问题:The ABAP program lines are wider than the internal table.
CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' EXPORTING i_program_name = sy-repid i_internal_tabname = 'LS_RECORD' i_inclname = sy-repid CHANGING ct_fieldcat = gt_fieldcat[] EXCEPTIONS inconsistent_interface = 1 program_error = 2.
* source container data: l_abap_source like rssource occurs 0 with header line.
* class cx_sy_read_src_line_too_long definition load. * data: ex_too_long type ref to cx_sy_read_src_line_too_long. * try. read report l_prog_tab_local into l_abap_source. * catch cx_sy_read_src_line_too_long into ex_too_long. * endtry. check sy-subrc eq 0.
标签:sy,Dump,read,超长,long,ABAP,too,line From: https://www.cnblogs.com/colorstory/p/17761928.html