题目集4和5 的知识点、题量、难度等情况如下:
题量:共计 2 道题目
本次 Blog 重点分析成绩计算系列题目,即题目集 4的 7-1、题目集5的7-1。这两道题都是计价系统的迭代,延用前几次题目集的设计与分析
题目集4的7-1在之前的基础上增加了许多报错信息 和一个特色菜系统
//特色菜系统,由输入格式判断输入的是否为特色菜,若是则存储的时候改变IsT变量以供后续识别 if (str1.matches("[\\S]* [\\d]* T")) { String[] token = str1.split(" "); temp.name = token[0]; temp.unit_price = Integer.parseInt(token[1]); if (temp.unit_price > 300) { System.out.println(temp.name + " price out of range " + temp.unit_price); continue; } temp.isT = true; isRepeat = menu.searchDish(temp.name); if (isRepeat != -1) { menu.dishs.remove(isRepeat); } menu.dishs.add(temp);
//信息的读入以及时间系统的创建和报错 if (str1.matches( "table [1-9][\\d]* [\\d]*/[\\d][\\d]?/[\\d][\\d]? [\\d][\\d]?/[\\d][\\d]?/[\\d][\\d]?")) { String[] token = str1.split(" "); String[] Date = token[2].split("/"); String[] Time = token[3].split("/"); int[] intDate = new int[3]; int[] intTime = new int[3]; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { intDate[i] = Integer.parseInt(Date[i]); intTime[i] = Integer.parseInt(Time[i]); } temp.num = Integer.parseInt(token[1]); if (temp.num > 55) { System.out.println(temp.num + " table num out of range"); str1 = input.nextLine(); continue; } try { temp.time = LocalDateTime.of(intDate[0], intDate[1], intDate[2], intTime[0], intTime[1], intTime[2]); temp.getWeekDay(); } catch (DateTimeException e) { System.out.println(temp.num + " date error"); str1 = input.nextLine(); continue; } if (!temp.isOpen()) { System.out.println("table " + temp.num + " out of opening hours"); str1 = input.nextLine(); continue; } if (!(temp.time.isAfter(LocalDateTime.of(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) && temp.time.isBefore(LocalDateTime.of(2024, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)))) { System.out.println("not a valid time period"); str1 = input.nextLine(); continue; }
// 判断桌号是否重复 if (temp.isOpen()) { for (i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { // 有重复的桌号 if (temp.num == tables.get(i).num && tables.get(i).isOpen()) { Duration duration = Duration.between(temp.time, tables.get(i).time); // 同一天 if (duration.toDays() == 0) { // 在周一到周五 if (temp.weekday > 0 && temp.weekday < 6) { // 在同一时间段 if (temp.time.getHour() < 15 && tables.get(i).time.getHour() < 15) { isRepeat = true; repeatNum = i; break; } } // 在周末 else { // 时间相差小于一小时 if (duration.toHours() < 3600) { repeatNum = i; isRepeat = true; break; } } } } } }
//各类报错信息 if (temp.order.records.size() > 0) { if (Integer.parseInt( token[0]) <= temp.order.records.get(temp.order.records.size() - 1).orderNum) { System.out.println("record serial number sequence error"); continue; } } if (menu.searchDish(token[1]) == -1) { System.out.println(token[1] + " does not exist"); continue; } if (portion > 3 || portion < 1) { System.out.println(Integer.parseInt(token[0]) + " portion out of range " + portion); continue; } if (quota > 15) { System.out.println(Integer.parseInt(token[0]) + " num out of range " + quota); continue; }
// 判断是否为夹杂菜单 else if (str1.matches("[\\S]* [\\d]*")) { System.out.println("invalid dish"); continue; } else if (str1.matches("[\\S]* [\\d]* T")) { System.out.println("invalid dish"); continue; }
- 第五次题目集为第三次题目集的不同迭代分支,与第四次不同,因此应在第三次题目集的代码上做修改
- 本分支着重了第四次题目集中的特色菜系统
//新的特色菜系统 if (str1.matches("[\\S]* [\\S]* [\\d]* T")) { String[] token = str1.split(" "); temp.name = token[0]; temp.unit_price = Integer.parseInt(token[2]); temp.isT = true; switch (token[1]) { case "川菜": temp.FlavorType = "spicy"; temp.MaxFlavor = 5; break; case "晋菜": temp.FlavorType = "acidity"; temp.MaxFlavor = 4; break; case "浙菜": temp.FlavorType = "sweetness"; temp.MaxFlavor = 3; break; default :str1 = input.nextLine(); System.out.println("wrong format"); continue; } isRepeat = menu.searchDish(temp.name); if (isRepeat != -1) { menu.dishs.remove(isRepeat); } menu.dishs.add(temp); }
- 第八次题目集的7-2:新增了每次成绩的占比,改变了原有的计算成绩方式,要求将每次成绩计算的小数点保留后累加,最后舍弃小数位。实验课程的信息输入模式也进行了一些修改。需要将原有的类进行修改
//对原本的课程输入函数进行修改 if (str1.matches ("[\\D]{0,11} [\\S]+ [\\S]+ .*")) { String[] token = str1.split (" "); if (!(token[1].equals ("必修") || token[1].equals ("选修") || token[1].equals ("实验"))) { System.out.println ("wrong format"); str1 = input.nextLine (); continue; } if (!(token[2].equals ("考试") || token[2].equals ("考察") || token[2].equals ("实验"))) { System.out.println ("wrong format"); str1 = input.nextLine (); continue; } if (schedule.searchCourseByName (token[0]) != -1) { str1 = input.nextLine (); continue; } schedule.addACourse (token); str1 = input.nextLine (); } //对课程信息的输出函数进行修改 public void showEndScores () { courses.sort (new Comparator<Course> () { @Override public int compare (Course o1, Course o2) { Collator collator = Collator.getInstance (java.util.Locale.CHINA); return collator.compare (o1.name, o2.name); } }); for (int i = 0; i < courses.size (); i++) { courses.get (i).showEndScore (); } }