# !/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # __author__ = # https://www.jianshu.com/p/b9e11dbbc9cf # https://github.com/zhangyunhao116/zmail/blob/master/README-cn.md # pip install docx-mailmerge 将相同格式的模板与一组数据合并 # pip install python-docx 该模块可以用来创建、修改和读取 Microsoft Word 文档(.docx 文件) # https://blog.51cto.com/u_16099200/6873568 python-docx模块操作word模板 # https://github.com/Bouke/docx-mailmerge # https://blog.51cto.com/u_16099267/6372841 docx-mailmerge模块操作word模板 import zmail, traceback # 邮箱信息 # 发件人 from_mailbox = 'xxxx@qq.com' # 邮箱密码 password = 'xxxxxxxx' smtp_server = 'smtp.exmail.qq.com' # 收件人 to_mailbox = ['xxxx@qq.com', 'xxxx@163.com'] # 抄送人 cc_mailbox = ['xxxx@qq.com', 'xxxx@qq.com', 'xxxx@139.com'] # 邮件主题 subject = '发送邮件测试' # 构建邮件html内容 content_html = """ <html> <head></head> <body> <p>您好:<br> 以下为测试邮件<br> How are you?<br> Here is the <a href="http://www.baidu.com">link</a> you wanted.<br> </p> <img src="cid:image1"> </body> </html> """ # 添加附件 attachment = ['测试附件.xlsx', 'test.png'] # 发送邮件 zm = zmail.server(from_mailbox, password, smtp_host='smtp.exmail.qq.com', smtp_port=465, smtp_ssl=True) mail = { 'subject': subject, 'content_html': content_html, 'attachments': attachment } try: zm.send_mail(to_mailbox, mail, cc=cc_mailbox) print('邮件发送成功!') except Exception as e: print(traceback.print_exc()) print('邮件发送失败!')
# !/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # __author__ = # pip install yagmail # https://github.com/kootenpv/yagmail import smtplib, os from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.image import MIMEImage from email.header import Header import base64 class SendMail(object): def __init__(self, username, passwd, email_host, recv, title, content, cc_list=None, file=None, imagefile=None, ssl=False, port=25, ssl_port=465): ''' :param username: 用户名 :param passwd: 密码 :param email_host: smtp服务器地址 :param recv: 收件人,多个要传list ['a@qq.com','b@qq.com'] :param cc_list: 抄送人,多个要传list ['c@qq.com','d@qq.com'] :param title: 邮件标题 :param content: 邮件正文 :param file: 附件路径,如果不在当前目录下,要写绝对路径,默认没有附件 :param imagefile: 图片路径,如果不在当前目录下,要写绝对路径,默认没有图片 :param ssl: 是否安全链接,默认为普通 :param port: 非安全链接端口,默认为25 :param ssl_port: 安全链接端口,默认为465 ''' self.username = username # 用户名 self.passwd = passwd # 密码 self.recv = recv # 收件人,多个要传list ['a@qq.com','b@qq.com] self.cc_list = cc_list # 抄送人,多个要传list ['a@qq.com','b@qq.com] self.title = title # 邮件标题 self.content = content # 邮件正文 self.file = file # 附件路径,如果不在当前目录下,要写绝对路径 self.imagefile = imagefile # 图片路径,如果不在当前目录下,要写绝对路径 self.email_host = email_host # smtp服务器地址 self.port = port # 普通端口 self.ssl = ssl # 是否安全链接 self.ssl_port = ssl_port # 安全链接端口 def send_mail(self): # msg = MIMEMultipart() msg = MIMEMultipart('mixed') # 发送内容的对象 if self.file: # 处理附件的 file_name = os.path.split(self.file)[-1] # 只取文件名,不取路径 try: f = open(self.file, 'rb').read() except Exception as e: raise Exception('附件打不开!!!!') else: att = MIMEText(f, "base64", "utf-8") att["Content-Type"] = 'application/octet-stream' # base64.b64encode(file_name.encode()).decode() new_file_name = '=?utf-8?b?' + base64.b64encode(file_name.encode()).decode() + '?=' # 这里是处理文件名为中文名的,必须这么写 att["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % (new_file_name) msg.attach(att) if self.imagefile: try: sendimagefile = open(self.imagefile, 'rb').read() except Exception as e: raise Exception('图片无法打开!!!!') else: image = MIMEImage(sendimagefile) image.add_header('Content-ID', '<image1>') # 设置图片id为image1必需成html中的cid对应 msg.attach(image) text_html = MIMEText(self.content, 'html', 'utf-8') msg.attach(text_html) # msg.attach(MIMEText(self.content)) # 邮件正文的内容 msg['Subject'] = self.title # 邮件主题 msg['From'] = self.username # 发送者账号 # msg['To'] = ','.join(self.recv) # 接收者账号列表 msg['To'] = Header(','.join(self.recv)) # 接收者账号列表 msg['Cc'] = Header(','.join(self.cc_list)) # 抄送人,将列表转换为字符串 if self.ssl: self.smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(self.email_host, port=self.ssl_port) else: self.smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self.email_host, port=self.port) # 发送邮件服务器的对象 self.smtp.login(self.username, self.passwd) try: self.smtp.sendmail(self.username, self.recv + self.cc_list, msg.as_string()) pass except Exception as e: print('出错了。。', e) else: print('发送成功!') self.smtp.quit() if __name__ == '__main__': """ 发送正文中的图片:由于包含未被许可的信息,网易邮箱定义为垃圾邮件,报554 DT:SPM :<p><img src="cid:image1"></p> """ m = SendMail( username='xxxx@sina.com', passwd='xxxx', email_host='smtp.sina.com', recv=['xxxx@qq.com', 'xxxx@qq.com'], cc_list=['xxxx@qq.com', 'xxxx@163.com', 'xxxx@139.com'], title='发送测试邮件', content=""" <html> <head></head> <body> <p>Hi!<br> How are you?<br> Here is the <a href="http://www.baidu.com">link</a> you wanted.<br> </p> <img src="cid:image1"> </body> </html> """, file=r'测试附件.xlsx', imagefile=r'test.png', ssl=False, ) m.send_mail()
标签:qq,发邮件,xxxx,self,smtp,file,smtplib,com,zmail From: https://www.cnblogs.com/xwupiaomiao/p/17748904.html