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时间:2023-12-12 22:48:12浏览次数:38  
标签:no somewhere start 作文 job 四级 our 议论文 find

In the modern society,在现代社会

In the modernized world,在现代化社会

With the giant leap (巨大的跳跃)of technology ,econom,society

With the rapid globalization(全球化) of mordern world,(现代世界飞速全球化)



In a word,A is brtter//more suitable than B.重申观点If we spare no efforts to (不遗余力)work hard in our career,the futrue of our life will be promising and rosy.提出希望

观点选择的关键字:Option choice ,choose,decision


 With the rapid development of economy,nowdays youngsters have different options uoon graduation(阐述背景或者问题).Some think that find a job somewhere is beneficial,while others think to start a business of your ownis a better choice.(列举选择)Personally,Iperfer the former/latter前者/后者.(做出选择)The following reasons can account for my preference偏爱.(过渡句)

 First and foremost,there is no doubt that to find a job somewhere is more free.Based on big data,it is majority of successful social elites have admitted that their careers are free.Additionally,it is obvious that we can make useful friends when we have decent job(a good job is better for you to make friend). Where there are jobs,there are friends.Last but no least ,no one can deny that to find a job is easier than to start a company.Though some people do succeed in starting a business of their own,most of entrepreneur(创业者)  failed when they just start.

In a word,to find a job somewhere is brtter//more suitable than to start a cpmpany .重申观点If we spare no efforts to (不遗余力)work hard in our career,the futrue of our life will be promising and rosy.提出希望

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/aixin52129211/p/17898010.html


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