radius source-interface Loopback0 vrf default
radius-server host x.x.x.x auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
key 7 14341B180F0B
aaa group server radius bng_001
server x.x.x.x auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
source-interface Loopback0
##添加Radius服务器配置,在ASR9000中添加aaa host是存在先后的,在前面的优先使用大家在割接或者是新加aaa server的时候要注意
aaa server radius dynamic-author
port 3799
client x.x.x.x vrf default
server-key 7 062506324F41
aaa attribute format CLID-FORMAT
format-string length 253 "%s" client-mac-address
aaa attribute format NAS-PORT-FORMAT
format-string length 253 "PPPoE over QinQ%s/%s/%s:%s.%s" physical-chassis physical-slot physical-subslot outer-vlan-id inner-vlan-id
aaa radius attribute nas-port-id format NAS-PORT-FORMAT type 34
aaa radius attribute calling-station-id format CLID-FORMAT
aaa accounting subscriber default group bng_001
aaa authorization subscriber default group bng_001
aaa authentication subscriber default group bng_001
pppoe bba-group VLAN
sessions mac limit 2
sessions vlan limit 500
sessions mac throttle 2 10 30 (如果一秒钟内有 10 个请求,我们会阻止这个 mac 30 秒不处理他的东西)流量陷阱监管器
## https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios/12_2sb/12_2sba/feature/guide/sbppthr.html
pppoe in-flight-window 2000
class-map type control subscriber match-any CLASS_PTA
match protocol ppp
policy-map type control subscriber bng_001
event session-start match-all
class type control subscriber CLASS_PTA do-all
1 activate dynamic-template test_pppoe
event session-activate match-all
class type control subscriber CLASS_PTA do-until-failure
10 authenticate aaa list default
##配置策略调用,PPPoE 与PPP协议是两个不同的协议层,在PPPoE session建立过程中,首先是PPPoE协商,在协商成功的基础上再进行PPP协议的LCP 协商,认证(PAP or CHAP)和NCP协商
policy-map up1m
class class-default
police rate 1024 kbps
policy-map up2m
class class-default
police rate 2048 kbps
policy-map up3m
class class-default
police rate 3072 kbps
policy-map up4m
class class-default
police rate 4096 kbps
policy-map up6m
class class-default
police rate 6144 kbps
pool vrf default ipv4 POOL
interface Loopback0
ipv4 address x.x.x.x
type ppp test_pppoe
ppp prot-reject-timeout 2
ppp authentication pap chap
keepalive 30 3
ppp timeout authentication 5 #超时验证
ppp max-bad-auth 3 #最大验证次数
ppp ipcp dns
ppp ipcp mask
ppp ipcp peer-address pool pppoe-pool101
accounting aaa list default type session periodic-interval 15
ipv4 unnumbered Loopback0
interface TenGigE0/0/1/2.1000
service-policy type control subscriber bng_001
pppoe enable bba-group VLAN
encapsulation ambiguous dot1q 1000-1999 second-dot1q any
二、扩展的 NAS 端口类型和 NAS 端口支持
aaa attribute format <format-name> format-string [length] <string>*[<Identity-Attribute>]
aaa attribute format NAS_PORT_FORMAT
format-string length 253 "eth%s/%s/%s:%s/%s" physical-chassis physical-slot physical-subslot outer-vlan-id inner-vlan-id
aaa radius attribute calling-station-id format CLID-FORMAT
aaa radius attribute nas-port-id format NAS_PORT_FORMAT type 33
aaa radius attribute nas-port-id format NAS_PORT_FORMAT_QINQ type 34
aaa radius attribute nas-port-id format NAS_PORT_FORMAT type 36
aaa radius attribute nas-port-id format NAS_PORT_FORMAT_QINQ type 37
•Value 30 - PPP over ATM (PPPoA)
•Value 31 - PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) over ATM (PPPoEoA)
•Value 32 - PPPoE over Ethernet (PPPoEoE )
•Value 33 - PPPoE over VLAN (PPPoEoVLAN)
•Value 34 - PPPoE over Q-in-Q (PPPoEoQinQ)
One of the methods to establish PPP connection is by the use of PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE). In a PPPoE session, the Point-to-Point (PPP) protocol runs between the CPE and BNG. The Home Gateway (which is part of the CPE) adds a PPP header (encapsulation) that is terminated at the BNG.
CPE detects and interacts with BNG using various PPPoE Active Discovery (PAD) messages listed here:
PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation (PADI)—The CPE broadcasts to initiate the process to discover BNG.
PPPoE Active Discovery Offer (PADO)—The BNG responds with an offer.
PPPoE Active Discovery Request (PADR)—The CPE requests to establish a connection.
PPPoE Active Discovery Session confirmation (PADS)—BNG accepts the request and responds by assigning a session identifier (Session-ID).
PPPoE Active Discovery Termination (PADT)—Either CPE or BNG terminates the session.
In redundant BNG setups, where the PPPoE client is connected to multiple BNGs, the PADI message sent by the CPE is received on all BNGs. Each BNG, in turn, replies with a PADO message. You must configure Smart Server Selection on BNG to allow subscribers to select one of the BNGs in a multi-BNG setup. Refer PPPoE Smart Server Selection
The BNG provides configuration flexibility to limit and throttle the number of PPPoE sessions requests, based on various parameters. For details, see PPPoE Session Limit and PPPoE Session Throttle.
标签:aaa,format,部署,class,PPPoE,default,ASR9000,type,PPPOE From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15866513/6674356