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Gitlab upgrade paths

时间:2023-10-06 09:00:52浏览次数:41  
标签:paths upgrade run ce.0 gitlab Gitlab path GitLab

Upgrade paths

Upgrading across multiple GitLab versions in one go is only possible by accepting downtime. If you don’t want any downtime, read how to upgrade with zero downtime.

For a dynamic view of examples of supported upgrade paths, try the Upgrade Path tool maintained by the GitLab Support team. To share feedback and help improve the tool, create an issue or MR in the upgrade-path project.

When upgrading:

  1. Find where your version sits in the upgrade path:

  2. Check for required upgrade stops.
  3. Consult the version-specific upgrade instructions.
  4. Upgrade GitLab accordingly.
When not explicitly specified, upgrade GitLab to the latest available patch release of the major.minor release rather than the first patch release, for example 13.8.8 instead of 13.8.0. This includes major.minor versions you must stop at on the upgrade path as there may be fixes for issues relating to the upgrade process. Specifically around a major version, crucial database schema and migration patches may be included in the latest patch releases.   Upgrade path tool:
https://gitlab-com.gitlab.io/support/toolbox/upgrade-path/ 15.11.13 => 16.1.5 => 16.3.5 => 16.4.1 docker run gitlab-ce=15.11.13-ce.0 docker run gitlab-ce=16.1.5-ce.0  docker run gitlab-ce=16.3.5-ce.0  docker run gitlab-ce=16.4.1-ce.0

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/mouseleo/p/17744232.html


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