat(x):
x['overall'] = x['overall'].astype(float)
x['public_housing'] = x['public_housing'].astype(float)
x['1-room_2-room'] = x['1-room_2-room'].astype(float)
x['3-room'] = x['3-room'].astype(float)
x['4-room'] = x['4-room'].astype(float)
x['5-room_and_executive'] = x['5-room_and_executive'].astype(float)
x['private_housing'] = x['private_housing'].astype(float)
x['private_apts_and_condo'] = x['private_apts_and_condo'].astype(float)
x['landed_properties'] = x['landed_properties'].astype(float)
x['others'] = x['others'].astype(float)
return x
housing_df = housing_df.sort_values(by = ['month'], ascending = True)
housing_df = convertfloat(housing_df)
housing_df = housing_df.rename(columns = {'public_housing': 'public_housing_total', 'private_housing': 'private_housing_total'})
housing_df_month = housing_df.copy()
housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df.copy()
def rename(x):
if '2019' in x:
x = '2019'
elif '2018' in x:
x = '2018'
elif '2017' in x:
x = '2017'
elif '2016' in x:
x = '2016'
elif '2015' in x:
x = '2015'
return x
housing_df['month'] = housing_df['month'].apply(rename)
housing_df = housing_df.rename(columns = {'month': 'year'})
housing_df_2015 = housing_df[housing_df['year'] == '2015']
housing_df_2016 = housing_df[housing_df['year'] == '2016']
housing_df_2017 = housing_df[housing_df['year'] == '2017']
housing_df_2018 = housing_df[housing_df['year'] == '2018']
housing_df_2019 = housing_df[housing_df['year'] == '2019']
housing_lists = [housing_df_2015, housing_df_2016, housing_df_2017, housing_df_2018, housing_df_2019]
y_years = ['2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019']
x_yearly_total = []
for year in housing_lists:
total = round(year['overall'].sum(), 1)
housing_lists = [housing_df_2015, housing_df_2016, housing_df_2017, housing_df_2018, housing_df_2019]
y_years = ['2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019']
x_yearly_total = []
for year in housing_lists:
total = round(year['overall'].sum(), 1)
plt.plot(y_years, x_yearly_total, marker='o', linestyle='solid')
plt.title('Total Annual Household Electricity Consumption')
plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (in GWh)')
y_month = []
if '2019' in x or '2020' in x:
housing_df_month['month'] = housing_df_month['month'].apply(retrieve_2019_2020)
housing_df_month = housing_df_month.dropna()
for value in housing_df_month['overall']:
plt.plot(y_month, x_total, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid')
plt.title('Monthly Annual Electricity Consumption from Jan 2019 to Jun 2020')
plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (in GWh)')
housing_df_dwelling_type['month'] = housing_df_dwelling_type['month'].apply(retrieve_years)
housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.dropna()
one_two_rooms = []
three_rooms = []
four_rooms = []
five_rooms = []
private_apts = []
landed_properties = []
for value in housing_df_dwelling_type['1-room_2-room']:
for value in housing_df_dwelling_type['3-room']:
for value in housing_df_dwelling_type['4-room']:
for value in housing_df_dwelling_type['5-room_and_executive']:
for value in housing_df_dwelling_type['private_apts_and_condo']:
for value in housing_df_dwelling_type['landed_properties']:
plt.plot(years, one_two_rooms, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid', label = '1 to 2 rooms')
plt.plot(years, three_rooms, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid', label = '3-rooms')
plt.plot(years, four_rooms, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid', label = '4-rooms')
plt.plot(years, five_rooms, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid', label = '5-rooms')
plt.plot(years, private_apts, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid', label = 'private apts')
plt.plot(years, landed_properties, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid', label = 'landed apts')
plt.title('Monthly Electricity Consumption from Jan 2018 to Jun 2020 Across Various Dwelling Types')
plt.xlabel('Year/ Month')
plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (in GWh)')
# 绘制2019年至2020年各类住宅类型用电量的堆叠柱状图
df = pd.DataFrame({'1 to 2 rooms': one_two_rooms,
'3-rooms': three_rooms,
'4-rooms': four_rooms,
'5-rooms': five_rooms,
'private apts': private_apts,
'landed apts': landed_properties}, index=years)
ax = df.plot.bar(stacked=True, figsize=(20, 10))
ax.set_ylabel("Energy Consumption (in GWh)")
plt.title('Monthly Electricity Consumption from Jan 2018 to Jun 2020 Across Various Dwelling Types')
import seaborn as sns
# housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.drop(['Year'], axis=1)
housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.groupby(by='month').sum()
housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.T
housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.reset_index()
housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.rename(columns={'index': 'Dwelling Type'})
housing_df_dwelling_type = pd.melt(housing_df_dwelling_type, id_vars=['Dwelling Type'], var_name='Month',
value_name='Energy Consumption')
housing_df_dwelling_type['Year'] = housing_df_dwelling_type.apply(lambda row: row['Month'][:4], axis=1)
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
sns.heatmap(housing_df_dwelling_type.pivot_table(values='Energy Consumption', index='Dwelling Type',
columns=['Year', 'Month']), cmap='YlGnBu')
plt.title('Monthly Electricity Consumption from Jan 2018 to Jun 2020 Across Various Dwelling Types')
- import pandas as pd
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import numpy as np
- from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
- # 读取电力消费数据
- housing_df = pd.read_csv('electricity_consumption.csv')
- # 将字符串类型的数据转换为浮点型
- def convertfloat(x):
- x['overall'] = x['overall'].astype(float)
- x['public_housing'] = x['public_housing'].astype(float)
- x['1-room_2-room'] = x['1-room_2-room'].astype(float)
- x['3-room'] = x['3-room'].astype(float)
- x['4-room'] = x['4-room'].astype(float)
- x['5-room_and_executive'] = x['5-room_and_executive'].astype(float)
- x['private_housing'] = x['private_housing'].astype(float)
- x['private_apts_and_condo'] = x['private_apts_and_condo'].astype(float)
- x['landed_properties'] = x['landed_properties'].astype(float)
- x['others'] = x['others'].astype(float)
- return x
- # 对数据进行排序和转换
- housing_df = housing_df.sort_values(by = ['month'], ascending = True)
- housing_df = convertfloat(housing_df)
- housing_df = housing_df.rename(columns = {'public_housing': 'public_housing_total', 'private_housing': 'private_housing_total'})
- housing_df_month = housing_df.copy()
- housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df.copy()
- # 将年份进行重命名
- def rename(x):
- if '2019' in x:
- x = '2019'
- elif '2018' in x:
- x = '2018'
- elif '2017' in x:
- x = '2017'
- elif '2016' in x:
- x = '2016'
- elif '2015' in x:
- x = '2015'
- return x
- # 按年份提取数据
- housing_df['month'] = housing_df['month'].apply(rename)
- housing_df = housing_df.rename(columns = {'month': 'year'})
- housing_df_2015 = housing_df[housing_df['year'] == '2015']
- housing_df_2016 = housing_df[housing_df['year'] == '2016']
- housing_df_2017 = housing_df[housing_df['year'] == '2017']
- housing_df_2018 = housing_df[housing_df['year'] == '2018']
- housing_df_2019 = housing_df[housing_df['year'] == '2019']
- # 计算每年的总电力消耗量
- housing_lists = [housing_df_2015, housing_df_2016, housing_df_2017, housing_df_2018, housing_df_2019]
- y_years = ['2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019']
- x_yearly_total = []
- for year in housing_lists:
- total = round(year['overall'].sum(), 1)
- x_yearly_total.append(total)
- print(housing_df.tail(15))
- # 绘制总年度家庭用电量折线图
- housing_lists = [housing_df_2015, housing_df_2016, housing_df_2017, housing_df_2018, housing_df_2019]
- y_years = ['2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019']
- x_yearly_total = []
- for year in housing_lists:
- total = round(year['overall'].sum(), 1)
- x_yearly_total.append(total)
- #使用matplotlib库来绘制一个图表,并定义了一个名为retrieve_2019_2020的函数
- plt.plot(y_years, x_yearly_total, marker='o', linestyle='solid')
- plt.title('Total Annual Household Electricity Consumption')
- plt.xlabel('Year')
- plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (in GWh)')
- plt.show()
- y_month = []
- x_total = []
- def retrieve_2019_2020(x):
- if '2019' in x or '2020' in x:
- y_month.append(x)
- return x
- else:
- x = 0
- #使用Pandas和matplotlib库来处理和可视化数据
- housing_df_month['month'] = housing_df_month['month'].apply(retrieve_2019_2020)
- housing_df_month = housing_df_month.dropna()
- for value in housing_df_month['overall']:
- x_total.append(value)
- plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
- # 绘制2019年至2020年6月的每月家庭用电量折线图
- plt.plot(y_month, x_total, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid')
- plt.title('Monthly Annual Electricity Consumption from Jan 2019 to Jun 2020')
- plt.xlabel('Year')
- plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (in GWh)')
- plt.show()
- housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.drop(['overall', 'public_housing_total', 'private_housing_total'],
- axis=1)
- years = []
- # 提取2018年至2020年的数据
- def retrieve_years(x):
- if '2018' in x or '2019' in x or '2020' in x:
- years.append(x)
- return x
- else:
- x = 0
- housing_df_dwelling_type['month'] = housing_df_dwelling_type['month'].apply(retrieve_years)
- housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.dropna()
- one_two_rooms = []
- three_rooms = []
- four_rooms = []
- five_rooms = []
- private_apts = []
- landed_properties = []
- # 提取各类住宅类型的用电量数据
- for value in housing_df_dwelling_type['1-room_2-room']:
- one_two_rooms.append(value)
- for value in housing_df_dwelling_type['3-room']:
- three_rooms.append(value)
- for value in housing_df_dwelling_type['4-room']:
- four_rooms.append(value)
- for value in housing_df_dwelling_type['5-room_and_executive']:
- five_rooms.append(value)
- for value in housing_df_dwelling_type['private_apts_and_condo']:
- private_apts.append(value)
- for value in housing_df_dwelling_type['landed_properties']:
- landed_properties.append(value)
- plt.figure(figsize=(27,10))
- # 绘制2018年至2020年各类住宅类型的用电量折线图
- plt.plot(years, one_two_rooms, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid', label = '1 to 2 rooms')
- plt.plot(years, three_rooms, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid', label = '3-rooms')
- plt.plot(years, four_rooms, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid', label = '4-rooms')
- plt.plot(years, five_rooms, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid', label = '5-rooms')
- plt.plot(years, private_apts, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid', label = 'private apts')
- plt.plot(years, landed_properties, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'solid', label = 'landed apts')
- plt.title('Monthly Electricity Consumption from Jan 2018 to Jun 2020 Across Various Dwelling Types')
- plt.xlabel('Year/ Month')
- plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (in GWh)')
- plt.legend()
- plt.show()
- # 绘制2019年至2020年各类住宅类型用电量的堆叠柱状图
- df = pd.DataFrame({'1 to 2 rooms': one_two_rooms,
- '3-rooms': three_rooms,
- '4-rooms': four_rooms,
- '5-rooms': five_rooms,
- 'private apts': private_apts,
- 'landed apts': landed_properties}, index=years)
- ax = df.plot.bar(stacked=True, figsize=(20, 10))
- ax.set_xlabel("Year/Month")
- ax.set_ylabel("Energy Consumption (in GWh)")
- plt.title('Monthly Electricity Consumption from Jan 2018 to Jun 2020 Across Various Dwelling Types')
- plt.show()
- # 绘制2018年至2020年各类住宅类型用电量的热力图
- import seaborn as sns
- # housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.drop(['Year'], axis=1)
- housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.groupby(by='month').sum()
- housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.T
- housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.reset_index()
- housing_df_dwelling_type = housing_df_dwelling_type.rename(columns={'index': 'Dwelling Type'})
- housing_df_dwelling_type = pd.melt(housing_df_dwelling_type, id_vars=['Dwelling Type'], var_name='Month',
- value_name='Energy Consumption')
- housing_df_dwelling_type['Year'] = housing_df_dwelling_type.apply(lambda row: row['Month'][:4], axis=1)
- #展示了从2018年1月到2020年6月不同类型住宅的每月电力消耗。
- plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
- sns.heatmap(housing_df_dwelling_type.pivot_table(values='Energy Consumption', index='Dwelling Type',
- columns=['Year', 'Month']), cmap='YlGnBu')
- plt.title('Monthly Electricity Consumption from Jan 2018 to Jun 2020 Across Various Dwelling Types')
- plt.show()
- # 创建2019年各类住宅类型用电量占比的饼状图
- plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
- labels = ['1 to 2 rooms', '3-rooms', '4-rooms', '5-rooms', 'private apts', 'landed apts']
- sizes_2019 = [sum(one_two_rooms[:12]), sum(three_rooms[:12]), sum(four_rooms[:12]), sum(five_rooms[:12]), sum(private_apts[:12]), sum(landed_properties[:12])]
- plt.pie(sizes_2019, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%')
- plt.title('2019 Electricity Consumption by Dwelling Type')
- plt.show()
- # 创建2020年6月各类住宅类型用电量占比的饼状图
- plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
- sizes_2020_06 = [one_two_rooms[-1], three_rooms[-1], four_rooms[-1], five_rooms[-1], private_apts[-1], landed_properties[-1]]
- plt.pie(sizes_2020_06, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%')
- plt.title('2020 June Electricity Consumption by Dwelling Type')
- plt.show()
- # 创建2019年各类住宅类型用电量总量的柱形图
- plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
- plt.bar(labels, [sum(one_two_rooms[:12]), sum(three_rooms[:12]), sum(four_rooms[:12]), sum(five_rooms[:12]), sum(private_apts[:12]), sum(landed_properties[:12])])
- plt.title('2019 Electricity Consumption by Dwelling Type')
- plt.xlabel('Dwelling Type')
- plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (in GWh)')
- plt.show()
- # 创建2020年6月各类住宅类型用电量总量的柱形图
- plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
- plt.bar(labels, sizes_2020_06)
- plt.title('2020 June Electricity Consumption by Dwelling Type')
- plt.xlabel('Dwelling Type')
- plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (in GWh)')
- plt.show()
- #展示从2018年1月到2020年6月不同类型住宅的每月电力消耗。
- df = pd.DataFrame({'1 to 2 rooms': one_two_rooms, '3-rooms': three_rooms, '4-rooms': four_rooms, '5-rooms': five_rooms, 'private apts': private_apts, 'landed apts': landed_properties}, index=years)
- ax = df.plot.bar(stacked=True, figsize=(20, 10))
- ax.set_xlabel("Year/Month")
- ax.set_ylabel("Energy Consumption (in GWh)")
- plt.title('Monthly Electricity Consumption from Jan 2018 to Jun 2020 Across Various Dwelling Types')
- plt.show()
- #使用matplotlib库来绘制两个图表,展示家庭电力消耗情况。
- plt.plot(y_years, x_yearly_total, marker='o', linestyle='solid')
- plt.title('Total Annual Household Electricity Consumption', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14)
- plt.xlabel('Year', fontsize=12)
- plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (in GWh)', fontsize=12)
- plt.grid(True) # 添加网格线
- plt.show()
- plt.plot(y_month, x_total, marker='o', linestyle='solid')
- plt.title('Monthly Annual Electricity Consumption from Jan 2019 to Jun 2020', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14)
- plt.xlabel('Year', fontsize=12)
- plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (in GWh)', fontsize=12)
- plt.xticks(rotation=45) # 旋转 x 轴刻度标签
- for i in range(len(y_month)):
- plt.text(y_month[i], x_total[i], str(round(x_total[i], 1)), ha='center', va='bottom') # 添加数据标签
- plt.grid(True) # 添加网格线
- plt.show()
- #显示从2018年1月到2020年6月不同类型住宅的每月电力消耗
- plt.plot(years, one_two_rooms, marker='o', linestyle='-', color='blue', label='1 to 2 rooms')
- plt.plot(years, three_rooms, marker='o', linestyle='--', color='orange', label='3-rooms')
- plt.plot(years, four_rooms, marker='o', linestyle=':', color='green', label='4-rooms')
- plt.plot(years, five_rooms, marker='o', linestyle='-.', color='red', label='5-rooms')
- plt.plot(years, private_apts, marker='o', linestyle='-', color='purple', label='private apts')
- plt.plot(years, landed_properties, marker='o', linestyle='--', color='pink', label='landed apts')
- plt.title('Monthly Electricity Consumption from Jan 2018 to Jun 2020 Across Various Dwelling Types', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14)
- plt.xlabel('Year/Month', fontsize=12)
- plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (in GWh)', fontsize=12)
- plt.legend(loc='upper left') # 添加图例,位置在左上角
- plt.grid(True) # 添加网格线
- plt.show()