Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will
As we have read from above, quitting-smoking seems easy, but in reality it is rarely achieved. There is something provoking and interesting in this paradox, just because sword does not wear the stone as dripping water does.
The ability to do something over and over again in a short time may imply its easiness, but in a long run, a lifetime maybe, things turn out to be quite the opposite. Also, as is often the case, one may have obtained all the tools and opportunities to achieve something, but in the end they still fail due to the will shortage.
So how could we avoid the dilemma? Here is the prime condition of success: will and perseverance. Concentrate your energy, thought and mind exclusively on the business in which you are engaged, hang on in there and be patient, for, as Emerson put it, no one can cheat you out of your ultimate success but yourself.
Where There Is a Will There Is a Way
One of the most important things to succcss is a firm.reso1ution. A great man is al ways one who has a firm resolution and an inflexible spirit. One will never succeed all his life without a firm will to get the final victory.
As a rule, great tasks are accomplished by men of strong will. For example, Dr. Sun Yatsen set the Cbinese people free from the rule of the Qing Dynasty through a long pcriod of hard struggle. Many of his attempts failed and many of bis followers were killed, but he had an inflexible spirit and sticked to his cause. Finally, he made the revo lution of 1911 a success.
A student who has no resolution will never succeed in his studies. The same is true of men in all walks of life. We must have a firm resolution first, if we wish to succeed. We must always remember thc old saying that where there is a will there is a way