看下 TumblingEventTimeWindows 这个类@Override public Collection<TimeWindow> assignWindows( Object element, long timestamp, WindowAssignerContext context) { if (timestamp > Long.MIN_VALUE) { if (staggerOffset == null) { staggerOffset = windowStagger.getStaggerOffset(context.getCurrentProcessingTime(), size); } // Long.MIN_VALUE is currently assigned when no timestamp is present long start = TimeWindow.getWindowStartWithOffset( timestamp, (globalOffset + staggerOffset) % size, size); return Collections.singletonList(new TimeWindow(start, start + size)); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Record has Long.MIN_VALUE timestamp (= no timestamp marker). " + "Is the time characteristic set to 'ProcessingTime', or did you forget to call " + "'DataStream.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(...)'?"); } } /** * Method to get the window start for a timestamp. * * @param timestamp epoch millisecond to get the window start. * @param offset The offset which window start would be shifted by. * @param windowSize The size of the generated windows. * @return window start */ public static long getWindowStartWithOffset(long timestamp, long offset, long windowSize) { return timestamp - (timestamp - offset + windowSize) % windowSize; }减完offset再添加windowSize是为了防止负数出现 没有offset,则是以整数倍形式出现 如果windowSize为5s,则窗口起始为0s,5s,10s以此类推 如果offset为1s,则窗口起始为1s,6s,11s以此类推