#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import sys import re import pymysql import time import logging import pandas as pd import requests from clickhouse_driver import Client """ 统计佛山市市级卡口的港澳过车总数,识别率及格的总数 """ if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/pn_recognize_fail.log",level=logging.DEBUG) try: cursor = Client(host='', port=9001, password='Yisa_fs_2021') except: logging.info("lighting连接失败!") sys.exit(1) ct = "date >= '2022-07-25' and date < '2022-07-27'" #ct = "date = '2022-07-20'" sql = "select license_plate2,xgbdp,ambdp,viid_object_id,location_id,capture_time,image_url1,location_id from yisa_oe.vehicle_all where (license_plate2 like '粤Z%澳' or license_plate2 LIKE '粤Z%港') and " + ct try: results = cursor.execute(sql) sql = "select count(*) from yisa_oe.vehicle_all where license_plate2 LIKE '粤Z%港' and " + ct xg_len = cursor.execute(sql) sql = "select count(*) from yisa_oe.vehicle_all where license_plate2 LIKE '粤Z%澳' and " + ct am_len = cursor.execute(sql) except: logging.error("lighting语句执行错误!") sys.exit(1) try: mysql_db = pymysql.connect(host='',user='yisa_oe',password='Yisa_fs_2021',database='yisa_oe') except: logging.info("mysql连接失败!") sys.exit(1) pn_list = [] # 元素是列表,0:卡口名称,1:卡口id,2:香港内地牌,3:香港本地牌,4:澳门内地牌,5:澳门本地牌,6:香港识别率,7:澳门识别率 am_recognize = 0 for row in results: row_list = list(row) tmp_list = ['','',0,0,0,0,0,0,0] localtion_id = int(row_list[7]) cursor = mysql_db.cursor() if row_list[0]: # 二次识别成功 if re.findall(r"澳+",row_list[0]): # 二次识别是澳牌 tmp_list[4] = 1 try: sql = "select pointname,PROVIDER from location where id = {};".format(localtion_id) #print(sql) cursor.execute(sql) result = cursor.fetchall() if result: pn = result[0][0] tmp_list[0] = pn tmp_list[1] = result[0][1] else: pn = '缺失点位' continue except: logging.error("mysql语句执行错误!") sys.exit(1) if row_list[2]: #识别澳门本地牌成功 tmp_list[5] = 1 if re.findall(r"港+",row_list[0]): tmp_list[2] = 1 try: sql = "select pointname,PROVIDER from location where id = {};".format(localtion_id) #print(sql) cursor.execute(sql) result = cursor.fetchall() if result: pn = result[0][0] tmp_list[0] = pn tmp_list[1] = result[0][1] else: pn = '缺失点位' continue except: logging.error("mysql语句执行错误!") sys.exit(1) if row_list[1]: #识别香港本地牌成功 tmp_list[3] = 1 if pn_list: flag = 0 for i in range(len(pn_list)): if tmp_list[0] in pn_list[i]: pn_list[i][2] = tmp_list[2] + pn_list[i][2] pn_list[i][3] = tmp_list[3] + pn_list[i][3] pn_list[i][4] = tmp_list[4] + pn_list[i][4] pn_list[i][5] = tmp_list[5] + pn_list[i][5] flag = 1 if flag == 0: #pn_list没有这个卡口 pn_list.append(tmp_list) else: pn_list.append(tmp_list) for i in range(len(pn_list)): #print(pn_list[i][2],pn_list[i][3],pn_list[i][4],pn_list[i][5]) flag1 = 0 flag2 = 0 pn_list[i][6] = pn_list[i][2] + pn_list[i][4] if pn_list[i][2] == 0: pn_list[i][7] = 0 flag1 = 1 if pn_list[i][4] == 0: pn_list[i][8] = 0 flag2 = 1 if flag1 == 0: a = (pn_list[i][3] / pn_list[i][2]) * 100 xg_recognize_rate = round(a ,2) pn_list[i][7] = xg_recognize_rate pn_list[i][7] if flag2 == 0: b = (pn_list[i][5] / pn_list[i][4]) * 100 am_recognize_rate = round(b ,2) pn_list[i][8] = am_recognize_rate sort_pn_list = sorted(pn_list,key=(lambda x:x[6]),reverse=True) df = pd.DataFrame(sort_pn_list,columns=['卡口名称','卡口ID','香港内地牌','香港本地牌','澳门内地牌','澳门本地牌','港澳过车总数','香港识别率','澳门识别率']) #df.to_csv('pn_recognize_fail.csv',index=False) #df2 = pd.read_excel('/home/mypy/SJKK.xlsx') df2 = pd.read_excel('/home/mypy/vehicle_barrier_province_export.xlsx') df['卡口ID'] = df['卡口ID'].astype(int) #print('df_type: {}'.format(df['卡口ID'].dtypes)) #print('df2_type: {}'.format(df2['proid'].dtypes)) df3 = df[df['卡口ID'].isin(df2['proid'].values)] l = [] for i in df2['proid'].values: tmp_list = [['无港澳过车数据',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]] if i not in df3['卡口ID'].values: #l.append(i) # 港澳过车总数是0的卡口proid sql = "select pointname,PROVIDER from location where PROVIDER = '{}';".format(i) cursor.execute(sql) result = cursor.fetchall() if not result: print('不存在点位名称的proid: {}'.format(i)) pn = '未找到点位名称' else: pn = result[0][0] tmp_list[0][0] = pn tmp_list[0][1] = i tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(tmp_list,columns=['卡口名称','卡口ID','香港内地牌','香港本地牌','澳门内地牌','澳门本地牌','港澳过车总数','香港识别率','澳门识别率']) df3 = df3.append(tmp_df,ignore_index = True) print(df3.dtypes) #df3.to_csv('0701.csv',index=False) count_fs_list = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] # 0:卡口总数,1:粤Z澳过车总数,2:澳本地牌总数,3:澳本地牌识别率,4:有澳车过的卡口总数,5:澳本地牌识别率大于0%的卡口数量,6:占比,7:澳本地牌识别率大于92%的卡口数量,8:占比 # 9:粤Z港过车总数,10:港本地牌总数,11:港本地牌识别率,12:有港车过的卡口总数,13:港本地牌识别率大于0%的卡口数量,14:占比,15,港本地牌识别率大于92%的卡口数量,16:占比 count_fs_list[0] = df3.shape[0] count_fs_list[1] = df3.sum()['澳门内地牌'] count_fs_list[2] = df3.sum()['澳门本地牌'] count_fs_list[3] = str(round((count_fs_list[2] / count_fs_list[1] * 100),2)) + '%' count_fs_list[4] = df3[df3['澳门内地牌'] > 0].shape[0] count_fs_list[5] = df3[df3['澳门识别率'] > 0].shape[0] count_fs_list[6] = str(round((count_fs_list[5] / count_fs_list[4] * 100),2)) + '%' count_fs_list[7] = df3[df3['澳门识别率'] > 92].shape[0] count_fs_list[8] = str(round((count_fs_list[7] / count_fs_list[4] * 100),2)) + '%' count_fs_list[9] = df3.sum()['香港内地牌'] count_fs_list[10] = df3.sum()['香港本地牌'] count_fs_list[11] = str(round((count_fs_list[10] / count_fs_list[9] * 100),2)) + '%' count_fs_list[12] = df3[df3['香港内地牌'] > 0].shape[0] count_fs_list[13] = df3[df3['香港识别率'] > 0].shape[0] count_fs_list[14] = str(round((count_fs_list[13] / count_fs_list[12] * 100),2)) + '%' count_fs_list[15] = df3[df3['香港识别率'] > 92].shape[0] count_fs_list[16] = str(round((count_fs_list[15] / count_fs_list[12] * 100),2)) + '%' count_fs_to_df = [] count_fs_to_df.append(count_fs_list) count_fs_df = pd.DataFrame(count_fs_to_df,columns=['卡口总数','粤Z澳过车总数','澳本地牌总数','澳本地牌识别率','有澳车过的卡口总数','澳本地牌识别率大于0%的卡口数量','占比','澳本地牌识别率大于92%的卡口数量','占比','粤Z港过车总数','港本地牌总数','港本地牌识别率','有港车过的卡口总数','港本地牌识别率大于0%的卡口数量','占比','港本地牌识别率大于92%的卡口数量','占比']) count_fs_df.to_csv('./csv/count_fs_20.csv',index=False) print(count_fs_df.head()) #print(l)
标签:count,卡口,fs,recognize,py,list,识别率,fail,pn From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lfxx/p/17745185.html