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some words:brainstorm review identify implement analyse

时间:2023-07-19 10:47:23浏览次数:54  
标签:means analyse review some brainstorm identify eg

Brainstorm means to have a disscussion to suggest lots of ideas for an activity or for solving a problem.

eg. Let's brainstorm the next game planning.

We always brainstorm some ideas for new game.


Review means to examine or look at carefully, especially before making a decision.

eg. I think we need more time to review the situation.

Have you already reviewed the new IT security guidelines?


Identify means to recognise sth or discover exactly what it is.

eg.By analyzing the bahavior data of users, we identify a gap in the maket, that doesn't exist ,so there's an opportunity to devolop our product by the end we earn a growth of users.


Implement means to start using a system or plan.

eg.We need to implement a new system as soon as possible.

Analyse means to study or examin sth in detail, to find out more about it.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/xysong/p/17564918.html


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