首页 > 其他分享 >口语中的一些短语


时间:2023-07-29 11:23:08浏览次数:28  
标签:do 口语 get 短语 well sth go 一些 out

  • set up a restaurant / business (开始)
  • know the city inside out = know it very well
  • highly paid // well paid
  • is a seasoned worker  ==  experienced
  • take on someone == employ sb
  • get the word out about == tell sb about sth
  • make a point of making coffee == make effort to ..
  • a little something to eat == a  snack
  • go the extra mile == need more effort
  • reach out to my customers == connect and ask for help
  • explore all avenues == look at all options
  • to get the ball rolling = to start an activity
  • csot an arm and leg = expensive
  • put it out there  = just do or say sth (without much expectation)
  • keep an eye on the = to watch carefully
  • it's in the bag = sure sth.
  • It turns out = the result is 
  • get the heart of the matter // to get the root / cause of the problem
  • miss the mark = miss the target
  • to be a dead loss = to be a waste of time // worthliess // not worhy
  • call it a day = to stop
  • to let someone go = to fire sb
  • to go belly up = to go bankrupt
  • be on the right track = do the right thing
  • to take off = to start to do well. sth is taking off.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ylxn/p/17589516.html


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