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时间:2022-10-03 13:11:55浏览次数:41  
标签:what 1950s Dealing inferences perspective text My change L10U2

1 Reading Traditional values

Making inferences

Making inferences is a key reading skill. If you can't infer what a writer means, you may have an incomplete understanding of a text. Here are some tips on how to draw inferences.

Making inferences 推理

**1. Use graphics. **

graphics 图样

accompanied by 由…陪同

The text you will read is accompanied by an image of a 1950s American housewife. Looking at the image, these are among the inferences you might make:

what it was like to be a 1950s housewife.

gender relationships in the 1950s.

the changes in gender relationships between the 1950s and now.

2. Go from parts to the whole.

Start off 开始
a broader understanding of the text 对文本的更广泛理解

Start off by forming an understanding of the main idea of each sentence, then combine these ideas to infer the main idea of the paragraph. Finally, combine the main ideas of each paragraph to form a broader understanding of the text.

Making inferences

Making inferences is a key reading skill. If you can't infer what a writer means, you may have an incomplete understanding of a text. Here are some tips on how to draw inferences.

  1. Use graphics.

The text you will read is accompanied by an image of a 1950s American housewife. Looking at the image, these are among the inferences you might make:

what it was like to be a 1950s housewife.

gender relationships in the 1950s.

the changes in gender relationships between the 1950s and now.

  1. Go from parts to the whole.

Start off by forming an understanding of the main idea of each sentence, then combine these ideas to infer the main idea of the paragraph. Finally, combine the main ideas of each paragraph to form a broader understanding of the text.

3. Use topic sentences and transitions as clues.

transitions 过渡
idiomatic 惯用的
feminism 女权主义

In the text you will read, the topic sentence of one paragraph is, 'Times have changed – or have they?' From this, you might infer that the writer is:

going to compare past and present.

not convinced that things have changed as much as we think.

4. Look for key idiomatic expressions.

In the text, you will find the expression, 'He was the king of the house.' From this, you can guess the writer is referring to attitudes about husbands in the 1950s.

5. Beware of illogical inferences.

Do not infer the writer's overall opinion from one sentence – read the rest of the text before you do so. For example, the question 'Is this the death of feminism?' might suggest the writer thinks feminism is dead. But if you read on, you'll find the writer's opinion is more complex.


Read the opinion piece about gender roles in 1950s America.

It was 1950s America, and wives were expected to stay home and take care of the children. The traditional role: clean house, cook dinner, wash and iron the family's clothes. Most important, the wife was expected to cater to her husband's every need.

He was the king of the house. He knew how to make all the right decisions. He was strong, protecting the woman and children. He worked hard and was supposed to bring home a big salary to support his family.

Times have changed – or have they? Recent research suggests that more men and women these days appreciate traditional values. For example, some women still want a man who brings home plenty of money, whereas men don't always care if a woman is financially independent. Most women aren't interested in a husband who stays at home and takes care of the children, but many men do appreciate a woman who can cook and is a great mother.

Is this the death of feminism? Or perhaps this is simply the 'new' feminism, where a woman can be a mother, wife and have a career but still expects her husband to earn good money and do his fair share.

whereas 鉴于

A husband still pulls out the chair for his wife.

2 Reading Changing values

Talking about changing values

courteous 有礼貌的
niece 侄女

Here are some words and expressions to talk about the changing values of our modern world.

My father is very old-fashioned. He always opens the door for my mother.
My father is very old-fashioned. He always opens the door for my mother.

My brother has a very traditional view of women.
My brother has a very traditional view of women.

The children were very courteous with their grandparents.
The children were very courteous with their grandparents.

There is a big generational difference in the use of technology.

There is a big generational difference in the use of technology.

Most women want more gender equality in the workplace.
Most women want more gender equality in the workplace.

Women want to be treated equally both at home and at work.
Women want to be treated equally both at home and at work.

My grandfather has very traditional views.

An example of a generational difference is teenagers' use of social media.

Women are being treated more like equals in politics these days.

Gender equality is a goal in education.

What is courteous in one culture may be rude in another.

Listen and record what you hear.

Students want to be treated equally.
My aunt dresses in old-fashioned clothes.
I didn't attend a traditional high school.

It's important to be courteous to others.
Generational differences are clear in politics.
Gender equality can be an issue in the workplace.

3 Expressions Sympathetic listening

Sympathetic 同情的

Tips for listening sympathetically

When a friend explains a problem, you can show you are listening by repeating part of what they say.

A: My sister says that I'm too old-fashioned. My sister says that I'm too old-fashioned.
B: Too old-fashioned? Too old-fashioned?
A: Yeah. I want men to be very traditional. Yeah. I want men to be very traditional.

You can listen sympathetically by commiserating.

I hear you.
I hear you.

My parents do the same thing.
My parents do the same thing.

I know what you mean.
I know what you mean.

I sympathize with you. It's tough.
I sympathize with you. It's tough.

You can also show sympathy by showing the person that you understand the nature of their situation.

I see what you mean.
I see what you mean.

I can understand why you are concerned. I can understand why you are concerned.

You're in a tough position.
You're in a tough position.

That's a sticky situation.
That's a sticky situation.这是一个棘手的情况。

'They text all day.'他们整天发短信

4 Expressions Some perspective

perspective 态度

Putting things in perspective

When someone is worried about a situation, it can be helpful to refocus the conversation. Then you can ask a question or make a point.

Let's take a step back. Why do you think she said that? Let's take a step back. Why do you think she said that?

Let's look at the bigger picture. Getting married is a big change. Let's look at the bigger picture. Getting married is a big change.

Let's put things in perspective. You haven't lost your job. Let's put things in perspective. You haven't lost your job.

You need to get some perspective on this. It isn't the end of the world.
You need to get some perspective on this. It isn't the end of the world.

You can also comment from a less personal perspective.

The change will give you new opportunities.
The change will give you new opportunities.

Life is full of surprises, isn't it?
Life is full of surprises, isn't it?

Change is inevitable, you know.
Change is inevitable, you know.

inevitable 不可避免的
The change will give you opportunities.

You need to get some perspective on this.

Let's put things in perspective.

Listen and record what you hear.

Let's take a step back.
You need to get some perspective on this.
The change will give you new opportunities.
Life is full of surprises, isn't it?

5 Final Task Talking about traditional values

A friend wants to talk with you about something personal. Listen and record the correct response.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/16750352.html
