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时间:2023-11-16 10:02:48浏览次数:30  
标签:分割 used 匹配 name IV device 字符串 Catheter GPC

Infant Feeding Tube-It is used for neonates and paediatric nutritional feeding,Foley Balloon Catheter(GPC Foley Balloon Catheter)-It is a urinary tract catheter used for short term urine drainage,Safety IV Cannula(GPC Safety IV Cannula)-Safety IV Cannula is used to provide access in to the peripheral vascular system for the administration of fluids and drugs and for withdrawal of blood. Safety IV Cannula is used to deliver IV Fluids and medicines in to circulating system. The product has integrated passive safety features to cover the needle after use to prevent the accidental needle prick injuries.,IV Flow Regulator(GPC IV Flow Regulator)-It is used to deliver accurate volume of IV fluid and medicines into human circulating system.,IV Infusion Set(GPC IV Infusion Set)-The Infusion Sets are used only for gravity feed to administer Intravenous fluid and medicines into human circulating system by using intravenous catheter or cannula. ,3 Way Stop Cock(GPC 3 Way Stop Cock)-It is used for pressure infusion and blood pressure monitoring,Male External Catheter(GPC Male External Catheter)-It is used for urine incontinence in male patient,Nasal Oxygen Catheter(GPC Nasal Oxygen Catheter)-It is used for efficient administration of oxygen for greater comfort of patient,IV Cannula-The product is used to deliver Intravenous fluid and medicines into human circulating system and for withdrawal of blood.,Mucus Extractor-It is used for aspiration of secretion from oropharynx in newly born babies,Tracheostomy Tube-It is used to maintain patient airway through tracheostomy to mechanically ventilated patient.
理解这段话的意思,其中包含了多组Device Name(Brand Name)-Intended Use信息,其中某些组缺失了Brand Name信息,请把他分成多组以{device_name:device_name,brand_name:brand_name,intended_use:intended_use}的格式返回每组信息组成的列表,brand_name缺失的以空字符串代替,给出相关的python代码,


以下是将所提供的文本分组为Device Name、Brand Name和Intended Use的Python代码:

text = "Infant Feeding Tube-It is used for neonates and paediatric nutritional feeding,Foley Balloon Catheter(GPC Foley Balloon Catheter)-It is a urinary tract catheter used for short term urine drainage,Safety IV Cannula(GPC Safety IV Cannula)-Safety IV Cannula is used to provide access in to the peripheral vascular system for the administration of fluids and drugs and for withdrawal of blood. Safety IV Cannula is used to deliver IV Fluids and medicines in to circulating system. The product has integrated passive safety features to cover the needle after use to prevent the accidental needle prick injuries.,IV Flow Regulator(GPC IV Flow Regulator)-It is used to deliver accurate volume of IV fluid and medicines into human circulating system.,IV Infusion Set(GPC IV Infusion Set)-The Infusion Sets are used only for gravity feed to administer Intravenous fluid and medicines into human circulating system by using intravenous catheter or cannula. ,3 Way Stop Cock(GPC 3 Way Stop Cock)-It is used for pressure infusion and blood pressure monitoring,Male External Catheter(GPC Male External Catheter)-It is used for urine incontinence in male patient,Nasal Oxygen Catheter(GPC Nasal Oxygen Catheter)-It is used for efficient administration of oxygen for greater comfort of patient,IV Cannula-The product is used to deliver Intravenous fluid and medicines into human circulating system and for withdrawal of blood.,Mucus Extractor-It is used for aspiration of secretion from oropharynx in newly born babies,Tracheostomy Tube-It is used to maintain patient airway through tracheostomy to mechanically ventilated patient."  
devices = []  
for item in text.split(","):  
    device = {}  
    if "(" in item and ")" in item:  
        device_name = item.split("(")[0].strip()  
        brand_name = item.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].strip()  
        intended_use = item.split(")")[1].strip("-")  
        device_name = item.split("-")[0].strip()  
        brand_name = ""  
        intended_use = item.split("-")[1].strip()  
    device["device_name"] = device_name  
    device["brand_name"] = brand_name  
    device["intended_use"] = intended_use  



[{'device_name': 'Infant Feeding Tube', 'brand_name': '', 'intended_use': 'It is used for neonates and paediatric nutritional feeding'}, {'device_name': 'Foley Balloon Catheter', 'brand_name': 'GPC Foley Balloon Catheter', 'intended_use': 'It is a urinary tract...'}, {'device_name': 'Tracheostomy Tube', 'brand_name': '', 'intended_use': 'It is used to maintain patient airway through tracheostomy to mechanically ventilated patient.'}]  


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/avivi/p/17835531.html


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