When reading, my mother likes to slice a paragraph or a sentence out and attach it to the wall of her kitchen. She picks boring sentences that puzzle me. But I prefer copying favorite bright lines into a journal in soft, gray No.2 pencil, word by word.
She doesn't know any of this. There's nothing shocking: for our chatting, we seldom begin certain conversations though we talk on the phone weekly, sometimes making each other laugh so hard that I choke and she cries. But what we don't say could fill up rooms. Fights with my father. Small failures in school. Anything that really upsets us.
My mother has never told me "I love you, Lisa."—as if the four-word absence explains who I am—so I carry it with me, like a label on me. The last time she almost spoke the words was two years ago, when she called to tell me a friend had been in hospital. I said,"I love you, Mom." She stopped for a while and then said, "Thank you." I haven't said it since, but I've wondered why my mother doesn't until I've found a poem that supplies words for the blank spaces I try to understand in our conversations:
Don't fill up on bread. I say absent-mindedly. The servings here are huge.
My son, middle-aged, says: Did you really just say that to me?
What he doesn't know is that when we're walking together, I desire to reach for his hand.
It's humble, yet heartbreaking. After copying it down in my journal, I emailed it to mom, adding "This poem makes me think of you." My mother doesn't read poetry—or at least, she doesn't tell me, and I felt nervous clicking "Send".
She never mentioned the poem. But the next time I went home for vacation, I noticed something new in the kitchen fixed to an antique board: the poem. The board hung above the heater, the warmest spot in the kitchen. The poem still hangs there. Neither my mother nor I have ever spoken about it.
favorite bright lines
bright 和 boring 相对,这个比较好看出来。剑桥词典告诉我 bright 有 exciting 的意思,直接下拉扣人心弦!但 favorite 作“我喜欢的”时很难插入,不如直接融合在一起,就译成“触动我心弦的”(
我为什么要卡在这里 /ll
剑桥词典告诉我 failure 就是 not succeeding,而挫折有“遭受失败”的意思!
antique board
/kk。在我的理解,antique 直接变成了 classical,剑桥词典告诉我 classical 有 attractive because it has a simple, traditional style 的意思,直接译成简朴!
老外行 /kk
大概有人知道我在说什么吧 /cy
始末:这是我们期中考试英语 B 篇,当时场上我读到的时候就赞叹不已,写完卷子更是细读了好几遍,打算把它翻译出来留存。
如果有错敬请指出!(但我觉得在博客园发的话啄木鸟就很少了 /kk