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时间:2023-11-22 18:22:31浏览次数:43  
标签:compute models variables module generate STATA FUZZY 安装 find

网上搜索到STATA 模糊匹配fuzzy
输入命令ssc describe f
显示所有能通过ssc 安装并且以f开头的所有命令
ssc install fuzzydid


PACKAGES you could -net describe-:
f_able module for the estimation of marginal effects with transformed covariates
faam module to score Foot and Ankle Ability Measure
fabplot module for plots for each subset with rest of the data as backdrop
factext module to extract factor values from a label variable created by parmest
factmerg module to merge a list of factors to create string variables
factorn module to calculate the factors of an integer
factortest module to perform tests for appropriateness of factor analysis
factref module to insert new observations with reference values for factors
fagan module for Fagan's Bayesian nomoigram
fairlie module to generate nonlinear decomposition of binary outcome differentials
far5 module to compute floating absolute risk for Cox and conditional logit regression
fastcd module to automate changing directories
fastgini module to calculate Gini coefficient with jackknife standard errors
fastreshape module for efficient implementation of reshape for big datasets
fastxtile module to generate a variable of quantile categories
favplots module for formatted added-variable plot(s)
fbar module to produce bar charts showing frequencies of categorical variables
fbep Module to Estimate Financial Break-Even Point Analysis (BEP)
fcinstability module to perform forecast comparison and forecast rationality tests
fcstats module to compute time series forecast accuracy statistics
fdfilter module to implement Corbae-Ouliaris frequency domain filter to time series data
fdta module to change contents of string variables
fedistr module for plotting distributions after absorbing fixed effects
fedit module to find and edit text file from within Stata
feldti module to compare two independent coefficients of reliability
fese module to calculate standard errors for fixed effects
fframeappend module to append data frames to currently active data frame
fgt_ci module to calculate and decompose Foster–Greer–Thorbecke (and standard) concentration indices
fgtest module to Compute Farrar-Glauber Multicollinearity Chi2, F, t Tests
fhsae module to fit an area level Fay-Herriot model
fieldarea module to compute the area of an irregularly shaped plot from GPS coordinates of its vertices
fieller module to calculate confidence intervals of quotients of normal variates
filei module to write lines to end or beginning of text files
filelist module to recursively search directories for files
filesearch module to recursively list files matching to a pattern or regular expression
fileutils module for faster file navigation
fillmissing module to fill missing values in numeric or string variables
filtertrace module to trace filter or contingency questions
find module to find matching strings across files in the current directory
find_denom module to find minimum sample size from percentages
find_index module to determine the index (observation number) of an observation that satisfies a specified condition
finddup module to find non-unique values or observations
findname module to list variables matching name patterns or other properties
findregex module to find variable names matching a regular expression pattern
findsysmis module to find system missing values in a list of variables
findunique module to display combinations of unique identifiers in a dataset.
findval module to find a specific value
finn module to compute Finn's coefficient of reliability
firstdigit module to analyse first digits of numeric variables
firthfit module to compute model fit for Firth's logit models
firthlogit module to calculate bias reduction in logistic regression
module to estimate fiscal impoverishment and fiscal gains to the poor
fiskfit module to fit a Fisk distribution by ML to unit record data
fitint module to fit generalized linear model and test two-way interactions
fitmacro module to evaluate fit of loglinear GLM Poisson models
fitstat module to compute fit statistics for single equation regression models
fitstat_ers module to compute goodness of fit statistics for Rasch model
fixedrho module to estimate treatment and selection models with fixed rho
fixsort module to sort variables and align in sorted order, with others fixed
flex module for flexible pseudo maximum likelihood estimation of models for doubly-bounded data
flexmat module to create flexible matrices / tables of text, numbers or both
flexpaneldid module to perform causal analysis of treatments with varying start dates and durations
floatplot module to draw Floating or sliding stacked bar plot
floattolong module to recast variables from float to long storage type
flowchart module to generate subject disposition flow diagram figures in LaTeX using PGF/TikZ to include in
flower module to draw sunflower plots
fmiss module to identify variables with problematic missing values
fmlogit module fitting a fractional multinomial logit model by quasi maximum likelihood
fmm module to estimate finite mixture models
fmmhist module to generate a multi-class histogram after estimating a fmm model
fmmic module for postestimation with finite mixture models
fmmlc module for postestimation with finite mixture models
fndmtch module to find matching values
fndmtch2 module to find matching values for one variable in another
fodstr modules to handle fractional day calculations
for211 modules to document features of for and extend the for command
forec_instab module to perform forecast comparison and forecast rationality tests
forest module to visualize results from multiple regressions on a single independent variable
forfile module to execute command for each matching file
fprank module to compute Two-Sample Fligner-Policello Robust Rank Order Test
fpref module to add prefix or suffix to filenames
fpro module to compute Financial Protection Indicators for Health Expenditures
fproper module to get proper case for foreign names in variables
fpuhc module to compute Financial Protection Indicators for Universal Health Coverage
fqreg module to estimate quantile regression for non-negative data with a mass-point at zero and an upper bound
fracdiff module to generate fractionally-differenced timeseries
fracdydx module to evaluate derivatives of fractional polynomials
fracirf module to compute impulse response function for fractionally-integrated timeseries
fraclogit module to estimate fractional logit model
fractal module to generate fractals
fractileplot module for smoothing with respect to distribution function predictors
fragility module to compute the fragility index and quotient
fragtextab module to fragmentize LaTeX tables exported by collect suite of commands
frameappend module to append frames
framingham module for calculating the Framingham 10-year Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction
framingham30 module to calculate 30-year risk of cardiovascular disease
frapply module to nondestructively apply command(s) to a frame
frause module to access Wooldridge Stata datasets
frcount module to estimate fractional response model under the presence of count endogeneity and unobservable
fre module to display one-way frequency table
freduse module to Import FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Database) data
fren module to batch rename files (Windows only)
freplace module to batch convert ASCII text or binary patterns in files
freqindex module to generate an index of terms from string variable
frm module to estimate and test fractional regression models
frontier_teci module to generate technical efficiency confidence intervals
frontierhtail module to estimate stochastic production frontier models for heavy tail data
fs module to show names of files in compact form
fsdet module to compute Factor score determinacy coefficient
fsreg module for forward search regression
fsum module to generate and format summary statistics
fsx module to show names of files in compact form (Unix-friendly defaults)
ftest module comparing two nested models using an F-test
ftocci module to back calculate the conventional confidence intervals from the floated confidence intervals
ftools module to provide alternatives to common Stata commands optimized for large datasets
ftrans module to batch convert file formats
ftree module to save directory information in text file (Windows only)
full_palette module to display color palette
fulltab module to generate 'full tables' which can be stacked into matrices
funnelcompar module to perform funnel plot for institutional comparison
funnelperform module to produce funnel plot for institutional comparison
fuzzydid module to estimate Fuzzy Difference-in-Difference Designs
fvfix module to compute the future value of a series of equal payments (cash flows)
fview module to find and view a file
fvprevar module to extend fvrevar generating permanent result variables
fvregen module to regenerate factor variables in a parmest output dataset
fvstrip module for removing b/n/o factor variable operators from varlists
fvvar module to compute the future value of a series of payments (cash flows)
fxbcr Module to Estimate Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)
(type ssc describe pkgname for more information on pkgname)

. ssc install fuzzydid
checking fuzzydid consistency and verifying not already installed...
installing into C:\Users\Administrator\ado\plus\...
installation complete.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/xkdn/p/17850005.html


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