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时间:2023-12-15 22:23:47浏览次数:32  
标签:抱佛脚 六级 phenomenon ... could 作文 First into really

平衡 选择 谚语(仅供参考 有点问题)

It is not difficult to the point of impossibility to understand the importance of... , which is the vital element to modern study and life, especially for people who really intend to improve themselves.

There are several factors to explain why we have to pay attention to the.... First, under the virtual economic situation, we come to realize that it causes the biggest influence on promotion of individual and general public and always produces positive effects for the economy. Second, from the students' perspective, only when we face a variety of challenges, could we know that its existence is really significant for us to deal with any issues, which obviously is the best approach.

To be brief, we must maintain... and are convinced that we could take it into practice, though we might have many changes in the future. As a result, we bring our dream into a promising prospect.




第一段:1点题  2破题

第二段:3凑字数 456分论点

第三段:7结论(建议) 8展望


1.In this day and age, few things have aroused more discussion than 主题词 / the phenomenon that / the saying that / the controversy whether 

2.To my way of thinking, it offers much food for reflection

3.The topic can be interpreted from several aspects as follows.

4.First and foremost, ...

5.What's more, ...

6.Eventually, ...

7.In a nutshell, it is high time that we cultivated conscious awareness of the phenomenon

8.We have good reasons to expect mounting concerns on this subject hereafter.






From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ybx-tih/p/17904267.html


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