今天遇到一个性能问题,再调优过程中发现耗时最久的计划是exist 部分涉及的三个表。
然后计划用left join 来替换exist,然后查询了很多资料,大部分都说exist和left join 性能差不多。 为了验证这一结论进行了如下实验
drop table app_family;
CREATE TABLE app_family (
"family_id" character varying(32 char) NOT NULL,
"application_id" character varying(32 char) NULL,
"family_number" character varying(50 char) ,
"household_register_number" character varying(50 char),
"poverty_reason" character varying(32 char),
CONSTRAINT "pk_app_family_idpk" PRIMARY KEY (family_id));
insert into app_family select generate_series(1,1000000),generate_series(1,1000000),'aaaa','aaa','bbb' from dual ;
create table app_family2 as select * from app_family;
create table app_memeber as select * from app_family;
2、验证两张表join和exist 性能对比
explain analyze select a1.application_id,a1.family_id from app_family a1 where
a1.family_id >1000 and
app_family2 a2
and a2.family_id > 500000
总计用时404 ms
Gather (cost=16384.11..42022.84 rows=111111 width=12) (actual time=216.416..383.339 rows=500000 loops=1) |
Workers Planned: 2 |
Workers Launched: 2 |
-> Parallel Hash Semi Join (cost=15384.11..29911.74 rows=46296 width=12) (actual time=211.871..328.103 rows=166667 loops=3) |
Hash Cond: ((a1.application_id)::text = (a2.application_id)::text) |
-> Parallel Seq Scan on app_family a1 (cost=0.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=12) (actual time=0.049..72.722 rows=333000 loops=3) |
Filter: ((family_id)::integer > 1000) |
Rows Removed by Filter: 333 |
-> Parallel Hash (cost=13648.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=6) (actual time=116.903..116.903 rows=166667 loops=3) |
Buckets: 524288 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 23712kB |
-> Parallel Seq Scan on app_family2 a2 (cost=0.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=6) (actual time=35.008..71.846 rows=166667 loops=3)|
Filter: ((family_id)::integer > 500000) |
Rows Removed by Filter: 166667 |
Planning Time: 0.147 ms |
Execution Time: 404.901 ms | |
语句2 两张表join
explain analyze select a1.application_id,a1.family_id from app_family a1 LEFT JOIN app_family2 a2 ON a2.application_id=a1.application_id
WHERE a1.family_id >1000 AND a2.family_id > 500000
Gather (cost=16384.11..41856.95 rows=111111 width=12) (actual time=222.545..393.519 rows=500000 loops=1) |
Workers Planned: 2 |
Workers Launched: 2 |
-> Parallel Hash Join (cost=15384.11..29745.85 rows=46296 width=12) (actual time=217.701..337.510 rows=166667 loops=3) |
Hash Cond: ((a1.application_id)::text = (a2.application_id)::text) |
-> Parallel Seq Scan on app_family a1 (cost=0.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=12) (actual time=0.060..68.735 rows=333000 loops=3) |
Filter: ((family_id)::integer > 1000) |
Rows Removed by Filter: 333 |
-> Parallel Hash (cost=13648.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=6) (actual time=130.917..130.917 rows=166667 loops=3) |
Buckets: 524288 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 23712kB |
-> Parallel Seq Scan on app_family2 a2 (cost=0.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=6) (actual time=37.127..80.126 rows=166667 loops=3)|
Filter: ((family_id)::integer > 500000) |
Rows Removed by Filter: 166667 |
Planning Time: 0.146 ms |
Execution Time: 416.346 ms |
针对两张表的对比可以发现join还相对满了10几ms但是总的来说两边 差异不大。所以再两张表的关联情况下 join和exist 性能相近。
3、验证3张表join和exist 性能对比
语句1 三张表exist
本场景最开始执行时 exit 用户6s多,原因时用到了内存排序,后来调整了work_mem 排除了内存排序的影响,最终执行时间
2036 ms
explain analyze select a1.application_id,a1.family_id from app_family a1 ,app_family2 a2 where
a1.family_id >1000 and a2.family_id < 900000 and
app_memeber m
and m.family_id=a2.family_id
Gather (cost=61282.11..88664.67 rows=111111 width=12) (actual time=1347.081..1976.824 rows=898999 loops=1) |
Workers Planned: 2 |
Workers Launched: 2 |
-> Parallel Hash Join (cost=60282.11..76553.57 rows=46296 width=12) (actual time=1386.451..1859.819 rows=299666 loops=3) |
Hash Cond: ((m.family_id)::text = (a2.family_id)::text) |
-> Hash Join (cost=44898.00..60455.72 rows=138889 width=18) (actual time=1186.741..1486.233 rows=333000 loops=3) |
Hash Cond: ((a1.application_id)::text = (m.application_id)::text) |
-> Parallel Seq Scan on app_family a1 (cost=0.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=12) (actual time=0.074..76.516 rows=333000 loops=3) |
Filter: ((family_id)::integer > 1000) |
Rows Removed by Filter: 333 |
-> Hash (cost=32398.00..32398.00 rows=1000000 width=12) (actual time=1181.785..1181.786 rows=1000000 loops=3) |
Buckets: 1048576 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 52897kB |
-> HashAggregate (cost=22398.00..32398.00 rows=1000000 width=12) (actual time=618.475..910.329 rows=1000000 loops=3) |
Group Key: (m.application_id)::text, (m.family_id)::text |
-> Seq Scan on app_memeber m (cost=0.00..17398.00 rows=1000000 width=12) (actual time=0.070..158.845 rows=1000000 loops=3)|
-> Parallel Hash (cost=13648.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=6) (actual time=198.377..198.377 rows=300000 loops=3) |
Buckets: 1048576 (originally 524288) Batches: 1 (originally 1) Memory Usage: 47552kB |
-> Parallel Seq Scan on app_family2 a2 (cost=0.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=6) (actual time=0.098..72.933 rows=300000 loops=3) |
Filter: ((family_id)::integer < 900000) |
Rows Removed by Filter: 33334 |
Planning Time: 0.495 ms |
Execution Time: 2036.815 ms |
语句2 三张表join
explain analyze select a1.application_id,a1.family_id from app_family a1
left join app_memeber m on a1.application_id = m.application_id LEFT JOIN app_family2 a2 ON m.family_id = a2.family_id
WHERE a1.family_id >1000 AND a2.family_id < 900000
Gather (cost=31768.22..57298.93 rows=111111 width=12) (actual time=386.163..865.284 rows=898999 loops=1) |
Workers Planned: 2 |
Workers Launched: 2 |
-> Parallel Hash Join (cost=30768.22..45187.83 rows=46296 width=12) (actual time=381.211..765.177 rows=299666 loops=3) |
Hash Cond: ((m.family_id)::text = (a2.family_id)::text) |
-> Parallel Hash Join (cost=15384.11..29089.98 rows=138889 width=18) (actual time=191.233..413.917 rows=333000 loops=3) |
Hash Cond: ((m.application_id)::text = (a1.application_id)::text) |
-> Parallel Seq Scan on app_memeber m (cost=0.00..11564.67 rows=416667 width=12) (actual time=0.025..33.077 rows=333333 loops=3) |
-> Parallel Hash (cost=13648.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=12) (actual time=189.919..189.920 rows=333000 loops=3) |
Buckets: 1048576 (originally 524288) Batches: 1 (originally 1) Memory Usage: 59200kB |
-> Parallel Seq Scan on app_family a1 (cost=0.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=12) (actual time=0.060..78.600 rows=333000 loops=3)|
Filter: ((family_id)::integer > 1000) |
Rows Removed by Filter: 333 |
-> Parallel Hash (cost=13648.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=6) (actual time=188.522..188.523 rows=300000 loops=3) |
Buckets: 1048576 (originally 524288) Batches: 1 (originally 1) Memory Usage: 47584kB |
-> Parallel Seq Scan on app_family2 a2 (cost=0.00..13648.00 rows=138889 width=6) (actual time=0.052..81.396 rows=300000 loops=3) |
Filter: ((family_id)::integer < 900000) |
Rows Removed by Filter: 33334 |
Planning Time: 0.167 ms |
Execution Time: 897.552 ms |
在三张表的场景下exist用时2036 ms ,join用时897ms 可见 join的顺序明显优于exist。
在三张表的场景下可以看到,针对中间表appmember扫描时, exist语句用到HashAggregate 并做了 Group Key,所以导致exist 执行时间增加。如果work_mem 配置不合适时间会更长。
标签:rows,join,family,..,app,a1,exist,id,left From: https://www.cnblogs.com/kingbase/p/17561117.html