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SAML-based SSO Flow

时间:2023-09-08 20:45:44浏览次数:53  
标签:based Service SP Flow SSO user HTTP example


SAML: Security Assertion Markup Language
SSO: single sign-on
SP: Service Provider
IdP: Identity provider
UA:User Agent (Browser)

SP-Initiated SSO Flow

The processing is as follows:


The user attempts to access a resource on sp.example.com. The user does not have a valid logon session (i.e. security context) on this site. The SP saves the requested resource URL in local state information that can be saved across the web SSO exchange.


The SP sends an HTTP redirect response to the browser (HTTP status 302 or 303). The Location HTTP header contains the destination URI of the Sign-On Service at the identity provider together with an message encoded as a URL query variable named SAMLRequest.


The query string is encoded using the DEFLATE encoding. The browser processes the redirect response and issues an HTTP GET request to the IdP's Single Sign-On Service with the SAMLRequest query parameter. The local state information (or a reference to it) is also included in the HTTP response encoded in a RelayState query string parameter.



The Single Sign-On Service determines whether the user has an existing logon security context at the identity provider that meets the default or requested (in the ) authentication policy requirements. If not, the IdP interacts with the browser to challenge the user to provide valid credentials.


The user provides valid credentials and a local logon security context is created for the user at the IdP.


The IdP Single Sign-On Service builds a SAML assertion representing the user's logon security context. Since a POST binding is going to be used, the assertion is digitally signed and then placed within a SAML message. The message is then placed within an HTML FORM as a hidden form control named SAMLResponse. If the IdP received a RelayState value from the SP, it must return it unmodified to the SP in a hidden form control named RelayState. The Single Sign-On Service sends the HTML form back to the browser in the HTTP response. For ease of use purposes, the HTML FORM typically will be accompanied by script code that will automatically post the form to the destination site.

<form method="post" action="https://sp.example.com/SAML2/SSO/POST" ...>
<input type="hidden" name="SAMLResponse" value="response" />
<input type="hidden" name="RelayState" value="token" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

The value of the SAMLResponse parameter is the base64 encoding of the following samlp:Response element:

<saml:Issuer>https://idp.example.org/SAML2</saml:Issuer><!-- a POSTed assertion MUST be signed -->


The browser, due either to a user action or execution of an “auto-submit” script, issues an HTTP POST request to send the form to the SP's Assertion Consumer Service.

Host: sp.example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: nnn

where the values of the SAMLResponse and RelayState parameters are taken from the HTML form of Step 5.

The service provider's Assertion Consumer Service obtains the message from the HTML FORM for processing. The digital signature on the SAML assertion must first be validated and then the assertion contents are processed in order to create a local logon security context for the user at the SP. Once this completes, the SP retrieves the local state information indicated by the RelayState data to recall the originally-requested resource URL. It then sends an HTTP redirect response to the browser directing it to access the originally requested resource (not shown).


An access check is made to establish whether the user has the correct authorization to access the resource. If the access check passes, the resource is then returned to the browser.



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/talentzemin/p/17688506.html


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