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中M科幻电影中的英雄主义价值观对比研究 —论文参考

时间:2023-10-26 18:06:33浏览次数:23  
标签:Chinese science 价值观 电影 fiction 科幻电影 英雄主义 films

Chapter 1 Introduction

Every nation pursues heroism, and every country hopes to convey its cultural value by creating heroic images. However, the hero image presented by China and the United States is very different due to the different social nature, development course and value concept. This paper will compare the presentation of hero images in Chinese and American science fiction films, interpret the similarities and differences of heroism in films through the comparison of values, analyze the background and reasons of heroism, as well as the future development trend.

1.1 Background of the Study

Heroism is the main theme of American Hollywood films and Chinese film, and also the essence and soul of heroes in the films. Throughout the Hollywood blockbusters in the United States, personal heroism reflects different spiritual connotations of personal heroism due to the different plot and background of the film.  

As a comprehensive art form, film is one of the carriers of the culture of a country or nation. It carries forward the core values and cultural essence of the country or nation, and spreads its culture and mainstream consciousness to all parts of the world. However, science fiction films are different from real films in terms of the virtual nature of their shooting objects, the diversity of expression techniques and the uniqueness of artistic styles. They can show the imagination and exaggeration that are difficult for real actors and real scenes to show. Since the birth of science fiction films, not only by the pursuit of children, but also by the majority of adult audiences. There are various types of characters in science fiction films, and the hero image is an important type of image creation in science fiction films. The shaping of hero image in science fiction films is of great significance and value.

From the perspective of heroes themselves, heroes have noble character beyond ordinary people and are the embodiment of justice. Since ancient times, people in all over the world have respected in heroes. As a positive model, heroes guide individuals to make progress spiritually and promote social progress. Due to the differences in cultural background, artistic concept, film production technology and audience positioning, Chinese and American heroes in science fiction films have many differences. In this paper, representative hero images created in current Chinese and American science fiction films are mined, and their similarities and differences are compared and analyzed. China and the United States are two countries with completely different social nature. This paper will analyze the differences in the values of heroism in science fiction films of China and the United States, as well as their spiritual cores, and elaborate the different cultural backgrounds, cultural connotations and cultural differences between China and the United States.


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中M科幻电影中的英雄主义价值观对比研究 —论文参考  _论文辅导

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