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Spring Jax-Ws. Build and consume Web Services – part 1

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标签:Web http consume Jax public org order soap name

Spring Jax-Ws. Build and consume Web Services – part 1

Posted on  July 12, 2012 Marco

Following the official guide, at the chapter 19 we’ll find the Spring support about web service (honestly, could it miss?).

In this article I’ll describe the use of it with Jax-WS standard (introduced in Java EE 5 and Java 6) and we’ll see how build and consume the web service.


First of all, you have to notice that there are a huge variety of methods about build and consume web service. I think I’ve never used two times the same method for building web services. I don’t know why, probably that is the evidence about the large number of technologies for building web services.

My personal opinion is to use technologies which implements java standard, like Jax-WS.

In this first part we’ll take a look about build web service. I’m an old style developer and I’m not able to start from the WSDL definition. So, my approach is to define the interface with methods exposed rather than define the WSDL definition.

package           it.springjaxws;          

           public           interface           OrderService {          


                      public           void           Check(Order order)            throws           Exception;          


                      public           Order Process(Order order);          


                      public           Order Shipping(Order order);          



And its implementation:

package           it.springjaxws;          

           import           java.util.Date;          


           public           class           OrderServiceImpl            implements           OrderService{          



                      public           void           Check(Order order)            throws           Exception{          

                      if           (order.getItemNumber()==           0           )          


                      throw           new           Exception(           "Quantity cannot be 0!!"           );          





                      public           Order Process(Order order) {          

                      order.setInvoice(order.getItemNumber() *            1.3           );          

                      return           order;          




                      public           Order Shipping(Order order) {          

                      order.setShippingDate(           new           Date());          

                      return           order;          




The Order bean:

package           it.springjaxws;          

           import           java.io.Serializable;          

           import           java.util.Date;          


           import           javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;          


           @XmlRootElement           (name=           "Order"           )          

           public           class           Order            implements           Serializable {          





                      private           static           final           long           serialVersionUID = 1L;          



                      private           String orderId;          


                      private           double           invoice;          


                      private           int           itemNumber;          


                      private           Date shippingDate;          


                      public           Order()          



                      public           Order(String orderId,            double           invoice,            int           itemNumber)          


                      this           .orderId = orderId;          

                      this           .invoice = invoice;          

                      this           .itemNumber = itemNumber;              



                      public           String getOrderId() {          

                      return           orderId;          


                      public           void           setOrderId(String orderId) {          

                      this           .orderId = orderId;          


                      public           double           getInvoice() {          

                      return           invoice;          


                      public           void           setInvoice(           double           invoice) {          

                      this           .invoice = invoice;          



                      public           int           getItemNumber() {          

                      return           itemNumber;          


                      public           void           setItemNumber(           int           itemNumber) {          

                      this           .itemNumber = itemNumber;          



                      public           Date getShippingDate() {          

                      return           shippingDate;          



                      public           void           setShippingDate(Date shippingDate) {          

                      this           .shippingDate = shippingDate;          




                      public           String toString()          


                      return           " orderId:"           + orderId +          

                      " itemNumber:"           + itemNumber +          

                      " invoice:"           + invoice +          

                      " shippingDate:"           + shippingDate;          




Now we have to expose the class “OrderService” by an endpoint. For this achieve we need to use a class which extends SpringBeanAutowiringSupport spring’s class. Take a look at the code.

package           it.springjaxws;          


           import           javax.jws.WebMethod;          

           import           javax.jws.WebParam;          

           import           javax.jws.WebService;          


           import           org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;          

           import           org.springframework.web.context.support.SpringBeanAutowiringSupport;          


           @WebService           (serviceName=           "OrderService"           )          

           public           class           OrderServiceEndpoint            extends           SpringBeanAutowiringSupport{          



                      private           OrderService orderService;          



                      public           void           Check(           @WebParam           (name =            "order"           ) Order order)            throws           Exception          






                      public           Order Process(           @WebParam           (name =            "order"           ) Order order)          


                      return           orderService.Process(order);          




                      public           Order Shipping(           @WebParam           (name =            "order"           ) Order order)          


                      return           orderService.Shipping(order);          



Briefly, we’ve mapped the orderService methods with the WebMethod.

The spring configuration file

<?           xml           version           =           "1.0"           encoding           =           "UTF-8"           ?>          

           <           beans           xmlns           =           "http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"          

                      xmlns:xsi           =           "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"           xmlns:context           =           "http://www.springframework.org/schema/context"          






                      <!-- Use @Component annotations for bean definitions -->          

                      <           context:component-scan           base-package           =           "it.springjaxws"           />          


                      <           bean           id           =           "orderService"           class           =           "it.springjaxws.OrderServiceImpl"           />          


                      <           bean           class           =           "org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.SimpleJaxWsServiceExporter"           >          

                      <           property           name           =           "baseAddress"           value           =           "http://localhost:8081/"           />          

                      </           bean           >          


                      <           bean           id           =           "orderServiceEndpoint"           class           =           "it.springjaxws.OrderServiceEndpoint"           />          


           </           beans           >

We expose the web service at port 8081 of localhost.

Deploy it to your tomcat and run. You’ll see something like above code when you’ll browse /OrderServiceEndpoint?WSDL

<?           xml           version           =           "1.0"           encoding           =           "UTF-8"           ?>           <!-- Published by JAX-WS RI at http://jax-ws.dev.java.net.          

                      RI's version is JAX-WS RI 2.1.6 in JDK 6. -->           <!-- Generated by JAX-WS RI at http://jax-ws.dev.java.net.          

                      RI's version is JAX-WS RI 2.1.6 in JDK 6. -->          

           <           definitions           xmlns:soap           =           "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"          

                      xmlns:tns           =           "http://springjaxws.it/"           xmlns:xsd           =           "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"          

                      xmlns           =           "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"           targetNamespace           =           "http://springjaxws.it/"          

                      name           =           "OrderService"           >          

                      <           types           >          

                      <           xsd:schema           >          

                      <           xsd:import           namespace           =           "http://springjaxws.it/"          

                      schemaLocation           =           "http://localhost:8081/OrderServiceEndpoint?xsd=1"           ></           xsd:import           >          

                      </           xsd:schema           >          

                      </           types           >          

                      <           message           name           =           "Check"           >          

                      <           part           name           =           "parameters"           element           =           "tns:Check"           ></           part           >          

                      </           message           >          

                      <           message           name           =           "CheckResponse"           >          

                      <           part           name           =           "parameters"           element           =           "tns:CheckResponse"           ></           part           >          

                      </           message           >          

                      <           message           name           =           "Exception"           >          

                      <           part           name           =           "fault"           element           =           "tns:Exception"           ></           part           >          

                      </           message           >          

                      <           message           name           =           "Process"           >          

                      <           part           name           =           "parameters"           element           =           "tns:Process"           ></           part           >          

                      </           message           >          

                      <           message           name           =           "ProcessResponse"           >          

                      <           part           name           =           "parameters"           element           =           "tns:ProcessResponse"           ></           part           >          

                      </           message           >          

                      <           message           name           =           "Shipping"           >          

                      <           part           name           =           "parameters"           element           =           "tns:Shipping"           ></           part           >          

                      </           message           >          

                      <           message           name           =           "ShippingResponse"           >          

                      <           part           name           =           "parameters"           element           =           "tns:ShippingResponse"           ></           part           >          

                      </           message           >          

                      <           portType           name           =           "OrderServiceEndpoint"           >          

                      <           operation           name           =           "Check"           >          

                      <           input           message           =           "tns:Check"           ></           input           >          

                      <           output           message           =           "tns:CheckResponse"           ></           output           >          

                      <           fault           message           =           "tns:Exception"           name           =           "Exception"           ></           fault           >          

                      </           operation           >          

                      <           operation           name           =           "Process"           >          

                      <           input           message           =           "tns:Process"           ></           input           >          

                      <           output           message           =           "tns:ProcessResponse"           ></           output           >          

                      </           operation           >          

                      <           operation           name           =           "Shipping"           >          

                      <           input           message           =           "tns:Shipping"           ></           input           >          

                      <           output           message           =           "tns:ShippingResponse"           ></           output           >          

                      </           operation           >          

                      </           portType           >          

                      <           binding           name           =           "OrderServiceEndpointPortBinding"           type           =           "tns:OrderServiceEndpoint"           >          

                      <           soap:binding           transport           =           "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"          

                      style           =           "document"           ></           soap:binding           >          

                      <           operation           name           =           "Check"           >          

                      <           soap:operation           soapAction           =           ""           ></           soap:operation           >          

                      <           input           >          

                      <           soap:body           use           =           "literal"           ></           soap:body           >          

                      </           input           >          

                      <           output           >          

                      <           soap:body           use           =           "literal"           ></           soap:body           >          

                      </           output           >          

                      <           fault           name           =           "Exception"           >          

                      <           soap:fault           name           =           "Exception"           use           =           "literal"           ></           soap:fault           >          

                      </           fault           >          

                      </           operation           >          

                      <           operation           name           =           "Process"           >          

                      <           soap:operation           soapAction           =           ""           ></           soap:operation           >          

                      <           input           >          

                      <           soap:body           use           =           "literal"           ></           soap:body           >          

                      </           input           >          

                      <           output           >          

                      <           soap:body           use           =           "literal"           ></           soap:body           >          

                      </           output           >          

                      </           operation           >          

                      <           operation           name           =           "Shipping"           >          

                      <           soap:operation           soapAction           =           ""           ></           soap:operation           >          

                      <           input           >          

                      <           soap:body           use           =           "literal"           ></           soap:body           >          

                      </           input           >          

                      <           output           >          

                      <           soap:body           use           =           "literal"           ></           soap:body           >          

                      </           output           >          

                      </           operation           >          

                      </           binding           >          

                      <           service           name           =           "OrderService"           >          

                      <           port           name           =           "OrderServiceEndpointPort"           binding           =           "tns:OrderServiceEndpointPortBinding"           >          

                      <           soap:address           location           =           "http://localhost:8081/OrderServiceEndpoint"           ></           soap:address           >          

                      </           port           >          

                      </           service           >          

           </           definitions           >

In the next part I describe how consume it.


You can find very useful to host the web services in the same web server port (the 8080 for tomcat). For this purpose you have to use JAX-WS commons from Metro project of glassfish. More info are available at this url http://jax-ws-commons.java.net/spring/

To apply this technology at the previous example, we need to change and update some files.

First, in web.xml, we put the servlet definition

<           web-app           id           =           "WebApp_ID"           version           =           "2.4"          

                      xmlns           =           "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"          

                      xmlns:xsi           =           "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"          




                      <           display-name           >SpringJaxWsEmbedded</           display-name           >          


                      <           servlet           >          

                      <           servlet-name           >jaxwsembedded</           servlet-name           >          

                      <           servlet-class           >          


                      </           servlet-class           >          

                      </           servlet           >          


                      <           servlet-mapping           >          

                      <           servlet-name           >jaxwsembedded</           servlet-name           >          

                      <           url-pattern           >/order</           url-pattern           >          

                      </           servlet-mapping           >          


                      <!-- Register Spring Listener -->          

                      <           listener           >          

                      <           listener-class           >          


                      </           listener-class           >          

                      </           listener           >          


           </           web-app           >

After this, we edit the applicationContext.xml file

<?           xml           version           =           "1.0"           encoding           =           "UTF-8"           ?>          

           <           beans           xmlns           =           "http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"          

                      xmlns:xsi           =           "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"           xmlns:ws           =           "http://jax-ws.dev.java.net/spring/core"          

                      xmlns:wss           =           "http://jax-ws.dev.java.net/spring/servlet"          

                      xmlns:context           =           "http://www.springframework.org/schema/context"          



                      http://jax-ws.dev.java.net/spring/core http://jax-ws.java.net/spring/core.xsd          

                      http://jax-ws.dev.java.net/spring/servlet http://jax-ws.java.net/spring/servlet.xsd          




           <!-- Use @Component annotations for bean definitions -->          

                      <           context:component-scan           base-package           =           "it.springjaxwsembedded"           />          


                      <           bean           id           =           "orderService"           class           =           "it.springjaxws.OrderServiceImpl"           />          


                      <           wss:binding           url           =           "/order"           >          

                      <           wss:service           >          

                      <           ws:service           bean           =           "#orderWs"           />          

                      </           wss:service           >          

                      </           wss:binding           >          


                      <!-- Web service methods -->          

                      <           bean           id           =           "orderWs"           class           =           "it.springjaxws.OrderServiceEndpoint"           />          


           </           beans           >

Last point is OrderServiceEndpoint definition

public           class           OrderServiceEndpoint {          



We’ve removed the SpringBeanAutowiringSupport extension.

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16131764/7627106


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