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1 Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken='eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJkNGNmNzRjYy0xNmZkLTQxNDEtYjQxMy0yMWI4NWE5ZWQwN2IiLCJpZCI6NTM1ODEsImlhdCI6MTYxOTI1NzU5MH0.Xcl8pPPUlgWmdip2hj90xyCoRz_Ikj7zCW1PgJhK2n8'; 2 window.startup = async function (Cesium) { 3 'use strict'; 4 //增加视图区 5 const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", { 6 selectionIndicator: false, 7 infoBox: false, 8 terrainProvider: Cesium.createWorldTerrain(), 9 imageryProvider: new Cesium.WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider({ 10 url: "" , 11 layer: "vec", 12 style: "default", 13 tileMatrixSetID: "w", 14 format: "tiles", 15 maximumLevel: 18, 16 }), 17 }); 18 19 viewer.cesiumWidget.screenSpaceEventHandler.removeInputAction( 20 Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_DOUBLE_CLICK 21 ); 22 function createPoint(worldPosition) { 23 const point = viewer.entities.add({ 24 position: worldPosition, 25 point: { 26 color: Cesium.Color.RED, 27 pixelSize: 5, 28 heightReference: Cesium.HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND, 29 }, 30 }); 31 return point; 32 } 33 let drawingMode = "line"; 34 function drawShape(positionData) { 35 let shape; 36 if (drawingMode === "line") { 37 shape = viewer.entities.add({ 38 polyline: { 39 positions: positionData, 40 clampToGround: true, 41 material: Cesium.Color.RED, 42 width: 3, 43 }, 44 }); 45 } else if (drawingMode === "polygon") { 46 shape = viewer.entities.add({ 47 polygon: { 48 hierarchy: positionData, 49 material: new Cesium.ColorMaterialProperty( 50 Cesium.Color.RED.withAlpha(0.7) 51 ), 52 }, 53 }); 54 } 55 return shape; 56 } 57 let activeShapePoints = []; 58 let activeShape; 59 let floatingPoint; 60 //窗口事件句柄 61 const handler = new Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventHandler(viewer.canvas); 62 handler.setInputAction(function (event) { 63 const ray =;//根据鼠标点击坐标和相机坐标构建射线 64 const earthPosition = viewer.scene.globe.pick(ray, viewer.scene);//射线与球面求交,在地面的交点 65 // `earthPosition` will be undefined if our mouse is not over the globe. 66 if (Cesium.defined(earthPosition)) //鼠标点击在地球范围内 67 { 68 if(drawingMode === "point"){ 69 createPoint(earthPosition); 70 } 71 else{ 72 if (activeShapePoints.length === 0) { 73 floatingPoint = createPoint(earthPosition); 74 activeShapePoints.push(earthPosition); 75 const dynamicPositions = new Cesium.CallbackProperty(function () { 76 if (drawingMode === "polygon") { 77 return new Cesium.PolygonHierarchy(activeShapePoints); 78 } 79 return activeShapePoints; 80 }, false);//回调函数 81 activeShape = drawShape(dynamicPositions); 82 } 83 activeShapePoints.push(earthPosition); 84 createPoint(earthPosition); 85 } 86 } 87 }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK);//鼠标左键 88 89 handler.setInputAction(function (event) { 90 if (Cesium.defined(floatingPoint)) { 91 const ray =; 92 const newPosition = viewer.scene.globe.pick(ray, viewer.scene); 93 if (Cesium.defined(newPosition)) { 94 floatingPoint.position.setValue(newPosition); 95 activeShapePoints.pop(); 96 activeShapePoints.push(newPosition); 97 } 98 } 99 }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MOUSE_MOVE);//鼠标移动 100 //移除临时绘制图像. 101 function terminateShape() { 102 activeShapePoints.pop(); 103 drawShape(activeShapePoints); 104 viewer.entities.remove(floatingPoint); 105 viewer.entities.remove(activeShape); 106 floatingPoint = undefined; 107 activeShape = undefined; 108 activeShapePoints = []; 109 } 110 handler.setInputAction(function (event) { 111 terminateShape(); 112 }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_CLICK);//鼠标右键 113 114 const options = [ 115 { 116 text: "绘制线", 117 onselect: function () { 118 if (!Cesium.Entity.supportsPolylinesOnTerrain(viewer.scene)) { 119 window.alert( 120 "This browser does not support polylines on terrain." 121 ); 122 } 123 124 terminateShape(); 125 drawingMode = "line"; 126 }, 127 }, 128 { 129 text: "绘制面", 130 onselect: function () { 131 terminateShape(); 132 drawingMode = "polygon"; 133 }, 134 }, 135 { 136 text: "绘制点", 137 onselect: function () { 138 terminateShape(); 139 drawingMode = "point"; 140 }, 141 }, 142 ]; 143 144 Sandcastle.addToolbarMenu(options); 145 //缩放至点 146 147 Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-122.2058, 46.1955, 1000.0), 148 new Cesium.Cartesian3(5000.0, 5000.0, 5000.0) 149 ); 150; 151 //Sandcastle_End 152 Sandcastle.finishedLoading(); 153 }; 154 if (typeof Cesium !== 'undefined') { 155 window.startupCalled = true; 156 window.startup(Cesium).catch((error) => { 157 "use strict"; 158 console.error(error); 159 }); 160 }View Code
标签:function,const,鼠标,viewer,earthPosition,Cesium,交互,activeShapePoints From: