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spring features

时间:2023-07-28 14:32:43浏览次数:76  
标签:Java features Framework spring applications framework Spring based


Modern Web

Complete support for modern applications including REST, HTML 5, conversations and AJAX.
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Data Access

Supports traditional RDBMS as well as new NoSQL solutions, map-reduce frameworks and cloud based data services.
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Enterprise orchestration and adapters for distributed applications, asynchronous message-based applications, and batch applications.
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Web support for mobile client platforms including Android and iPhone.
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Integration with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TripIt and other prominent social networks.
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Authorization control for all tiers and authentication integration to dozens of providers.
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Cloud Ready

Spring applications are supported on all popular cloud platforms like Cloud Foundry, Google App Engine and Amazon EC2.
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spring features_features

Spring Framework Samples

Spring is a layered Java application platform for building enterprise solutions and is based on code published in the book Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson. Go to...


Spring Security Samples

Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework that works efficiently in Spring applications with just a few lines of configuration. Go to...


Spring Roo Samples

Spring Roo is a next-generation rapid application development tool for Java developers. With Roo you can easily build in minutes full Java applications including data access, search and rich web interactions. Go to...

Spring Mobile Samples

Spring Mobile is an extension to Spring MVC that aims to simplify the development of mobile web applications including intelligent device detection and progressive rendering options. Go to...


Spring Data - MongoDB Example

Spring Data makes it easier to build Spring-powered applications that use new data access technologies like MongoDB, Neo4J, Redis, and other noSQL data stores. Go to...


Spring Web Services Samples

Spring Web Services focuses on creating document-driven Web services using a contract-first SOAP service development approach. Go to...

Spring Batch Samples

Spring Batch is a lightweight, comprehensive batch framework designed to simplify and optimize the work of processing high volume batch operations. Go to...


Spring Integration Samples

Spring Integration extends Spring to support the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns via lightweight messaging within Spring-based applications and supports integration with external systems via declarative adapters. Go to...


Spring AMQP Samples

Spring AMQP applies core Spring concepts to the development of AMQP-based messaging solutions including abstractions for sending, receiving and configuring AMQP messages. Go to...

Spring Social Samples

Spring Social is an extension of the Spring Framework that allows you to connect your applications with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers such as Facebook and Twitter. Go to...


Spring Web Flow Samples

Spring Web Flow focuses on providing the infrastructure for building and running rich web applications that require multi-step interactions. Go to...


Spring BlazeDS Integration

Spring BlazeDS Integration makes it easier to build Spring-powered Rich Internet Applications using Adobe Flex as the front-end client. Go to...

More Samples




Spring Framework

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Spring Framework


Spring Source

Stable release

3.1.1 / February 17, 2012; 23 days ago2012-02-17)

Development status


Written in


Operating system



Java Virtual Machine


Application framework


Apache License 2.0



The Spring Framework is an open source application framework and Inversion of Control container for the Java platform.[1]

The first version was written by Rod Johnson, who released the framework with the publication of his book Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development in October 2002. The framework was first released under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003. The first milestone release, 1.0, was released in March 2004, with further milestone releases in September 2004 and March 2005. The Spring 1.2.6 framework won a Jolt productivity award and a JAX Innovation Award in 2006.[2][3] Spring 2.0 was released in October 2006, Spring 2.5 in November 2007, Spring 3.0 in December 2009, and Spring 3.1 in December 2011. The current version is 3.1.0.[4]

The core features of the Spring Framework can be used by any Java application, but there are extensions for building web applications on top of the Java EE platform. Although the Spring Framework does not impose any specific programming model, it has become popular in the Java community as an alternative to, replacement for, or even addition to the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) model.



[edit] Modules

The Spring Framework comprises several modules that provide a range of services:

[edit] Inversion of Control container (Dependency injection)

Central to the Spring Framework is its Inversion of Control container, which provides a consistent means of configuring and managing Java objects using reflection. The container is responsible for managing object lifecycles: creating objects, calling initialization methods, and configuring objects by wiring them together.

Objects created by the container are also called Managed Objects or Beans. Typically, the container is configured by loading XML files containing Bean definitions which provide the information required to create the beans.

Objects can be obtained by means of Dependency lookup or Dependency injection. Dependency lookup is a pattern where a caller asks the container object for an object with a specific name or of a specific type. Dependency injection is a pattern where the container passes objects by name to other objects, via either constructors, properties, or factory methods.

In many cases one need not use the container when using other parts of the Spring Framework, although using it will likely make an application easier to configure and customize. The Spring container provides a consistent mechanism to configure applications and integrates with almost all Java environments, from small-scale applications to large enterprise applications.

The container can be turned into a partially-compliant EJB3 container by means of the Pitchfork project. Some[who?] criticize the Spring Framework for not complying with standards.[5] However, SpringSource doesn't see EJB3 compliance as a major goal, and claims that the Spring Framework and the container allow for more powerful programming models.[6]

[edit] Aspect-oriented programming framework

The Spring Framework has its own AOP framework which modularizes cross-cutting concerns in aspects. The motivation for creating a separate AOP framework comes from the belief that it would be possible to provide basic AOP features without too much complexity in either design, implementation, or configuration. The Spring AOP framework also takes full advantage of the Spring Container.

The Spring AOP framework is interception based, and is configured at run time. This removes the need for a compilation step or load-time weaving. On the other hand, interception only allows for public method-execution on existing objects at a join point.

Compared to the AspectJ framework, Spring AOP is less powerful but also less complicated. Spring 1.2 includes support to configure AspectJ aspects in the container. Spring 2.0 added more integration with AspectJ; for example, the pointcut language is reused and can be mixed with SpAOP-based aspects. Further, Spring 2.0 added a Spring Aspects library which uses AspectJ to offer common Spring features such as declarative transaction management and dependency injection via AspectJ compile-time or load-time weaving. SpringSource also uses AspectJ for AOP in other Spring projects such as Spring Roo and Spring Insight, with Spring Security also offering an AspectJ-based aspect library.

Spring AOP has been designed to make it able to work with cross-cutting concerns inside the Spring Framework. Any object which is created and configured by the container can be enriched using Spring AOP.

The Spring Framework uses Spring AOP internally for transaction management, security, remote access, and JMX.

Since version 2.0 of the framework, Spring provides two approaches to the AOP configuration:

  • schema-based approach.
  • @AspectJ-based annotation style.

The Spring team decided not to introduce new AOP-related terminology; therefore, in the Spring reference documentation and API, terms such as aspect, join point, advice, pointcut, introduction, target object (advised object), AOP proxy, and weaving all have the same meanings as in most other AOP frameworks (particularly AspectJ).

[edit] Data access framework

Spring's data access framework addresses common difficulties developers face when working with databases in applications. Support is provided for all popular data access frameworks in Java: JDBC, iBatis / MyBatis, Hibernate, JDO, JPA, Oracle TopLink, Apache OJB, and Apache Cayenne, among others.

For all of these supported frameworks, Spring provides these features

  • Resource management - automatically acquiring and releasing database resources
  • Exception handling - translating data access related exception to a Spring data access hierarchy
  • Transaction participation - transparent participation in ongoing transactions
  • Resource unwrapping - retrieving database objects from connection pool wrappers
  • Abstraction for BLOB and CLOB handling

All these features become available when using Template classes provided by Spring for each supported framework. Critics say these Template classes are intrusive and offer no advantage over using (for example) the Hibernate API directly.[7][not in citation given] In response, the Spring developers have made it possible to use the Hibernate and JPA APIs directly. This however requires transparent transaction management, as application code no longer assumes the responsibility to obtain and close database resources, and does not support exception translation.

Together with Spring's transaction management, its data access framework offers a flexible abstraction for working with data access frameworks. The Spring Framework doesn't offer a common data access API; instead, the full power of the supported APIs is kept intact. The Spring Framework is the only framework available in Java which offers managed data access environments outside of an application server or container.[citation needed]

While using Spring for transaction management with Hibernate, the following beans may have to be configured

  • DataSource like com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource or org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
  • SessionFactory like org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean with a DataSource attribute
  • HibernateProperties like org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean
  • TransactionManager like org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager with a SessionFactory attribute

Other configurations

  • AOP configuration of cutting points using <aop:config>
  • Transaction semantics of AOP advice using <tx:advice>

[edit] Transaction management framework

Spring's transaction management framework brings an abstraction mechanism to the Java platform. Its abstraction is capable of:

In comparison, JTA only supports nested transactions and global transactions, and requires an application server (and in some cases also deployment of applications in an application server).

The Spring Framework ships a PlatformTransactionManager for a number of transaction management strategies:

Next to this abstraction mechanism the framework also provides two ways of adding transaction management to applications:

Together with Spring's data access framework — which integrates the transaction management framework — it is possible to set up a transactional system through configuration without having to rely on JTA or EJB. The transactional framework also integrates with messaging and caching engines.

[edit] Model-view-controller framework

The Spring Framework features its own MVC web application framework, which wasn't originally planned. The Spring developers decided to write their own web framework as a reaction to what they perceived as the poor design of the (then) popular Jakarta Struts web framework[8], as well as deficiencies in other available frameworks. In particular, they felt there was insufficient separation between the presentation and request handling layers, and between the request handling layer and the model.[9]

Like Struts, Spring MVC is a request-based framework. The framework defines strategy interfaces for all of the responsibilities which must be handled by a modern request-based framework. The goal of each interface is to be simple and clear so that it's easy for Spring MVC users to write their own implementations if they so choose. MVC paves the way for cleaner front end code. All interfaces are tightly coupled to the Servlet API. This tight coupling to the Servlet API is seen by some as a failure on the part of the Spring developers to offer a high-level abstraction for web-based applications[citation needed]. However, this coupling makes sure that the features of the Servlet API remain available to developers while offering a high abstraction framework to ease working with said API.

The DispatcherServlet class is the front controller[10] of the framework and is responsible for delegating control to the various interfaces during the execution phases of a HTTP request.

The most important interfaces defined by Spring MVC, and their responsibilities, are listed below:

  • HandlerMapping: selecting objects which handle incoming requests (handlers) based on any attribute or condition internal or external to those requests
  • HandlerAdapter: execution of objects which handle incoming requests
  • Controller: comes between Model and View to manage incoming requests and redirect to proper response. It acts as a gate that directs the incoming information. It switches between going into model or view.
  • View: responsible for returning a response to the client. It is possible to go straight to view without going to the model part. It is also possible to go through all three.
  • ViewResolver: selecting a View based on a logical name for the view (use is not strictly required)
  • HandlerInterceptor: interception of incoming requests comparable but not equal to Servlet filters (use is optional and not controlled by DispatcherServlet).
  • LocaleResolver: resolving and optionally saving of the locale of an individual user
  • MultipartResolver: facilitate working with file uploads by wrapping incoming requests

Each strategy interface above has an important responsibility in the overall framework. The abstractions offered by these interfaces are powerful, so to allow for a set of variations in their implementations, Spring MVC ships with implementations of all these interfaces and together offers a feature set on top of the Servlet API. However, developers and vendors are free to write other implementations. Spring MVC uses the Java java.util.Map interface as a data-oriented abstraction for the Model where keys are expected to be string values.

The ease of testing the implementations of these interfaces seems one important advantage of the high level of abstraction offered by Spring MVC. DispatcherServlet is tightly coupled to the Spring Inversion of Control container for configuring the web layers of applications. However, web applications can use other parts of the Spring Framework—including the container—and choose not to use Spring MVC.

[edit] Remote access framework

Spring's Remote Access framework is an abstraction for working with various RPC-based technologies available on the Java platform both for client connectivity and exporting objects on servers. The most important feature offered by this framework is to ease configuration and usage of these technologies as much as possible by combining Inversion of Control and AOP.

The framework also provides fault-recovery (automatic reconnection after connection failure) and some optimizations for client-side use of EJB remote stateless session beans.

Spring provides support for these protocols and products out of the box:

  • HTTP-based protocols
  • Hessian: binary serialization protocol, open-sourced and maintained by CORBA-based protocols
  • RMI (1): method invocations using RMI infrastructure yet specific to Spring
  • RMI (2): method invocations using RMI interfaces complying with regular RMI usage
  • RMI-IIOP (CORBA): method invocations using RMI-IIOP/CORBA
  • Local EJB stateless session bean connectivity: connecting to local stateless session beans
  • Remote EJB stateless session bean connectivity: connecting to remote stateless session beans

Apache CXF provides integration with the Spring Framework for RPC-style exporting of object on the server side.

Both client and server setup for all RPC-style protocols and products supported by the Spring Remote access framework (except for the Apache Axis support) is configured in the Spring Core container.

There is alternative open-source implementation (Cluster4Spring) of a remoting subsystem included into Spring Framework which is intended to support various schemes of remoting (1-1, 1-many, dynamic services discovering).

[edit] Convention-Over-Configuration Rapid Application Development

Spring Roo is Spring's Convention-over-configuration solution for rapidly building applications in Java. It currently supports Spring Framework, Spring Security and Spring Web Flow, with remaining Spring projects scheduled to be added in due course. Roo differs from other rapid application development frameworks by focusing on:

  • Java platform productivity (as opposed to other languages)
  • Usability (particularly via the shell features and usage patterns)
  • Runtime avoidance (with associated deployment advantages)
  • Lock-in avoidance (Roo can be removed within a few minutes from any application)
  • Extensibility (via add-ons)

[edit] Batch Framework

Spring Batch is a framework for batch processing that provides reusable functions that are essential in processing large volumes of records, including:

  • logging/tracing
  • transaction management
  • job processing statistics
  • job restart
  • skip
  • resource management

It also provides more advanced technical services and features that will enable extremely high-volume and high performance batch jobs through optimizations and partitioning techniques.

[edit] Integration Framework

Spring Integration is a framework for Enterprise application integration that provides reusable functions that are essential in messaging, or event-driven architectures.

  • routers
  • transformers
  • adapters to integrate with other technologies and systems (HTTP, AMQP, JMS, XMPP, SMTP, IMAP, FTP (as well as FTPS/SFTP), file systems, etc.)
  • filters
  • service activators
  • management and auditing

Spring Integration supports pipe-and-filter based architectures.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Spring.NET Application Framework
  2. ^ Jolt winners 2006
  3. ^ JAX Innovation Award Gewinner 2006
  4. ^ Spring Framework 3.1 goes GA
  5. ^ http://www.andygibson.net/blog/index.php/2008/08/28/is-spring-between-the-devil-and-the-ejb Spring VS EJB3
  6. ^ "Pitchfork FAQ". http://www.springsource.com/web/guest/pitchfork/pitchfork-faq. Retrieved 2006-06-06. 
  7. ^ http://houseofhaug.wordpress.com/2005/08/12/hibernate-hates-spring Hibernate VS Spring
  8. ^ Introduction to the Spring Framework
  9. ^ Johnson, Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development, Ch. 12. et al.
  10. ^ Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture: Front Controller

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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Spring framework

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