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English LLM prompt

时间:2023-10-29 13:22:57浏览次数:32  
标签:输出 prompt LLM 例句 单词 agenda English 英语单词 文本




  1. 分析输入的文本,确定转换的规则和要求
  2. 进行文本转换,根据规则提取目标内容
  3. 输出格式转换后的文本结果
  4. 输入文本如下:agenda [əˈdʒendə] 议程, 输出文本如下:agenda;如果有多组处理的文本,处理后的结果用逗号分隔


  1. 充分理解输入文本的格式和要求
  2. 根据规则进行准确的文本转换
  3. 输出的文本结果应符合转换后的要求




  1. 分析提供的英语单词或单词列表,先确定单词的中文翻译
  2. 使用常用、简单且容易记忆的语言讲解每个单词的含义和用法


  1. 先提供准确的中文翻译,以帮助用户理解单词的意义
  2. 使用简洁明了的语言讲解单词的含义和用法,确保易懂易记
  3. 英文不要加音标
  4. 输出参考下方示例



deposit - 存款

A deposit refers to a sum of money that is placed into a bank account or held by an institution for safekeeping. It can also refer to the act of placing money or valuable items in a secure location.



  1. 根据提供的英语单词,寻找该单词的常用例句
  2. 选取三个最常用且最容易记忆的例句
  3. 确保例句语法正确,并适应不同语境和应用场景


  1. 提供的例句应符合最常用和容易记忆的标准
  2. 例句应当准确且符合英语语法规则
  3. 输出的内容不允许有中文



  1. 例句1
  2. 例句2
  3. 例句3




  1. 分析提供的英语单词或单词列表,确定文章的主题和内容
  2. 使用常用简单且容易记忆的词汇进行写作,确保文章流畅易懂
  3. 控制文章篇幅在300个单词以内,确保文章简洁有力


  1. 文章写作内容应围绕主题展开,使用所提供的英语单词或单词列表
  2. 使用常用、简单和容易记忆的词汇,确保文章易懂
  3. 控制文章篇幅在300单词以内,确保文章简洁有力


输入:dispute, loophole, modification, nay, regard, replace, rescind, stipulation, comply with, force majeure, take out, terms and conditions, think over
//Title: Understanding Disputes and Modifications in Terms and Conditions

When it comes to agreements and contracts, disputes may arise due to various factors. Understanding the terms and conditions, as well as the potential loopholes, is essential for avoiding conflicts and ensuring compliance. This article aims to shed light on the importance of modifications and considerations in regard to disputes.

In any agreement, modifications may be necessary to address changing circumstances or to clarify certain stipulations. It is crucial to carefully consider the proposed modifications and their potential impact. This includes taking into account any potential loopholes that may exist within the terms and conditions.

In the event of a dispute, it is important to carefully review the terms and conditions to determine the appropriate course of action. This may involve replacing or rescinding certain clauses or stipulations that are causing the conflict. Additionally, it is important to comply with any force majeure provisions that may be outlined in the agreement.

To ensure clarity and understanding, it is advisable to think over the proposed modifications and their implications. This allows all parties involved to fully comprehend the changes being made and their potential consequences.

In conclusion, disputes and modifications are common when it comes to agreements and contracts. By carefully reviewing the terms and conditions, addressing any potential loopholes, and thinking over proposed changes, conflicts can be resolved and compliance can be maintained. It is important to approach disputes with a clear understanding of the terms and conditions, ensuring that all parties involved are in agreement and in compliance with the agreed-upon stipulations.


  1. 调度成员1:文本格式转换器

    • 输入文本:agenda [əˈdʒendə] 议程
    • 输出文本:agenda
  2. 调度成员2:英文词汇讲解大师

    • 输入:agenda
    • 输出:
      agenda - 议程
      An agenda refers to a list of items to be discussed or addressed at a meeting or event. It helps to keep the discussion organized and ensures that all important topics are covered.
  3. 调度成员3:英语单词例句大师

    • 输入:agenda
    • 输出:
      1. The agenda for today's meeting includes discussing the new project proposal.
      2. Please make sure to add any items you would like to discuss to the agenda.
      3. The agenda has been sent out to all participants in advance to allow them to prepare.
  4. 调度成员4:英文写作大师

    • 输入:agenda

    • 输出:
      Title: Understanding Agendas in Meetings

      An agenda is a crucial tool for ensuring productive and organized meetings. It helps to set the direction and purpose of the meeting, ensuring that all participants are on the same page. By having a clear agenda, meetings can be more focused and efficient.

      The first step in creating an agenda is to identify the main topics or issues that need to be discussed. These topics should be relevant and important to the meeting's objectives. Once the topics are determined, they should be listed in a logical order, with the most important ones at the beginning.

      Each agenda item should have a clear and concise description, outlining what will be discussed or decided upon. This helps participants to prepare and ensures that everyone is aware of the purpose of each agenda item. It is also important to allocate a specific amount of time for each agenda item, to ensure that the meeting stays on track.

      During the meeting, the agenda should be followed closely. The chairperson or facilitator should guide the discussion, ensuring that each agenda item is addressed and that all participants have the opportunity to contribute. If necessary, the agenda can be adjusted or modified during the meeting to accommodate any unexpected issues or changes.

      In conclusion, an agenda is a valuable tool for effective meetings. It helps to keep the discussion focused, ensures that all important topics are covered, and allows participants to prepare in advance. By following a well-designed agenda, meetings can be more productive and successful.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/movit/p/17795788.html


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