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typescript: Strategy Pattern

时间:2023-10-13 18:23:31浏览次数:39  
标签:typescript string GeovinStrategy Pattern strategy Context Strategy data


 * Strategy Pattern 策略是一种行为设计模式, 它将一组行为转换为对象, 并使其在原始上下文对象内部能够相互替换。
 * file: Strategyts.ts
 * The Context defines the interface of interest to clients.
class GeovinContext {
     * @type {GeovinStrategy} The Context maintains a reference to one of the Strategy
     * objects. The Context does not know the concrete class of a strategy. It
     * should work with all strategies via the Strategy interface.
    private strategy: GeovinStrategy;

     * Usually, the Context accepts a strategy through the constructor, but also
     * provides a setter to change it at runtime.
    constructor(strategy: GeovinStrategy) {
        this.strategy = strategy;

     * Usually, the Context allows replacing a Strategy object at runtime.
    public setStrategy(strategy: GeovinStrategy) {
        this.strategy = strategy;

     * The Context delegates some work to the Strategy object instead of
     * implementing multiple versions of the algorithm on its own.
    public doDuSomeBusinessLogic(): string  { //void
        // ...

        console.log('Context: Sorting data using the strategy (not sure how it\'ll do it)');
        const result = this.strategy.doAlgorithm(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']);
        return result.join(",");
        // ...

 * The Strategy interface declares operations common to all supported versions
 * of some algorithm.
 * The Context uses this interface to call the algorithm defined by Concrete
 * Strategies.
interface GeovinStrategy {

     * @param data 
    doAlgorithm(data: string[]): string[];

 * Concrete Strategies implement the algorithm while following the base Strategy
 * interface. The interface makes them interchangeable in the Context.
class ConcreteStrategyA implements GeovinStrategy {

     * @param data 
     * @returns 
    public doAlgorithm(data: string[]): string[] {
        return data.sort();

class ConcreteStrategyB implements GeovinStrategy {
     * @param data 
     * @returns 
    public doAlgorithm(data: string[]): string[] {
        return data.reverse();

let pubStrategy1="";
let pubStrategy2="";
let pubStrategy3="Geovin Du";
let pubStrategy4="geovindu";
 * The client code picks a concrete strategy and passes it to the context. The
 * client should be aware of the differences between strategies in order to make
 * the right choice.
const contextGeovin = new GeovinContext(new ConcreteStrategyA());
console.log('Client: Strategy is set to normal sorting.');


console.log('Client: Strategy is set to reverse sorting.');
contextGeovin.setStrategy(new ConcreteStrategyB());

let messageStrategy: string = 'Hello World,This is a typescript!,涂聚文 Geovin Du.Web';
document.body.innerHTML = messageStrategy+",<br/>one=Client: Strategy is set to normal sorting."+pubStrategy1+",<br/>two=Client: Strategy is set to reverse sorting."+pubStrategy2+",<br/>three="+pubStrategy3+",<br/>four="+pubStrategy4+",<br/>TypeScript Strategy Pattern 策略模式";



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From: https://www.cnblogs.com/geovindu/p/17762870.html


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