How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure
- gossip
- judging
- negativity
- complaning: viral misery
- excuses
- lying: embroidery, exaggeration
- dogmatism: bombard somebody
Cornerstones/Foundations: HAIL, to greet or acclaim enthusiasitcally
- Honesty: be clear and straight
- Authenticity: be yourself
- Integrity: be your word
- Love: wish them well
it's hard to love someone and judge them simultaneously
Tool box
- register
- timber
- prosody
- pace
- pitch
- volume
Warm up your voice (6 exercises)
- stand up, arm up, deep breathe in, sigh out
- go Ba Ba Ba
- go Brrrrrrr (for lips)
- go La La
- go Lrrrrrrrrrr (for tongue)
- from we (high) to aw (low)