import numpy as np a = np.arange(9, dtype = np.float_).reshape(3,3) print 'First array:' print a print '\n' print 'Second array:' b = np.array([10,10,10]) print b print '\n' print 'Add the two arrays:' print np.add(a,b) print '\n' print 'Subtract the two arrays:' print np.subtract(a,b) print '\n' print 'Multiply the two arrays:' print np.multiply(a,b) print '\n' print 'Divide the two arrays:' print np.divide(a,b)
First array: [[ 0. 1. 2.] [ 3. 4. 5.] [ 6. 7. 8.]] Second array: [10 10 10] Add the two arrays: [[ 10. 11. 12.] [ 13. 14. 15.] [ 16. 17. 18.]] Subtract the two arrays: [[-10. -9. -8.] [ -7. -6. -5.] [ -4. -3. -2.]] Multiply the two arrays: [[ 0. 10. 20.] [ 30. 40. 50.] [ 60. 70. 80.]] Divide the two arrays: [[ 0. 0.1 0.2] [ 0.3 0.4 0.5] [ 0.6 0.7 0.8]]
import numpy as np a = np.array([0.25, 1.33, 1, 0, 100]) print 'Our array is:' print a print '\n' print 'After applying reciprocal function:' print np.reciprocal(a) print '\n' b = np.array([100], dtype = int) print 'The second array is:' print b print '\n' print 'After applying reciprocal function:' print np.reciprocal(b)
Our array is: [ 0.25 1.33 1. 0. 100. ] After applying reciprocal function: main.py:9: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in reciprocal print np.reciprocal(a) [ 4. 0.7518797 1. inf 0.01 ] The second array is: [100] After applying reciprocal function: [0]
import numpy as np a = np.array([10,100,1000]) print 'Our array is:' print a print '\n' print 'Applying power function:' print np.power(a,2) print '\n' print 'Second array:' b = np.array([1,2,3]) print b print '\n' print 'Applying power function again:' print np.power(a,b)
Our array is: [ 10 100 1000] Applying power function: [ 100 10000 1000000] Second array: [1 2 3] Applying power function again: [ 10 10000 1000000000]
此函数返回输入数组中相应元素的除法余数。函数 numpy.remainder()也产生相同的输出。
import numpy as np a = np.array([10,20,30]) b = np.array([3,5,7]) print 'First array:' print a print '\n' print 'Second array:' print b print '\n' print 'Applying mod() function:' print np.mod(a,b) print '\n' print 'Applying remainder() function:' print np.remainder(a,b)
First array: [10 20 30] Second array: [3 5 7] Applying mod() function: [1 0 2] Applying remainder() function: [1 0 2]
numpy.real() - 返回复杂数据类型参数的实部。
numpy.imag() - 返回复杂数据类型参数的虚部。
numpy.conj() - 返回复共轭,这是通过更改虚部的符号获得的。
numpy.angle() - 返回复杂参数的角度。该函数具有度参数。如果为true,则返回度数中的角度,否则以弧度为单位。
import numpy as np a = np.array([-5.6j, 0.2j, 11. , 1+1j]) print 'Our array is:' print a print '\n' print 'Applying real() function:' print np.real(a) print '\n' print 'Applying imag() function:' print np.imag(a) print '\n' print 'Applying conj() function:' print np.conj(a) print '\n' print 'Applying angle() function:' print np.angle(a) print '\n' print 'Applying angle() function again (result in degrees)' print np.angle(a, deg = True)
Our array is: [ 0.-5.6j 0.+0.2j 11.+0.j 1.+1.j ] Applying real() function: [ 0. 0. 11. 1.] Applying imag() function: [-5.6 0.2 0. 1. ] Applying conj() function: [ 0.+5.6j 0.-0.2j 11.-0.j 1.-1.j ] Applying angle() function: [-1.57079633 1.57079633 0. 0.78539816] Applying angle() function again (result in degrees) [-90. 90. 0. 45.]
标签:function,教程,Applying,numpy,无涯,np,print,array,NumPy From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_14033984/7873511