root |-- eventName: string (nullable = true) |-- itmeList: array (nullable = true) | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true) | | |-- did: string (nullable = true) | | |-- dno: long (nullable = true) | | |-- dtm: long (nullable = true) | | |-- eventName: string (nullable = true) | | |-- kind: integer (nullable = true) | | |-- logdate: string (nullable = true) | | |-- tid: string (nullable = true) | | |-- typ: long (nullable = true) | | |-- val: string (nullable = true) |-- logdate: string (nullable = true) |-- tag: string (nullable = true) |-- tid: string (nullable = true)
root层的数据结构:重要把数据集放在一起,并且给每个itemlist声明一个tag public class HiveEtlItmeTableSchemaBean extends BasicBean implements Serializable { /** * tag */ private String tag ; /** * 数据集 */ private List<HiveEtlTableSchemaBean> itmeList ;
itmeList是一个list集合,要是炸裂函数获取每个元素,元素的数据结构如下 public class HiveEtlTableSchemaBean extends BasicBean implements Serializable { /** * 编号 */ private String did ; /** * 数据号 */ private long dno ; /** * 数据时间 */ private long dtm ; /** * 大类 */ private int kind ; /** * 小类 */ private long typ ; /** * 值 */ private String val ; }
//遍历每个车的所有数据项,并返回输出的数据项和其对应的标识 Dataset<Row> etlDataSet = resSet.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<OrgBean, HiveEtlItmeTableSchemaBean>() { @Override public Iterator<HiveEtlItmeTableSchemaBean> call(OrgBean orgBean) throws Exception { List<HiveEtlItmeTableSchemaBean> catItme = new ArrayList<>(); ... return catItme.iterator(); } }, Encoders.bean(HiveEtlItmeTableSchemaBean.class)).toDF(); //============================================ //查询数据 Dataset<Row> rowDataset = etlDataSet.where("tag='canlist'") .select(explode(new Column("itmeList"))) //.where("col.val!=null and col.did!=null and col.dno!=null and col.dtm !=null and col.kind !=null and col.typ!=null") .select("col.did", "col.dno", "col.dtm", "col.kind", "col.typ", "col.val") .toDF("did", "dno", "dtm", "kind", "typ", "val"); // .write().option("compression", CompressionKind.ZSTD.name()).mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).orc("/data/tmp"); rowDataset.printSchema(); rowDataset.show(false);
标签:---,string,nullable,--,示例,private,explode,true,col From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zyanrong/p/17805062.html