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时间:2023-09-26 23:27:50浏览次数:30  
标签:refund 20230925 terms penalty will statement net

//charge, designate, duration, duty, gross, guarantee, invoice, net, penalty, refund, specification, statement, stipulation, supplier, tare, bill of lading

charge - 费用

In general, a charge refers to the amount of money that is required to be paid for a product or service. It can also refer to an accusation or formal allegation of wrongdoing.

designate - 指定

To designate means to officially select or appoint someone or something for a particular role or purpose. It can also mean to give a specific name or title to someone or something.

duration - 持续时间

Duration refers to the length of time that something lasts or continues. It can be used to describe the length of a specific event, activity, or process.

duty - 职责

Duty refers to a moral or legal obligation to perform a specific action or take care of something. It can also refer to a task or responsibility that is assigned to someone.

gross - 总的

Gross is used to describe the total amount or quantity of something before any deductions or expenses are taken into account. It can also mean something that is very obvious or offensive.

guarantee - 保证

A guarantee is a promise or assurance given by one party to another that certain conditions will be fulfilled or that a product or service will meet certain standards. It provides a sense of security or confidence to the recipient.

invoice - 发票

An invoice is a document that lists the details of a sale, including the products or services provided, the quantity, the price, and the total amount owed. It is usually sent by a seller to a buyer as a request for payment.

net - 净额

Net refers to the amount of money or value that remains after all deductions, expenses, or taxes have been taken into account. It represents the final or actual amount received or obtained.

penalty - 罚款

A penalty is a punishment or fine that is imposed for breaking a rule, law, or agreement. It serves as a deterrent for undesirable behavior and encourages compliance.

refund - 退款

A refund is the return of money to a customer or buyer as compensation for a product or service that was unsatisfactory, defective, or not received. It is a way to resolve disputes and maintain customer satisfaction.

specification - 规格

A specification is a detailed description or set of requirements that define the characteristics, features, or qualities of a product, service, or project. It provides clear instructions and guidelines for development or implementation.

statement - 对账单

A statement is an official document that provides a summary of financial transactions or activities, such as a bank statement or a credit card statement. It helps individuals or organizations track their expenses and manage their finances.

stipulation - 规定

A stipulation is a condition, requirement, or agreement that is specified as part of a contract, agreement, or arrangement. It sets out the terms and conditions that both parties must adhere to.

supplier - 供应商

A supplier is a person, company, or organization that provides goods or services to another party. They are responsible for delivering the requested products or services in a timely and satisfactory manner.

tare - 皮重

Tare refers to the weight of an empty container or vehicle that is used to transport goods or materials. It is subtracted from the total weight to determine the net weight of the contents.

bill of lading - 提单

A bill of lading is a legal document issued by a carrier or transportation company to acknowledge the receipt of goods for shipment. It serves as a contract between the shipper and the carrier, outlining the terms and conditions of the transportation.


  1. The bank will charge a small fee for this transaction.
  2. The restaurant will charge your credit card for the meal.
  3. Make sure to charge your phone before you leave the house.


  1. The sign on the door designates this room as the conference room.
  2. The teacher will designate a group leader for the project.
  3. Please designate a specific time for the meeting.


  1. The duration of the movie is two hours.
  2. The doctor recommended a medication with a shorter duration of action.
  3. The course has a duration of six weeks.


  1. It is my duty to take care of my younger siblings.
  2. The police officer's duty is to protect and serve the community.
  3. The flight attendant's duty is to ensure the safety of the passengers.


  1. The company's gross revenue increased by 10% this year.
  2. The salesperson's gross salary includes commissions.
  3. The smell of the garbage was gross.


  1. The store offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  2. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the product.
  3. The chef guarantees that the food is made with fresh ingredients.


  1. Please send me the invoice for the products I ordered.
  2. The accountant will prepare the invoice for the client.
  3. Make sure to keep a copy of the invoice for your records.


  1. After taxes and deductions, his net income is $2,000 per month.
  2. The net weight of the package is 5 kilograms.
  3. The net result of the experiment was inconclusive.


  1. The penalty for speeding is a fine and points on your license.
  2. There is a penalty for late submission of the assignment.
  3. The soccer player received a penalty for a foul.


  1. The store will issue a refund if you are not satisfied with your purchase.
  2. Please keep your receipt for a refund.
  3. The airline issued a refund for the canceled flight.


  1. The product must meet the specifications outlined in the contract.
  2. The engineer provided detailed specifications for the construction project.
  3. The car's specifications include its engine size and fuel efficiency.


  1. The bank will send you a monthly statement of your account activity.
  2. The lawyer will take your statement as evidence.
  3. He made a false statement during the interview.


  1. The contract includes a stipulation that the work must be completed by a certain date.
  2. The rental agreement has a stipulation that pets are not allowed.
  3. The judge imposed a stipulation that the defendant must attend anger management classes.


  1. The company has a reliable supplier for raw materials.
  2. The supplier delivered the products on time.
  3. We are looking for a new supplier for our restaurant.


  1. The weight of the packaging materials is subtracted as tare weight.
  2. The shipping company will calculate the tare weight of the cargo.
  3. Please make sure to remove the tare before weighing the ingredients.

bill of lading:

  1. The bill of lading is a document that serves as proof of shipment.
  2. The shipping company issued a bill of lading for the cargo.
  3. The bill of lading includes information about the type and quantity of goods being transported.

//Title: Understanding Invoicing and Shipping Terms

In the world of business, there are various terms and concepts that we encounter on a regular basis. Today, we will explore some key words related to invoicing and shipping. Understanding these terms is crucial for smooth business operations.

Let's start with the word "charge." In the context of invoicing, it refers to the amount of money that is billed for a product or service. It is important to clearly designate the charges on an invoice, specifying the net and gross amounts. The net amount is the price before any deductions or discounts, while the gross amount includes all additional fees and charges.

Another important term is "duty," which refers to the tax or fee imposed on imported or exported goods. It is crucial to understand the duty rates and requirements when dealing with international trade.

When it comes to shipping, the "bill of lading" is a key document. It serves as a contract between the shipper and the carrier, outlining the terms and conditions of transportation. It includes information such as the duration of the shipment, the weight of the goods (referred to as "tare"), and any special specifications or stipulations.

Invoicing also involves terms such as "refund" and "penalty." A refund is the return of money to a customer for a product or service that did not meet their expectations. On the other hand, a penalty is a fee imposed for violating the terms and conditions of a contract or agreement.

Finally, we have the "supplier." This is the entity or individual that provides goods or services to another party. It is essential to establish a good relationship with reliable suppliers to ensure timely delivery and quality products.

In conclusion, understanding the terms related to invoicing and shipping is crucial for successful business operations. Whether it's knowing the charges, designating the net and gross amounts, or understanding the specifications and stipulations, these terms play a vital role in conducting business smoothly. So, take the time to familiarize yourself with these concepts and ensure clarity in your invoices and shipping processes.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/movit/p/17731523.html


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