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How to add an image on reportViewer (rdlc)

时间:2023-11-08 10:02:42浏览次数:38  
标签:image report How add choose images reportViewer your external

Open the report in the Designer. In the ToolBox, select/expand the "Report Items" section. Drag an "Image" field/control onto the report.

Click on the image and press F4, the properties window pops up, under the group data you'll find source choose embeded. To embed images to your report choose report property on the menu (Click on the report if you can't see this), click on Report Images and choose the images you want to embed. Now, In the value property of your image choose the image.  Embedded images are ok for small logo files, but for huge bmp files external images work better.

For external

Set the source as external and set the value for external files as the virtual path to the image folder. ex: http://servername/imagefoldername/imagename

Also enable external images in your aspx page

ReportViewer1.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = True

reference to :

From: https://blog.51cto.com/emanlee/8245262


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