首页 > 其他分享 >(二十)MIT公开课雷达系统工程之合成孔径雷达(SAR)


时间:2023-08-15 09:02:04浏览次数:45  
标签:Synthetic Radar width Image 公开课 Aperture SAR MIT

0 写在前面


1 基本介绍

Why Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)?:


Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR):

Cross-Range Resolution with SAR:

SAR Data Gathering Modes:

ADTS Radar:

35 GHz SAR Image of Golf Course:高的距离和方位分辨率。

Radar Ground Mapping in World War II:

History of Synthetic Aperture Radar:

Evolution of SAR Resolution:

LiMIT* SAR Installation on 707:

Sierra Vista, AZ, 16 August 2005 30 cm Limit* SAR:

Missions and Platforms:

SAR Platforms – Airborne Systems:

SAR Platforms – Satellites / Space Probes:

SAR Airborne Platforms for Remote Sensing:

2 SAR基础

Airborne SAR Geometry:

Cross Range Resolution Limits (Real Aperture Radar):

Cross Range Resolution Limits (Unfocused Synthetic Aperture Radar):

Cross Range Resolution Limits (Focused Synthetic Aperture Radar):

Radar Cross Range Resolution:

Constraints on Resolution and Swath Size:

Range ambiguity Constraints:

Avoidance of antenna grating lobes:

Avoidance of antenna grating lobes:

Influence of Grazing Angle:

Focused SAR Example:

3 图像形成

SAR Processing Flow:

Pulse Processing (LiMIT Example):

Image Formation Issues:

Image Formation:

Image Formation Block Diagram:

Far-Field Spotlight Phase Response:

Polar ReSampling:

Motion Compensation:

Autofocus Algorithm Techniques:

Moving Target Displacement in SAR:

Motion Compensation Example:

Shadowing of Ground Objects:

4 高阶图像形成技术

Interoferometric SAR (InSAR):

Synthetic Aperture Radar on Magellan Mission to Venus:

Magellan SAR Mapping of Venus:

Magellan Space Probe of Venus:

FOPEN – Foliage Penetration SAR:

Microwave SAR & UHF SAR Comparison:

High-Definition Vector Imaging:

Image Reconstruction: A Comparison:

Controlling Sidelobes: An Inside Look:

5 SAR实例

Sandia National Laboratory :KU-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar。

Sandia KU-Band SAR Image:

Sandia mini SAR:

Sandia mini SAR: mini SAR Image DC-3 & Helicopter Static Display - KAFB。

Sandia Lynx SAR Radar:

Sandia Lynx Image:

LiMIT Ultra-Wideband Frame Mode 2.5 in × 2.5 in Resolution ( BW = 3.0 GHz)。

6 遥感应用

List of Space Probe SAR Systems:

Partial List of Earth Viewing SAR Satellites:


SIR (Shuttle Imaging Radar Series):

The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM):

SRTM SAR Image of Virgin Islands:

SRTM Interferometric SAR Image:

SIR (C/X) Band SAR Image: SAR Image of Death Valley, CA。

SIR (C/X) Band SAR Image: SAR Image of Active Volcano near Kyushu, Japan。

SIR (C/X) Band SAR Image: SAR radar image shows the Teide volcano on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands。

ERS-1 and ERS-2:

ERS-1 Images:


RADARSAT-1 Image of Antarctica:

List of Space Probe SAR Systems:


Synthetic Aperture Radar on Magellan Mission to Venus:

SAR Images of Venus with Magellan:

Magelllan SAR Image of Buck Crater:

Magellan SAR Images from Left and Right Aspects:

SAR Image of 600 Kilometer Segment of Longest Channel on Venus:

Cassini Space Probe to Saturn:

Cassini SAR Images of Titan, Saturn’s Largest Moon:

Chandrayaan 1:

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO):

7 总结讨论


8 参考文献

[1] 百度翻译

[2] MIT 公开课: Radar Systems Engineering

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/SymPny/p/17630355.html


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