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The song of Academia

时间:2023-11-15 13:44:23浏览次数:25  
标签:his would song Academia they each He he

In the realm of intellect, where thoughts intertwine,
Intellectual pursuits, in brilliance, they shine.
A young scholar, impulsive, yet keen to refine,
His mind's impulsive leaps, into wisdom's design.

With complement thoughts, each theory he'd bind,
A sybarite in knowledge, in books he reclined.
Yet, in life's grand tapestry, so vividly lined,
Recognizable truths, he struggled to find.

To ingratiate himself with wisdom so old,
He contemplated paths, both timid and bold.
In debates, quite polemical, fiercely he told,
Of visions antagonistic to the norms of the fold.

With emulation high, in scholarly quest,
He faced each challenge, each rigorous test.
A subordinate no more, in knowledge, he's dressed,
In lucrative insights, he's richly possessed.

But obdurate views, they often would clash,
With novel ideas, they'd recklessly bash.
Yet, his mind's caterwaul, in a passionate flash,
Would bring forth brilliance, in a scholarly smash.

Truthful in pursuit, of wisdom so grand,
Sarcasm aside, he'd take a firm stand.
In academics, not obsequious, but rather, quite bland,
Indifferent, yet didactic, his teachings would land.

Amidst corruption and impropriety's dance,
His feeble hope in change, he'd often enhance.
A maudlin view of life, he'd sometimes glance,
Spontaneous and whimsical, in scholarly trance.

He faced the stigma of ideas too bold,
A plethora of thoughts, in his mind, would unfold.
Immortality of ideas, his ultimate goal,
In the world of academia, he'd play his role.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/maluyelang/p/17833645.html


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