vCenter 6.X无法提取请求的数据。有关详细信息,请查看 vSphere Client 日志
解释: 根本原因是证书不一致,但是vc的证书和vsan他们不共用一个证书,所以需要保证集群证书的统一,当时由于vc的证书到期后,只替换了vc的sts证书,在替换了STS证书之后,可能会导致计算机SSL证书与该vCenter Server节点URI所使用的服务注册所使用的SSL证书不匹配
1、ssh 登录vc
vi /tmp/check-trust-anchors
然后执行 chmode +x check-trust-anchors
./ check-trust-anchors -cmlf
#!/bin/bash function setOptionColorize() { RED=$(tput setaf 1) GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3) CYAN=$(tput setaf 6) NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) } function unknownOption() { echo "Unknown option '$2'. Please see '$1 --help' for usage and available options" } CURRENT_SERVICE_ID='' SHOW_SERVICE_IDS=0 SHOW_ENDPOINTS=0 SHOW_DUPLICATE_ENDPOINTS=0 LIVE_CHECK=0 VIEW_MACHINE_SSL=0 DEBUG=0 FIX=0 TP_ALGORITHM="sha1" TP_REGEX_ITER="19" CERT_TEXT=0 CERT_COUNT=1 RED='' GREEN='' YELLOW='' CYAN='' NORMAL='' LSTOOL_FILE='lstool.txt' if [[ ${LIVE_CHECK} -gt 0 ]]; then VC_VERSION=$(grep 'CLOUDVM_VERSION:' /etc/vmware/.buildInfo | awk -F':' '{print $NF}' | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') else VC_VERSION=$(grep 'CLOUDVM_VERSION:' ../etc/vmware/.buildInfo | awk -F':' '{print $NF}' | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') fi if [[ ${VC_VERSION} -eq 7 ]]; then LS_PORT='7090' LSTOOL_SCRIPT='/usr/lib/vmware-lookupsvc/tools/' LSUPDATE_SCRIPT='/usr/lib/vmware-lookupsvc/tools/' else LS_PORT='7080' LSTOOL_SCRIPT='/usr/lib/vmidentity/tools/scripts/' LSUPDATE_SCRIPT='/usr/lib/vmidentity/tools/scripts/' fi if [ -f /usr/bin/ldapsearch ]; then LDAPSEARCH='/usr/bin/ldapsearch' else LDAPSEARCH='/opt/likewise/bin/ldapsearch' fi if [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; then for arg in "$@"; do case ${arg} in -h|--help) echo "SSL Trust Anchor Verification Script" echo "Usage: $0 [options]" echo "Options:" echo " -s | --show-service-ids Shows the Service IDs that are using a particular SSL certificate." echo " -e | --show-endpoints Shows the Endpoing URIs that are using a particular SSL certificate." echo " -c | --colorize Colorizes text for quick identification of Subject field, SHA1 Fingerprint, or" echo " expired certificates. Do not use if passing output to a paginator or file." echo " -l | --live-check Used in conjunction with the '-m|--machine-ssl' option, will indicate the script" echo " is running on a live system, and will display current Machine SSL certificates" echo " for all nodes with endpoints in the current SSO Site." echo " -m | --machine-ssl Will display information on the current Machine SSL ceritifcate. Cannot be run on" echo " a support bundle from an external Platform Services Controller." echo " -t | --cert-text Will provide full output of each certificate similar to 'openssl x509 -text'" echo " -f | --fix Will prompt for SSO credentials, thumbprint of a trust anchor cert to update, and the IP/FQDN" echo " of a node to update." echo " -d | --debug Will include the raw certificate hash to see if there are any extra characters" echo " (sometimes the script has connection issues and STDERR gets randomly" echo " inserted in the output)." echo " -h | --help Prints this help menu." echo " -2 | --sha256 Outputs the SHA256 thumbprint of the certificates instead of the SHA1 thumbprint" echo $'\n'"Parses the output of the following command from the Platform Services Controller:" echo "${LSTOOL_SCRIPT} list --url http://localhost:${LS_PORT}/lookupservice/sdk 2>/dev/null" echo $'\n'"Can be run from the 'commands/' directory of a support bundle, or live on a PSC node" exit ;; --show-service-ids) SHOW_SERVICE_IDS=1 ;; --show-endpoints) SHOW_ENDPOINTS=1 ;; --colorize) setOptionColorize ;; --live-check) LIVE_CHECK=1 ;; --machine-ssl) VIEW_MACHINE_SSL=1 ;; --debug) DEBUG=1 ;; --cert-text) CERT_TEXT=1 ;; --fix) FIX=1 ;; --sha256) TP_ALGORITHM="sha256" TP_REGEX_ITER="31" ;; -[seclmfdt2]*) OPT=$(echo "z${arg}" | sed 's/z-//') for (( i=0; i<${#OPT}; i++ )); do case ${OPT:$i:1} in s) SHOW_SERVICE_IDS=1 ;; e) SHOW_ENDPOINTS=1 ;; c) setOptionColorize ;; d) DEBUG=1 ;; l) LIVE_CHECK=1 ;; m) VIEW_MACHINE_SSL=1 ;; t) CERT_TEXT=1 ;; f) FIX=1 ;; 2) TP_ALGORITHM="sha256" TP_REGEX_ITER="31" ;; *) unknownOption $0 '-${OPT:$i:1}' exit ;; esac done ;; *) unknownOption $0 ${arg} exit ;; esac done fi if [[ ${LIVE_CHECK} -eq 0 ]]; then if [ ! -f ${LSTOOL_FILE} ]; then if [ ! -f "python.exe_VMWARE_CIS_HOMEVMwareIdentityServiceslstoolscriptslstoolpy-list---url-httplocalhost7080lo[...].txt" ]; then echo "${YELLOW}No output from ' list' found in this bundle." else LSTOOL_FILE='python.exe_VMWARE_CIS_HOMEVMwareIdentityServiceslstoolscriptslstoolpy-list---url-httplocalhost7080lo[...].txt' fi fi if [ -f ../etc/vmware/deployment.node.type ]; then NODE_TYPE=$(cat ../etc/vmware/deployment.node.type) elif [ -f ../ProgramData/VMware/vCenterServer/cfg/deployment.node.type ]; then NODE_TYPE=$(cat ../ProgramData/VMware/vCenterServer/cfg/deployment.node.type) fi else NODE_TYPE=$(cat /etc/vmware/deployment.node.type) if [ ${NODE_TYPE} == 'management' ]; then echo "${YELLOW}Operation not supported on a Management Node. Please run this live on a PSC node. Exiting...${NORMAL}" exit fi if [ ! -f ${LSTOOL_FILE} ]; then LSTOOL_FILE='/tmp/lstool.txt'; fi echo "${YELLOW}No 'lstool.txt' file found in this directory. Dumping service registrations to ${LSTOOL_FILE}...${NORMAL}" ${LSTOOL_SCRIPT} list --url http://localhost:${LS_PORT}/lookupservice/sdk 2>/tmp/lstool_stderr > ${LSTOOL_FILE} fi DATA=$(cat ${LSTOOL_FILE} | grep -vE '^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}' | grep -E 'Service ID:|URL:|SSL trust:|^[0-9A-Za-z/\+]' | tr -d ' ' | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '\t' | tr -d '\r\n' | sed -e 's/ServiceID:/\nServiceID:/g' -e 's/URL:/\nURL:/g' -e 's/SSLtrust:/\nSSLtrust:/g') TRUST_ANCHORS=$(echo "${DATA}" | grep 'SSLtrust' | sed -e 's/SSLtrust://g' | sort | uniq) for RAW_HASH in ${TRUST_ANCHORS}; do echo "${CYAN}-----Endpoint Certificate ${CERT_COUNT}-----${NORMAL}" if [[ ${RAW_HASH} =~ [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} ]]; then echo "${RED}Malformed hash detected${NORMAL}" BAD=$(echo "${RAW_HASH}" | grep -oE '[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}(.)+') HASH="$(echo "${RAW_HASH}" | sed -e 's/${BAD}//')" CHARS=${#HASH} MOD=$((${CHARS} % 4)) case ${MOD} in 3) HASH="${HASH}=" ;; 2) HASH="${HASH}==" ;; esac else HASH=${RAW_HASH} fi CURRENT_CERT="-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"$'\n' CURRENT_CERT+=$(echo ${HASH} | fold -c64) CURRENT_CERT+=$'\n'"-----END CERTIFICATE-----" if echo "${CURRENT_CERT}" | openssl x509 -text > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ ${CERT_TEXT} -gt 0 ]]; then CURRENT_CERT_INFO=$(echo "${CURRENT_CERT}" | openssl x509 -text -noout -fingerprint -${TP_ALGORITHM} | sed -e 's/SHA[0-9]* Fingerprint/\t&/g' -e "s/Subject:/${GREEN}&${NORMAL}/g" -e "s/[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}\(:[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}\)\{${TP_REGEX_ITER}\}/${YELLOW}&${NORMAL}/g" -e "s/X509v3 Subject Alternative Name/${GREEN}&${NORMAL}/g") echo "${CURRENT_CERT_INFO}" else CURRENT_CERT_INFO=$(echo "${CURRENT_CERT}" | openssl x509 -text -noout -fingerprint -${TP_ALGORITHM} | grep -E 'Issuer:|Subject:|Validity|Not Before:|Not After :|Fingerprint' | sed -e 's/SHA[0-9]* Fingerprint/\t&/g' -e "s/Subject:/${GREEN}&${NORMAL}/g" -e "s/[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}\(:[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}\)\{${TP_REGEX_ITER}\}/${YELLOW}&${NORMAL}/g") echo "Certificate Info:" if echo "${CURRENT_CERT}" | openssl x509 -noout -checkend 0; then echo "${CURRENT_CERT_INFO}" else echo "${CURRENT_CERT_INFO}" | sed -e "s/Not Before/${RED}&/" fi if [[ ${DEBUG} -gt 0 ]]; then echo $'\t'"Certificate Hash: ${HASH}"; fi fi else echo "${RED}Unable to parse certificate hash${NORMAL}" if [[ ${DEBUG} -gt 0 ]]; then echo "${HASH}"; fi fi if [[ ${SHOW_SERVICE_IDS} -gt 0 ]]; then REGEX_HASH=$(echo "${RAW_HASH}" | sed -e 's/\+/\\+/g' -e 's/\$/\\$/g') FOUND_SERVICE_IDS='' for line in $(echo "${DATA}" | grep -vE '^URL:' | uniq | grep -E "ServiceID|${REGEX_HASH}" | grep -B1 ${RAW_HASH}); do if [[ "${line}" =~ ^ServiceID ]]; then CURRENT_SERVICE_ID=$(echo "${line}" | sed -e 's/ServiceID://g') elif $(echo "${line}" | grep ${RAW_HASH} > /dev/null); then if [ -z "${FOUND_SERVICE_IDS}" ]; then FOUND_SERVICE_IDS=$'\t'"${CURRENT_SERVICE_ID}" else FOUND_SERVICE_IDS+=$'\n\t'"${CURRENT_SERVICE_ID}" fi fi done NUM_FOUND_SERVICE_IDS=$(echo "${FOUND_SERVICE_IDS}" | sort | uniq | wc -l) echo "Service IDs (${NUM_FOUND_SERVICE_IDS}):" echo "${FOUND_SERVICE_IDS}" | sort | uniq fi if [[ ${SHOW_ENDPOINTS} -gt 0 ]]; then ENDPOINTS=$(echo "${DATA}" | grep -vE '^ServiceID' | grep -B1 ${RAW_HASH} | grep -E '^URL:' | sed -e 's/URL:/\t/g' | sort | uniq) NUM_ENDPOINTS=$(echo "${ENDPOINTS}" | wc -l) echo "Endpoints (${NUM_ENDPOINTS}):" echo "${ENDPOINTS}" fi echo "${CYAN}--------------------------------${NORMAL}" ((++CERT_COUNT)) done if [[ ${VIEW_MACHINE_SSL} -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ ${LIVE_CHECK} -eq 0 ]]; then if [ "${NODE_TYPE}" = 'infrastructure' ]; then echo $'\n'"${YELLOW}The Machine SSL certificate is not included in an external PSC support bundle.${NORMAL}" else if [ -f ../etc/vmware-vpx/ssl/rui.crt ]; then MACHINE_SSL_FILE='../etc/vmware-vpx/ssl/rui.crt' elif [ -f ../ProgramData/VMware/vCenterServer/cfg/vmware-vpx/ssl/rui.crt ]; then MACHINE_SSL_FILE='../ProgramData/VMware/vCenterServer/cfg/vmware-vpx/ssl/rui.crt' fi if [ ! -z ${MACHINE_SSL_FILE} ]; then echo $'\n'"${CYAN}-----Machine SSL Certificate-----${NORMAL}" CURRENT_MACHINE_SSL_CERT_INFO=$(cat ${MACHINE_SSL_FILE} | openssl x509 -text -noout -fingerprint -${TP_ALGORITHM} | grep -E 'Issuer:|Subject:|Validity|Not Before:|Not After :|Fingerprint' | sed -e 's/SHA[0-9]* Fingerprint/\t&/g' -e "s/Subject:/${GREEN}&${NORMAL}/g" -e "s/[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}\(:[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}\)\{${TP_REGEX_ITER}\}/${YELLOW}&${NORMAL}/g") echo "Certificate Info:" if cat "${MACHINE_SSL_FILE}" | openssl x509 -noout -checkend 0; then echo "${CURRENT_MACHINE_SSL_CERT_INFO}" else echo "${CURRENT_MACHINE_SSL_CERT_INFO}" | sed -e "s/Not Before/${RED}&/" fi echo "${CYAN}---------------------------------${NORMAL}" else echo $'\n'"${YELLOW}Unable to locate the Machine SSL certificate file in the support bundle.${NORMAL}" fi fi else SSO_DOMAIN=$(/usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vmafd-cli get-domain-name --server-name localhost) SSO_SITE=$(/usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vmafd-cli get-site-name --server-name localhost) VMDIR_DC_BRANCH="dc=$(echo ${SSO_DOMAIN} | sed 's/\./,dc=/g')" VMDIR_MACHINE_PASSWORD=$(/opt/likewise/bin/lwregshell list_values '[HKEY_THIS_MACHINE\services\vmdir]' | grep dcAccountPassword | awk -F" " '{print $NF}' | awk '{print substr($0,2,length($0)-2)}' | sed -e 's/\\"/"/g' -e 's/\\\\/\\/g' | tr -d '\n' > /tmp/.vmdir_machine_account_password; chmod go-r /tmp/.vmdir_machine_account_password) VMDIR_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_DN=$(/opt/likewise/bin/lwregshell list_values '[HKEY_THIS_MACHINE\services\vmdir]' | grep '"dcAccountDN"' | awk -F" " '{print $NF}' | awk '{print substr($0,2,length($0)-2)}') SITE_NODES=$(${LDAPSEARCH} -LLL -h localhost -p 389 -b "cn=ServiceRegistrations,cn=LookupService,cn=${SSO_SITE},cn=Sites,cn=Configuration,${VMDIR_DC_BRANCH}" -D "${VMDIR_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_DN}" -y /tmp/.vmdir_machine_account_password "(objectclass=vmwLKUPEndpointRegistration)" vmwLKUPURI | grep '^vmwLKUPURI' | sed -e 's/vmwLKUPURI://g' | awk -F'/' '{print $3}' | awk -F':' '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -i | grep -v localhost) rm /tmp/.vmdir_machine_account_password printf '\n' for node in ${SITE_NODES}; do echo "${CYAN}-----Machine SSL Certificate-----${NORMAL}" echo "${CYAN}${node}${NORMAL}" CURRENT_MACHINE_SSL_CERT_INFO=$(echo | openssl s_client -connect ${node}:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -text -noout -fingerprint -${TP_ALGORITHM} | grep -E 'Issuer:|Subject:|Validity|Not Before:|Not After :|Fingerprint' | sed -e 's/SHA[0-9]* Fingerprint/\t&/g' -e "s/Subject:/${GREEN}&${NORMAL}/g" -e "s/[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}\(:[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}\)\{${TP_REGEX_ITER}\}/${YELLOW}&${NORMAL}/g") echo "Certificate Info:" if echo | openssl s_client -connect ${node}:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -checkend 0; then echo "${CURRENT_MACHINE_SSL_CERT_INFO}" else echo "${CURRENT_MACHINE_SSL_CERT_INFO}" | sed -e "s/Not Before/${RED}&/" fi echo "${CYAN}---------------------------------${NORMAL}" done fi fi if [[ ${FIX} -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ ${LIVE_CHECK} -gt 0 ]]; then if [ ! -f ${LSUPDATE_SCRIPT} ]; then echo $'\n'"${YELLOW}The ${LSUPDATE_SCRIPT} script could not be found. Please ensure you are running this from a PSC.${NORMAL}" else echo $'\n'"${CYAN}SSL Trust Anchor Repair${NORMAL}" echo "${CYAN}---------------------------------${NORMAL}" echo "This process will attempt to update the SSL trust anchors for Lookup Service registrations using native Lookup Service libraries. These changes should propagate to all PSCs in the SSO domain." echo $'\n'"${YELLOW}It is strongly recommended that you take offline snapshots of all PSCs in the SSO domain before proceeding.${NORMAL}" read -p $'\n'"Proceed with updating trust anchors? [Y/N]: " PROCEED if [ -z ${PROCEED} ]; then PROCEED_FIX="n"; else PROCEED_FIX=$(echo ${PROCEED} | awk '{print tolower(substr($0,0,1))}'); fi if [ ${PROCEED_FIX} == "y" ]; then SSO_DOMAIN=$(/usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vmafd-cli get-domain-name --server-name localhost) read -p $'\n'"Enter SSO admin [administrator@${SSO_DOMAIN}]: " LOGIN if [ -z ${LOGIN} ]; then LOGIN="administrator@${SSO_DOMAIN}"; fi read -s -p "Enter password for ${LOGIN}: " PASSWORD_INPUT PASSWORD=$(echo ${PASSWORD_INPUT} | sed "s/'/'\\\''/g") read -p $'\n'"Enter fingerprint of trust anchor(s) to update: " FINGERPRINT read -p "Enter the FQDN of the node to update: " NODE_FQDN if echo 'y' | openssl s_client -connect ${NODE_FQDN}:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 > /tmp/machine-ssl.crt; then if ! ${LSUPDATE_SCRIPT} --url http://localhost:${LS_PORT}/lookupservice/sdk 2>/tmp/ls_update_certs.stderr --fingerprint ${FINGERPRINT} --certfile /tmp/machine-ssl.crt --user ${LOGIN} --password $(eval echo "'${PASSWORD}'"); then echo $'\n'"${YELLOW}The script encountered an error." echo $'\n'"Please refer to /tmp/ls_update_certs.stderr for more information.${NORMAL}" fi else echo $'\n'"${YELLOW}Unable to obtain SSL certificate from ${NODE_FQDN}. Exiting..." fi else echo $'\n'"Operation aborted. Exiting..." fi fi else echo $'\n'"${YELLOW}Fixing trust anchors can only be done on a live system.${NORMAL}" fi fi
Proceed with updating trust anchors? [Y/N]: y
Enter SSO admin [administrator@vsphere.local]: administrator@vsphere.local
Enter password for administrator@vsphere.local:
Enter fingerprint of trust anchor(s) to update: EF:9E:07:4E:43:A5:DA:94:18:41:33:14:EB:1A:46:B8:B0:F1:C1:86 ---输入不一样的指纹
Enter the FQDN of the node to update: VC名字或IP
标签:vSphere,NORMAL,--,echo,SSL,CERT,Client,fi,vCenter From: