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<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/pixi.min.js"></script>
<title>pixi draw avatar</title>
<div class="pixiCantainer" id="pixiCantainer"> </div>
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1: 画图形 : https://juejin.cn/post/7205802450573377596 ;
// 设置图片的裁剪位置
function shotAvatarWH(width, height, set_w, set_h) {
let d = Math.abs((width - height))
let d_position = d / 2;
let x, y, w, h;
if (width > height) {
x = d_position, y = 0, w = height, h = height
} else {
x = 0, y = d_position, w = width, h = width
if (set_w) w = set_w
if (set_h) h = set_h
let obj = { x, y, w, h }
return obj
// 制作头像的函数
function setPicScale(pic) {
pic.width = parseInt(pic.width);
pic.height = Number(pic.height);
pic.sprite_w = Number(pic.sprite_w);
pic.sprite_h = Number(pic.sprite_h);
let obj = { w: 0, h: 0, x: 0, y: 0 };
let ratio_sprite = pic.sprite_w / pic.sprite_h
let ratio_img = pic.width / pic.height
let ratio = ratio_sprite - ratio_img
if (pic.objectFit == 'contain') {
} else {
// cover
if (pic.width == pic.height) {
if (pic.sprite_w == pic.sprite_h) {
obj.w = pic.width;
obj.h = pic.height;
} else if (ratio > 0) {
obj.h = pic.height;
obj.w = pic.height * ratio_sprite;
console.warn('a类--2------', obj.w, obj.h)
} else if (ratio < 0) {
obj.w = pic.width;
obj.h = pic.width / ratio_sprite;
obj.y = (obj.h - pic.height) / 2;
console.warn('a类--3------', obj.w, obj.h)
} else if (ratio_img > 1) {
if (ratio == 0) {
obj.w = pic.width;
obj.h = pic.height;
} else if (ratio > 0) {
obj.h = pic.height;
obj.w = pic.height * ratio_sprite
obj.x = (obj.w - pic.width) / 2;
} else if (ratio < 0) {
obj.w = pic.width;
obj.h = pic.width / ratio_sprite;
obj.y = (obj.h - pic.height) / 2;
} else if (ratio_img < 1) {
if (ratio == 0) {
obj.w = pic.height;
obj.h = pic.height;
} else if (ratio > 0) {
if (ratio_sprite > 1) {
obj.h = pic.height;
obj.w = pic.height * ratio_sprite
obj.x = (obj.w - pic.width) / 2;
} else {
obj.h = pic.height;
obj.w = pic.height * ratio_sprite
obj.x = (obj.w - pic.width) / 2;
} else if (ratio < 0) {
obj.w = pic.width;
obj.h = pic.width / ratio_sprite;
obj.y = (obj.h - pic.height) / 2;
obj.w = parseInt(obj.w)
obj.h = parseInt(obj.h)
obj.x = parseInt(obj.x)
obj.y = parseInt(obj.y)
console.warn('d类-------', obj)
return obj
function drawAvatar(pic) {
var pic={
url:''; // 图片链接
width:20,// 展示的宽度(如果是画圆形 drawType: 'circle' 的时候,对比 pic.width 和 pic.height , 取最小值作为圆直径 )
height:30,// 展示的高度(如果是画圆形 drawType: 'circle' 的时候,对比 pic.width 和 pic.height , 取最小值作为圆直径 )
radius: 50,// 圆半径 (如果是画圆形 drawType: 'circle' 的时候, pic.radius 做为半径, pic.width 和 pic.height 都回无效 )
center_x: 220,// 中心点x 位置
center_y: 320,// 中心点y 位置
drawType: 'circle', // 画图的形状类型,参数有 : 'circle' || 'rect' || 'roundedRect'
let spriteObj = PIXI.Sprite.from(pic.url);
spriteObj.anchor.set(0, 0);
let sprite_w = spriteObj.width, sprite_h = spriteObj.height;
let circle_r;
if (pic.drawType == 'circle') {
if (pic.radius) {
circle_r = pic.radius
} else {
pic.width > pic.height ? circle_r = pic.height / 2 : circle_r = pic.width / 2;
pic.width = circle_r * 2
pic.height = circle_r * 2
// resize avatar
let resize_avatar = { sprite_w: spriteObj.width, sprite_h: spriteObj.height, ...pic, }
let scale_size = setPicScale(resize_avatar);
spriteObj.width = scale_size.w;
spriteObj.height = scale_size.h;
spriteObj.x = pic.center_x - spriteObj.width / 2
spriteObj.y = pic.center_y - spriteObj.height / 2
// 画蒙版图形 s
let masking = new PIXI.Graphics();
let mask_x = pic.center_x - pic.width / 2,
mask_y = pic.center_y - pic.height / 2;
masking.beginFill(0x66CCFF, .5);//背景色
if (pic.drawType == 'rect') {
masking.drawRect(mask_x, mask_y, pic.width, pic.height);
} if (pic.drawType == 'roundedRect') {
masking.drawRoundedRect(mask_x, mask_y, pic.width, pic.height, pic.rounde_deg || 10);
} else if (pic.drawType == 'circle') {
// drawCircle
mask_x = pic.center_x
mask_y = pic.center_y
masking.drawCircle(mask_x, mask_y, circle_r); // 圆心的 X 坐标,圆心的 y 坐标,半径
spriteObj.mask = masking;
// 画蒙版图形 e
return [spriteObj, masking]
// ---------------------- 开始
let my_container = document.querySelector('#pixiCantainer')
let htmlFontSize = parseFloat(document.querySelector('html').style.fontSize)
console.log(htmlFontSize, 'htmlFontSize是');
let ui_width = 750
let start_y = 20
// 启动app
const app = new PIXI.Application({
background: '#fcf',
// resizeTo: window,
width: ui_width,
antialias: true,//抗锯齿功能开启,默认不开,开了会比较消耗性能
// height: 700,
let children_list = []
let pic_data = {
frame_bg: 'https://image.whoisamy.shop/action/commonPics/23_08_11_groupPurchase/page_bg.png',
frame_top: 'https://image.whoisamy.shop/action/commonPics/23_08_11_groupPurchase/fra_top.png',
frame_mid: 'https://image.whoisamy.shop/action/commonPics/23_08_11_groupPurchase/fra_mid.png',
frame_bot: 'https://image.whoisamy.shop/action/commonPics/23_08_11_groupPurchase/fra_bot.png',
avatar_1: "https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.b49dbddffaa692d75988e0c5882dacca?rik=r6IIYs2muimY7A&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.quazero.com%2fuploads%2fallimg%2f140529%2f1-140529145A4.jpg&ehk=Co9XURYRCjJXUTzFG0Mw6lD7olzDKceEgv3slEC8kvQ%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0",
avatar_2: "https://img.zcool.cn/community/0104c15cd45b49a80121416816f1ec.jpg@1280w_1l_2o_100sh.jpg",
avatar_3: "https://pic2.zhimg.com/255de7c1e56c1ab09329885d85d2c16a_r.jpg?source=1940ef5c",
let pic_arr = []
for (const key in pic_data) {
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(pic_data, key)) {
const element = pic_data[key];
let loader = app.loader,
// resources = app.loader.resources,
Sprite = PIXI.Sprite;
// pic 1 s 背景图
const bunny_1 = PIXI.Sprite.from(pic_data.frame_bg);
bunny_1.anchor.set(0, 0);
// bunny_2.x = app.screen.width / 2 - bunny_2.width / 2;
bunny_1.x = app.screen.width / 2 - (702 - 20) / 2;
bunny_1.y = start_y + 20 - 14;
bunny_1.width = 702 - 16;
bunny_1.height = 500 + 30;
// app.stage.addChild(bunny_2);
// pic 1 e
// pic 2 s 头边框
const bunny_2 = PIXI.Sprite.from(pic_data.frame_top);
bunny_2.anchor.set(0, 0);
// bunny_2.x = app.screen.width / 2 - bunny_2.width / 2;
bunny_2.x = app.screen.width / 2 - 702 / 2;
bunny_2.y = start_y;
// pic 2 e
// pic 3 s 中边框
const bunny_3 = PIXI.Sprite.from(pic_data.frame_mid);
bunny_3.anchor.set(0, 0);
bunny_3.height = 400
bunny_3.x = app.screen.width / 2 - 702 / 2;
bunny_3.y = 71 + start_y;
// pic 3 e
// pic 4 s 底边框
const bunny_4 = PIXI.Sprite.from(pic_data.frame_bot);
bunny_4.anchor.set(0, 0);
bunny_4.x = app.screen.width / 2 - 702 / 2;
bunny_4.y = 400 + start_y + 71;
// pic 4 e
const style = new PIXI.TextStyle({
fontFamily: 'Arial',
fontSize: 36,
fontStyle: 'italic',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fill: ['#ffffff', '#00ff99'], // gradient
stroke: '#4a1850',
strokeThickness: 5,
dropShadow: true,
dropShadowColor: '#000000',
dropShadowBlur: 4,
dropShadowAngle: Math.PI / 6,
dropShadowDistance: 6,
wordWrap: true,
wordWrapWidth: 440,
lineJoin: 'round',
const richText = new PIXI.Text('Rich text with a lot of options and across multiple lines', style);
richText.x = 50;
richText.y = 220;
// app.stage.addChild(rectangle);
let rectangle = new PIXI.Graphics();
rectangle.lineStyle(4, 0xFF3300, 1);
rectangle.drawRect(0, 0, 64, 64);
rectangle.x = 70;
rectangle.y = 70;
let circle = new PIXI.Graphics();
circle.drawCircle(0, 0, 32);
circle.x = 84;
circle.y = 130;
// 画头像 s
// function drawAvatar(url) {
// let imgbase64;
// let cvs = document.createElement('canvas')
// cvs.setAttribute('class','avatarCanvas')
// cvs.style.cssText = "position:absolute;left:0;top:0;z-index:-1"
// //
// 填充图片到形状中 (蒙版) s ------------
// let Pikachu = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.loader.resources[pic_data.avatar_1].texture);
let Pikachu = PIXI.Sprite.from(pic_data.avatar_1);
let rectangle_2 = new PIXI.Graphics();
rectangle_2.drawRect(0, 0, 200, 200);
rectangle_2.x = 300;
rectangle_2.y = 300;
Pikachu.mask = rectangle_2;
// *-*
// ---------
let avatar_cp = { y: 160, x: 270, }
let avatar_cp_1 = drawAvatar({
url: pic_data.avatar_1,
// url: pic_data.avatar_2,
// url: pic_data.avatar_3,
width: 200,
height: 180,
// objectFit: 'cover',
// drawType: 'rect',
drawType: 'roundedRect',
// drawType: 'circle',
center_x: avatar_cp.x,//中心点x
center_y: avatar_cp.y,//中心点y
radius: 100,//半径
rounde_deg: 40,
// lineStyle: "4, 0xFF3300, 1"
let avatar_cp_2 = drawAvatar({
// url: pic_data.avatar_1,
url: pic_data.avatar_2,
// url: pic_data.avatar_3,
width: 200,
height: 200,
// objectFit: 'cover',
drawType: 'circle',
// drawType: 'rect',
center_x: avatar_cp.x + 300,//中心点x
center_y: avatar_cp.y,//中心点y
radius: 100,//半径
// lineStyle: "4, 0xFF3300, 1"
let avatar_list = [...avatar_cp_1, ...avatar_cp_2]
// console.log(myAvatar, '[myAvatar是]');
// 头像1 e
// 填充图片到形状中 (蒙版) e ------------
// 画头像 e
children_list = [bunny_1, bunny_4, bunny_3, bunny_2, richText, rectangle, circle, rectangle_2, ...avatar_list]
console.log(children_list, 'children_list 是');
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/janty/p/17691592.html