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LPI-IBWA: Predicting lncRNA-protein interactions based on an improved Bi-Random walk algorithm

时间:2023-12-08 09:56:14浏览次数:28  
标签:improved algorithm interactions Random IBWA LPI lncRNA protein

LPI-IBWA: Predicting lncRNA-protein interactions based on an improved Bi-Random walk algorithm

Minzhu Xie 1Ruijie Xie 2Hao Wang 3 Affiliations  Sign in


Many studies have shown that long-chain noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are involved in a variety of biological processes such as post-transcriptional gene regulation, splicing, and translation by combining with corresponding proteins. Predicting lncRNA-protein interactions is an effective approach to infer the functions of lncRNAs. The paper proposes a new computational model named LPI-IBWA. At first, LPI-IBWA uses similarity kernel fusion (SKF) to integrate various types of biological information to construct lncRNA and protein similarity networks. Then, a bounded matrix completion model and a weighted k-nearest known neighbors algorithm are utilized to update the initial sparse lncRNA-protein interaction matrix. Based on the updated lncRNA-protein interaction matrix, the lncRNA similarity network and the protein similarity network are integrated into a heterogeneous network. Finally, an improved Bi-Random walk algorithm is used to predict novel latent lncRNA-protein interactions. 5-fold cross-validation experiments on a benchmark dataset showed that the AUC and AUPR of LPI-IBWA reach 0.920 and 0.736, respectively, which are higher than those of other state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, the experimental results of case studies on a novel dataset also illustrated that LPI-IBWA could efficiently predict potential lncRNA-protein interactions.

Keywords: Protein; Similarity kernel fusion; Weighted k-nearest known neighbors; lncRNA; lncRNA-protein interactions.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wangprince2017/p/17884520.html


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