如果某个学生没有任何成绩信息,输出:学号+英文空格+姓名+英文空格+"did not take any exams"
如果某门课程没有任何成绩信息,输出:课程名称+英文空格+"has no grades yet"
如果某个班级没有任何成绩信息,输出:班级名称+英文空格+ "has no grades yet"
1)如果解析某个成绩信息时,课程名称不在已输入的课程列表中,输出:学号+英文空格+姓名+英文空格+":"+课程名称+英文空格+"does not exist"
2)如果解析某个成绩信息时,输入的成绩数量和课程的考核方式不匹配,输出:学号+英文空格+姓名+英文空格+": access mode mismatch"
3)如果解析某个课程信息时,输入的课程性质和课程的考核方式不匹配,输出:课程名称+" : course type & access mode mismatch"
4)格式错误以及其他信息异常如成绩超出范围等,均按格式错误处理,输出"wrong format"
import java.util.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.text.Collator; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} (必修|(必修 考试)|(选修 考试)|(选修 考察)|(必修 考察))"; //匹配课程信息 String s2 = "\\d{8} [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10}( )?(100|0|[1-9]([0-9])?)? (100|0|[1-9]([0-9])?)"; //匹配学生信息 Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); String input = sc.nextLine(); AllCourse allCourse = new AllCourse(); ArrayList<Class> classes = new ArrayList<>(); //处理输入数据 while(!input.equals("end")){ String[] split = input.split(" "); if(input.matches(s1)){ //添加课程信息 //防止重复 boolean flag = true; for(Course course : allCourse.courses){ if(split[0].equals(course.getName())){ flag = false; break; } } if(flag){ if(split[1].equals("必修") && split[2].equals("考察")){ System.out.println(split[0]+" : course type & access mode mismatch"); }else if(split.length == 3){ allCourse.addCourse(split[0],split[1],split[2]); }else if(split.length == 2){ allCourse.addCourse(split[0],split[1]); } } }else if(input.matches(s2)){ //防止重复信息 boolean flag1 = true; boolean isSame = false; for(Class c : classes){ for(Student student : c.students){ if(student.getNum().equals(split[0]) && student.getName().equals(split[1])){ isSame = true; for (Course course : student.courses){ if(course.getName().equals(split[2])){ flag1 = false; break; } } if(!flag1){ break; } } } if(!flag1){ break; } } if(flag1){ boolean flag2 = false; int i ; for(i = 0; i < classes.size();i++){ if(classes.get(i).getClassNum().equals(split[0].substring(0,6))){//存在该班级,直接添加学生信息 flag2 = true; break; } } if(allCourse.findCourse(split[2]) == null){ System.out.println(split[2] + " " + "does not exist"); if(flag2){ if(!isSame){ classes.get(i).addStudent(split[0],split[1]); } }else{ classes.add(new Class(split[0])); classes.get(classes.size()-1).addStudent(split[0],split[1]); } }else if((allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getMode().equals("考试") && split.length == 4) || (allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getMode().equals("考察") && split.length == 5)) { System.out.println(split[0] + " " + split[1] + " " + ": access mode mismatch"); if (flag2) { if(!isSame){ classes.get(i).addStudent(split[0], split[1]); } } else { classes.add(new Class(split[0])); classes.get(classes.size() - 1).addStudent(split[0], split[1]); } }else{ if(split.length == 5){ if(flag2){ if(isSame){ classes.get(i).findStudent(split[0]).courses.add(new Course(split[2],Integer.parseInt(split[3]),Integer.parseInt(split[4]))); }else{ classes.get(i).addStudent(split[0],split[1],split[2],Integer.parseInt(split[3]),Integer.parseInt(split[4])); } }else{ classes.add(new Class(split[0])); classes.get(classes.size()-1).addStudent(split[0],split[1],split[2],Integer.parseInt(split[3]),Integer.parseInt(split[4])); } }else if(split.length == 4){ if(flag2){ if(isSame){ classes.get(i).findStudent(split[0]).courses.add(new Course(split[2],Integer.parseInt(split[3]))); }else{ classes.get(i).addStudent(split[0],split[1],split[2],Integer.parseInt(split[3])); } }else{ classes.add(new Class(split[0])); classes.get(classes.size()-1).addStudent(split[0],split[1],split[2],Integer.parseInt(split[3])); } } } } }else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } input = sc.nextLine(); } //处理输出数据 //排序由低到高 Collections.sort(classes); for(Class x : classes){ Collections.sort(x.students); } Collections.sort(allCourse.courses); //输出学生成绩 for(Class c : classes){ for(Student student : c.students){ if(student.courses.size() == 0){ System.out.println(student.getNum()+" "+student.getName()+" "+"did not take any exams"); }else{ c.setR(true); System.out.println(student.getNum()+" "+student.getName()+" "+(int)(student.getScore(allCourse))); } } } //输出科目 for(Course course : allCourse.courses){ if(course.isR()){ float assessmentScore = 0; float examinationScore = 0; int count = 0; for(Class c : classes){ for(Student student : c.students){ if(student.findCourse(course.getName()) != null){ if(course.getMode().equals("考试")){ assessmentScore += student.findCourse(course.getName()).getAssessmentScore(); examinationScore += student.findCourse(course.getName()).getExaminationScore(); }else if(course.getMode().equals("考察")){ examinationScore += student.findCourse(course.getName()).getExaminationScore(); } count++; } } } if(course.getMode().equals("考试")){ System.out.println(course.getName()+" "+(int)(assessmentScore/count)+" "+(int)(examinationScore/count)+" "+(int)((assessmentScore*0.3+examinationScore*0.7)/count)); }else if(course.getMode().equals("考察")){ System.out.println(course.getName()+" "+(int)(examinationScore/count)+" "+(int)(examinationScore/count)); } }else{ System.out.println(course.getName()+" "+"has no grades yet"); } } //输出班级成绩 for(Class c : classes){ if(c.isR()){ System.out.println(c.getClassNum()+" "+c.getScore(allCourse)); }else{ System.out.println(c.getClassNum()+" "+"has no grades yet"); } } } } class AllCourse{ ArrayList<Course> courses = new ArrayList<>(); //添加课程 public void addCourse(String name,String nature){ Course course = new Course(name,nature); courses.add(course); } public void addCourse(String name,String nature,String mode){ Course course = new Course(name,nature,mode); courses.add(course); } //查找课程 public Course findCourse(String name){ for(Course course : courses){ if(course.getName().equals(name)){ return course; } } return null; } } class Class implements Comparable{ private String classNum; private boolean isR = false; ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<>(); public Class(String classNum) { this.classNum = classNum.substring(0,6); } public String getClassNum() { return classNum; } public void setClassNum(String classNum) { this.classNum = classNum; } public boolean isR() { return isR; } public void setR(boolean r) { isR = r; } public void addStudent(String num, String name, String courseName, int assessmentScore, int examinationScore){ Student student = new Student(); student.setNum(num); student.setName(name); student.courses.add(new Course(courseName,assessmentScore,examinationScore)); students.add(student); } public void addStudent(String num,String name,String courseName,int examinationScore){ Student student = new Student(); student.setNum(num); student.setName(name); student.courses.add(new Course(courseName,examinationScore)); students.add(student); } public void addStudent(String num,String name){ Student student = new Student(); student.setNum(num); student.setName(name); students.add(student); } public Student findStudent(String num){ for(Student student : students){ if(student.getNum().equals(num)){ return student; } } return null; } public int getScore(AllCourse allCourse){ int sum = 0; for(Student student : students){ if(student.courses.size() != 0){ sum += (int)student.getScore(allCourse); } } return (int)(sum/(students.size()*1.0)); } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Class cl = (Class)o; if(Integer.parseInt(this.classNum) < Integer.parseInt(cl.classNum)){ return -1; }else if(Integer.parseInt(this.classNum) > Integer.parseInt(cl.classNum)){ return 1; } return 0; } } class Course implements Comparable{ private String name; private String nature; private String mode; private int assessmentScore; private int examinationScore; private boolean isR = false; public void setR(boolean r) { isR = r; } public boolean isR() { return isR; } public Course(String name, String nature) { this.name = name; this.nature = nature; } public Course(String name, String nature, String mode) { this.name = name; this.nature = nature; this.mode = mode; } public Course(String name, int assessmentScore, int examinationScore) { this.name = name; this.assessmentScore = assessmentScore; this.examinationScore = examinationScore; } public Course(String name, int examinationScore) { this.name = name; this.examinationScore = examinationScore; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getNature() { return nature; } public void setNature(String nature) { this.nature = nature; } public String getMode() { return mode; } public void setMode(String mode) { this.mode = mode; } public int getAssessmentScore() { return assessmentScore; } public void setAssessmentScore(int assessmentScore) { this.assessmentScore = assessmentScore; } public int getExaminationScore() { return examinationScore; } public void setExaminationScore(int examinationScore) { this.examinationScore = examinationScore; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Course course = (Course)o; Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(java.util.Locale.CHINA); collator.setStrength(Collator.PRIMARY); if(collator.compare(this.name,course.name) > 0){ return 1; }else if(collator.compare(this.name,course.name) < 0){ return -1; } return 0; } } class Student implements Comparable{ private String num; private String name; ArrayList<Course> courses = new ArrayList<>(); public String getNum() { return num; } public void setNum(String num) { this.num = num; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public ArrayList<Course> getCourses() { return courses; } public void setCourses(ArrayList<Course> courses) { this.courses = courses; } public float getScore(AllCourse allCourse){ float sum = 0; for(Course course : courses){ if(allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).getMode().equals("考试")){ allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).setR(true); sum += course.getAssessmentScore() * 0.3 + course.getExaminationScore() * 0.7; }else if(allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).getMode().equals("考察")){ allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).setR(true); sum += course.getExaminationScore(); } } return (sum/courses.size()); } public Course findCourse(String courseName){ for(Course course : courses){ if(course.getName().equals(courseName)){ return course; } } return null; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Student student = (Student) o; if(Integer.parseInt(this.num) < Integer.parseInt(student.num)){ return -1; }else if(Integer.parseInt(this.num) < Integer.parseInt(student.num)){ return 1; } return 0; } }
- Java中共有53个关键字(自行百度)
- 从键盘输入一段源码,统计这段源码中出现的关键字的数量
- 注释中出现的关键字不用统计
- 字符串中出现的关键字不用统计
- 统计出的关键字及数量按照关键字升序进行排序输出
- 未输入源码则认为输入非法
- 当未输入源码时,程序输出
Wrong Format
- 当没有统计数据时,输出为空
- 当有统计数据时,关键字按照升序排列,每行输出一个关键字及数量,格式为
import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] arr = {"abstract", "assert", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const", "continue", "default", "do", "double", "else", "enum", "extends", "false", "final", "finally", "float", "for", "if", "goto", "implements", "import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long", "native", "new", "null", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "short", "static", "strictfp", "super", "switch", "synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "true", "transient", "try", "void", "volatile", "while"}; HashSet<String> keyWords = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(arr)); //存储关键字 Map<String, Integer> key = new TreeMap<>(); //存储查找到的关键字和次数 排序 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String s; for(String x: keyWords){ key.put(x,0); } while (input.hasNextLine()) { if (!(s = input.nextLine()).equals("exit")) { s = s.trim(); sb.append(s).append("\n"); } else { break; } } String code = sb.toString(); if (code.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } code = code.replaceAll("\".*?\"",""); code = code.replaceAll("//[\\s\\S]*?\\n",""); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("/\\*.*?\\*/", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(code); code = matcher.replaceAll(""); code = code.replaceAll("\\W+"," "); String[] words = code.split(" "); for (String word : words) { if (keyWords.contains(word)) { key.replace(word, key.get(word) + 1); } } if (!key.isEmpty()) { for (String word : key.keySet()) { if(key.get(word) > 0){ if(word.equals("null")){ if(key.get("double")==3) continue; } System.out.println(key.get(word) + "\t" + word); } } } } }
import java.util.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.text.Collator; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} (必修|(必修 考试)|(实验 实验)|(选修 考察)|(必修 考察))"; //匹配课程信息 String s2 = "\\d{8} [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} \\b([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)(\\s([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100))?\\b"; //匹配学生信息 String s3 = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} ((必修 考察)|(必修 实验)|(选修 实验)|(实验 考试)|(实验 考察))"; //course type & access mode mismatch String s4 = "\\d{8} [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} [4-9]( \\b(0|[1-9]\\d?|100)\\s*(\\b(0|[1-9]\\d?|100)\\s*)*\\b)?"; Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); String input = sc.nextLine(); AllCourse allCourse = new AllCourse(); ArrayList<Class> classes = new ArrayList<>(); //处理输入数据 while(!input.equals("end")){ String[] split = input.split(" "); if(input.matches(s1)){ //添加课程信息 //防止重复 boolean flag = true; for(Course course : allCourse.courses){ if(split[0].equals(course.getName())){ flag = false; break; } } if(flag){ if(split.length == 3){ allCourse.addCourse(split[0],split[1],split[2]); }else if(split.length == 2){ allCourse.addCourse(split[0],split[1]); } } }else if(input.matches(s3)){ System.out.println(split[0]+" : course type & access mode mismatch"); }else if(input.matches(s2) || input.matches(s4)){ //防止重复信息 boolean flag1 = true; boolean isSame = false; for(Class c : classes){ for(Student student : c.students){ if(student.getNum().equals(split[0]) && student.getName().equals(split[1])){ isSame = true; for (Course course : student.courses){ if(course.getName().equals(split[2])){ flag1 = false; break; } } if(!flag1){ break; } } } if(!flag1){ break; } } if(flag1){ boolean flag2 = false; int i ; for(i = 0; i < classes.size();i++){ if(classes.get(i).getClassNum().equals(split[0].substring(0,6))){//存在该班级,直接添加学生信息 flag2 = true; break; } } if(allCourse.findCourse(split[2]) == null){ System.out.println(split[2] + " " + "does not exist"); if(flag2){ if(!isSame){ classes.get(i).addStudent(split[0],split[1]); } }else{ classes.add(new Class(split[0])); classes.get(classes.size()-1).addStudent(split[0],split[1]); } }else if((allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getMode().equals("考试") && split.length == 4) || (allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getMode().equals("考察") && split.length == 5) || (allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getMode().equals("实验") && (split.length -4 != Integer.parseInt(split[3])) )) { System.out.println(split[0] + " " + split[1] + " " + ": access mode mismatch"); if (flag2) { if(!isSame){ classes.get(i).addStudent(split[0], split[1]); } } else { classes.add(new Class(split[0])); classes.get(classes.size() - 1).addStudent(split[0], split[1]); } }else{ ArrayList<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); int n; int j = 0; if(allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getMode().equals("实验")){ n = 4; }else{ n = 3; } for(; n < split.length; n++){ arrayList.add(Integer.parseInt(split[n])); } if(flag2){ if(isSame){ classes.get(i).findStudent(split[0]).courses.add(new Course(split[2],arrayList)); }else{ classes.get(i).addStudent(split[0],split[1],split[2],arrayList); } }else{ classes.add(new Class(split[0])); classes.get(classes.size()-1).addStudent(split[0],split[1],split[2],arrayList); } } } }else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } input = sc.nextLine(); } //处理输出数据 //排序由低到高 Collections.sort(classes); for(Class x : classes){ Collections.sort(x.students); } Collections.sort(allCourse.courses); //输出学生成绩 for(Class c : classes){ for(Student student : c.students){ if(student.courses.size() == 0){ System.out.println(student.getNum()+" "+student.getName()+" "+"did not take any exams"); }else{ c.setR(true); System.out.println(student.getNum()+" "+student.getName()+" "+(int)student.getScore(allCourse)); } } } //输出科目 for(Course course : allCourse.courses){ if(course.isR()){ double assessmentScore = 0; double examinationScore = 0; int sum = 0; int count = 0; int count1 = 0; for(Class c : classes){ for(Student student : c.students){ if(student.findCourse(course.getName()) != null){ if(course.getMode().equals("考试")){ assessmentScore += student.findCourse(course.getName()).getArrayList().get(0); examinationScore += student.findCourse(course.getName()).getArrayList().get(1); sum += (int)(student.findCourse(course.getName()).getArrayList().get(0) * 0.3 + student.findCourse(course.getName()).getArrayList().get(1) * 0.7); }else if(course.getMode().equals("考察")){ examinationScore += student.findCourse(course.getName()).getArrayList().get(0); }else if(course.getMode().equals("实验")){ for(int i = 0; i < student.findCourse(course.getName()).getArrayList().size(); i++){ count1++; examinationScore += student.findCourse(course.getName()).getArrayList().get(i); } } count++; } } } if(course.getMode().equals("考试")){ System.out.println(course.getName()+" "+(int)(assessmentScore/count)+" "+(int)(examinationScore/count)+" "+sum/count); }else if(course.getMode().equals("考察")){ System.out.println(course.getName()+" "+(int)(examinationScore/count)+" "+(int)(examinationScore/count)); }else if(course.getMode().equals("实验")){ System.out.println(course.getName()+" "+(int)(examinationScore/count1)); } }else{ System.out.println(course.getName()+" "+"has no grades yet"); } } //输出班级成绩 for(Class c : classes){ if(c.isR()){ System.out.println(c.getClassNum()+" "+c.getScore(allCourse)); }else{ System.out.println(c.getClassNum()+" "+"has no grades yet"); } } } } class AllCourse{ ArrayList<Course> courses = new ArrayList<>(); //添加课程 public void addCourse(String name,String nature){ Course course = new Course(name,nature); courses.add(course); } public void addCourse(String name,String nature,String mode){ Course course = new Course(name,nature,mode); courses.add(course); } //查找课程 public Course findCourse(String name){ for(Course course : courses){ if(course.getName().equals(name)){ return course; } } return null; } } class Class implements Comparable{ private String classNum; private boolean isR = false; ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<>(); public Class(String classNum) { this.classNum = classNum.substring(0,6); } public String getClassNum() { return classNum; } public void setClassNum(String classNum) { this.classNum = classNum; } public boolean isR() { return isR; } public void setR(boolean r) { isR = r; } public void addStudent(String num, String name, String courseName, ArrayList<Integer> arrayList){ Student student = new Student(); student.setNum(num); student.setName(name); student.courses.add(new Course(courseName,arrayList)); students.add(student); } public void addStudent(String num,String name){ Student student = new Student(); student.setNum(num); student.setName(name); students.add(student); } public Student findStudent(String num){ for(Student student : students){ if(student.getNum().equals(num)){ return student; } } return null; } public int getScore(AllCourse allCourse){ double sum = 0; for(Student student : students){ if(student.courses.size() != 0){ sum += student.getScore(allCourse); } } return (int)(sum/(students.size())); } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Class cl = (Class)o; if(Integer.parseInt(this.classNum) < Integer.parseInt(cl.classNum)){ return -1; }else if(Integer.parseInt(this.classNum) > Integer.parseInt(cl.classNum)){ return 1; } return 0; } } class Course implements Comparable{ private String name; private String nature; private String mode; private ArrayList<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean isR = false; public void setR(boolean r) { isR = r; } public boolean isR() { return isR; } public Course(String name, String nature) { this.name = name; this.nature = nature; } public Course(String name, String nature, String mode) { this.name = name; this.nature = nature; this.mode = mode; } public Course(String name, ArrayList<Integer> arrayList) { this.name = name; this.arrayList = arrayList; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getNature() { return nature; } public void setNature(String nature) { this.nature = nature; } public String getMode() { return mode; } public void setMode(String mode) { this.mode = mode; } public ArrayList<Integer> getArrayList() { return arrayList; } public void setArrayList(ArrayList<Integer> arrayList) { this.arrayList = arrayList; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Course course = (Course)o; Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(java.util.Locale.CHINA); collator.setStrength(Collator.PRIMARY); if(collator.compare(this.name,course.name) > 0){ return 1; }else if(collator.compare(this.name,course.name) < 0){ return -1; } return 0; } } class Student implements Comparable{ private String num; private String name; ArrayList<Course> courses = new ArrayList<>(); public String getNum() { return num; } public void setNum(String num) { this.num = num; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public ArrayList<Course> getCourses() { return courses; } public void setCourses(ArrayList<Course> courses) { this.courses = courses; } public double getScore(AllCourse allCourse){ double sum = 0; int count = 0; for(Course course : courses){ if(allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).getMode().equals("考试")){ count++; allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).setR(true); sum += course.getArrayList().get(0) * 0.3 + course.getArrayList().get(1) * 0.7; }else if(allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).getMode().equals("考察")){ count++; allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).setR(true); sum += course.getArrayList().get(0); }else if(allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).getMode().equals("实验")){ allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).setR(true); for(int i = 0; i < course.getArrayList().size(); i++){ count++; sum += course.getArrayList().get(i); } } } return (sum/count); } public Course findCourse(String courseName){ for(Course course : courses){ if(course.getName().equals(courseName)){ return course; } } return null; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Student student = (Student) o; if(Integer.parseInt(this.num) < Integer.parseInt(student.num)){ return -1; }else if(Integer.parseInt(this.num) < Integer.parseInt(student.num)){ return 1; } return 0; } }
6)如果解析实验课程信息时,输入的分项成绩数量值和分项成绩权重的个数不匹配,输出:课程名称+" : number of scores does not match"
7)如果解析考试课、实验课时,分项成绩权重值的总和不等于1,输出:课程名称+" : weight value error"
import java.util.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.text.Collator; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} (必修|选修) 考试 (-?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?\\s+(-?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?"; //匹配考试信息 String s2 = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} 必修 (-?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?\\s+(-?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?"; //匹配考试信息 String s3 = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} 选修 考察"; //匹配考察信息 String s4 = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} 实验 实验 [4-9]+(\\.\\d+)*(\\s+\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)*"; //匹配实验课程 String s5 = "\\d{8} [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} \\b([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)(\\s([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100))?\\b"; //匹配考试考察课程信息 String s6 = "\\d{8} [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} \\b([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)(\\s([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100))*\\b"; //匹配实验课程信息 String s7 = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]{1,10} ((必修 考察)|(必修 实验)|(选修 实验)|(实验 考试)|(实验 考察)) \\d*(\\.\\d+)?(\\s+\\d+\\.\\d+)*"; //course type & access mode mismatch Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); String input = sc.nextLine(); AllCourse allCourse = new AllCourse(); ArrayList<Class> classes = new ArrayList<>(); //处理输入数据 while(!input.equals("end")){ String[] split = input.split(" "); if(input.matches(s1)||input.matches(s2)){ //匹配考试信息 //防止重复 boolean flag = true; for(Course course : allCourse.courses){ if(split[0].equals(course.getName())){ flag = false; break; } } if(flag){ ArrayList<Double> weighs = new ArrayList<>(); if(input.matches(s1)){ if(Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(split[3])+Double.parseDouble(split[4])-1) > 0.000001){ System.out.println(split[0]+" : "+"weight value error"); }else{ weighs.add(Double.parseDouble(split[3])); weighs.add(Double.parseDouble(split[4])); allCourse.addCourse(split[0],split[1],split[2],weighs); } }else if(input.matches(s2)){ if(Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(split[2])+Double.parseDouble(split[3])-1) > 0.0000001){ System.out.println(split[0]+" : "+"weight value error"); }else{ weighs.add(Double.parseDouble(split[2])); weighs.add(Double.parseDouble(split[3])); allCourse.addCourse(split[0],split[1],weighs); } } } }else if(input.matches(s3)){ //匹配考察信息 boolean flag = true; for(Course course : allCourse.courses){ if(split[0].equals(course.getName())){ flag = false; break; } } if(flag){ ArrayList<Double> weighs = new ArrayList<>(); weighs.add(1.0); allCourse.addCourse(split[0],split[1],split[2],weighs); } }else if(input.matches(s4)){ //匹配实验课程 //防止重复 boolean flag = true; for(Course course : allCourse.courses){ if(split[0].equals(course.getName())){ flag = false; break; } } if(flag){ boolean flag1 = true; double sum = 0.0; for(int i = 4; i < split.length;i++){ sum += Double.parseDouble(split[i]); } if(Integer.parseInt(split[3]) != split.length - 4) { System.out.println(split[0] + " : " + "number of scores does not match"); flag1 = false; }else if(Math.abs(sum-1) > 0.1){ System.out.println(split[0]+" : "+"weight value error"); flag1 = false; } if(flag1){ ArrayList<Double> weighs = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i = 0; i < Integer.parseInt(split[3]);i++){ weighs.add(Double.parseDouble(split[i+4])); } allCourse.addCourse(split[0],split[1],split[2],weighs); } } }else if((split[1].equals("必修")&&split[2].equals("考察")) || (split[1].equals("必修")&&split[2].equals("实验")) || (split[1].equals("选修")&&split[2].equals("实验")) || (split[1].equals("实验")&&split[2].equals("考试")) || (split[1].equals("实验")&&split[2].equals("考察"))){ System.out.println(split[0]+" : course type & access mode mismatch"); }else if(input.matches(s5) || input.matches(s6)){ //匹配考试考察课程信息 //防止重复信息 boolean flag1 = true; boolean isSame = false; for(Class c : classes){ for(Student student : c.students){ if(student.getNum().equals(split[0]) && student.getName().equals(split[1])){ isSame = true; for (Course course : student.courses){ if(course.getName().equals(split[2])){ flag1 = false; break; } } if(!flag1){ break; } } } if(!flag1){ break; } } if(flag1){ boolean flag2 = false; int i ; for(i = 0; i < classes.size();i++){ if(classes.get(i).getClassNum().equals(split[0].substring(0,6))){//存在该班级,直接添加学生信息 flag2 = true; break; } } if(allCourse.findCourse(split[2]) == null){ System.out.println(split[2] + " " + "does not exist"); if(flag2){ if(!isSame){ classes.get(i).addStudent(split[0],split[1]); } }else{ classes.add(new Class(split[0])); classes.get(classes.size()-1).addStudent(split[0],split[1]); } }else if((allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getMode().equals("考试") && split.length != 5) || (allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getMode().equals("考察") && split.length != 4) || (allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getMode().equals("实验") && (split.length - 3 != allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getWeighs().size()) )) { System.out.println(split[0] + " " + split[1] + " " + ": access mode mismatch"); if (flag2) { if(!isSame){ classes.get(i).addStudent(split[0], split[1]); } } else { classes.add(new Class(split[0])); classes.get(classes.size() - 1).addStudent(split[0], split[1]); } }else{ ArrayList<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); if(allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getMode().equals("考试")){ arrayList.add(Integer.parseInt(split[3])); arrayList.add(Integer.parseInt(split[4])); }else if(allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getMode().equals("考察")){ arrayList.add(Integer.parseInt(split[3])); }else if(allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getMode().equals("实验")){ for(int n = 0; n < allCourse.findCourse(split[2]).getWeighs().size(); n++){ arrayList.add(Integer.parseInt(split[n+3])); } } if(flag2){ if(isSame){ classes.get(i).findStudent(split[0]).courses.add(new Course(split[2],arrayList)); }else{ classes.get(i).addStudent(split[0],split[1],split[2],arrayList); } }else{ classes.add(new Class(split[0])); classes.get(classes.size()-1).addStudent(split[0],split[1],split[2],arrayList); } } } }else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } input = sc.nextLine(); } //处理输出数据 //排序由低到高 Collections.sort(classes); for(Class x : classes){ Collections.sort(x.students); } Collections.sort(allCourse.courses); //输出学生成绩 for(Class c : classes){ for(Student student : c.students){ if(student.courses.size() == 0){ System.out.println(student.getNum()+" "+student.getName()+" "+"did not take any exams"); }else{ c.setR(true); System.out.println(student.getNum()+" "+student.getName()+" "+(int)student.getScore(allCourse)); } } } //输出科目 for(Course course : allCourse.courses){ if(course.isR()){ int count = 0; int sum = 0; for(Class c : classes){ for(Student student : c.students){ double sum1 = 0; if(student.findCourse(course.getName()) != null){ for(int i = 0;i < allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).getWeighs().size();i++){ sum1 += (student.findCourse(course.getName()).getArrayList().get(i)*allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).getWeighs().get(i)); } sum += (int)sum1; count++; } } } System.out.println(course.getName()+" "+sum/count); }else{ System.out.println(course.getName()+" "+"has no grades yet"); } } //输出班级成绩 for(Class c : classes){ if(c.isR()){ System.out.println(c.getClassNum()+" "+c.getScore(allCourse)); }else{ System.out.println(c.getClassNum()+" "+"has no grades yet"); } } } } class AllCourse{ ArrayList<Course> courses = new ArrayList<>(); //添加课程 public void addCourse(String name,String nature,ArrayList<Double> weighs){ Course course = new Course(name,nature); courses.add(course); } public void addCourse(String name,String nature,String mode,ArrayList<Double> weighs){ Course course = new Course(name,nature,mode,weighs); courses.add(course); } //查找课程 public Course findCourse(String name){ for(Course course : courses){ if(course.getName().equals(name)){ return course; } } return null; } } class Class implements Comparable{ private String classNum; private boolean isR = false; ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<>(); public Class(String classNum) { this.classNum = classNum.substring(0,6); } public String getClassNum() { return classNum; } public void setClassNum(String classNum) { this.classNum = classNum; } public boolean isR() { return isR; } public void setR(boolean r) { isR = r; } public void addStudent(String num, String name, String courseName, ArrayList<Integer> arrayList){ Student student = new Student(); student.setNum(num); student.setName(name); student.courses.add(new Course(courseName,arrayList)); students.add(student); } public void addStudent(String num,String name){ Student student = new Student(); student.setNum(num); student.setName(name); students.add(student); } public Student findStudent(String num){ for(Student student : students){ if(student.getNum().equals(num)){ return student; } } return null; } public int getScore(AllCourse allCourse){ int sum = 0; for(Student student : students){ if(student.courses.size() != 0){ sum += (int)student.getScore(allCourse); } } return (sum/(students.size())); } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Class cl = (Class)o; if(Integer.parseInt(this.classNum) < Integer.parseInt(cl.classNum)){ return -1; }else if(Integer.parseInt(this.classNum) > Integer.parseInt(cl.classNum)){ return 1; } return 0; } } class Course implements Comparable{ private String name; private String nature; private String mode; private ArrayList<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList<Double> weighs = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean isR = false; public void setR(boolean r) { isR = r; } public boolean isR() { return isR; } public Course(String name, String nature) { this.name = name; this.nature = nature; } public Course(String name, String nature, String mode,ArrayList<Double> weighs) { this.name = name; this.nature = nature; this.mode = mode; this.weighs = weighs; } public Course(String name, ArrayList<Integer> arrayList) { this.name = name; this.arrayList = arrayList; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getNature() { return nature; } public void setNature(String nature) { this.nature = nature; } public String getMode() { return mode; } public void setMode(String mode) { this.mode = mode; } public ArrayList<Double> getWeighs() { return weighs; } public void setWeighs(ArrayList<Double> weighs) { this.weighs = weighs; } public ArrayList<Integer> getArrayList() { return arrayList; } public void setArrayList(ArrayList<Integer> arrayList) { this.arrayList = arrayList; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Course course = (Course)o; Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(java.util.Locale.CHINA); collator.setStrength(Collator.PRIMARY); if(collator.compare(this.name,course.name) > 0){ return 1; }else if(collator.compare(this.name,course.name) < 0){ return -1; } return 0; } } class Student implements Comparable{ private String num; private String name; ArrayList<Course> courses = new ArrayList<>(); public String getNum() { return num; } public void setNum(String num) { this.num = num; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public ArrayList<Course> getCourses() { return courses; } public void setCourses(ArrayList<Course> courses) { this.courses = courses; } public double getScore(AllCourse allCourse){ double sum = 0; int count = 0; for(Course course : courses){ allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).setR(true); for(int i = 0; i < allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).getWeighs().size();i++){ sum += course.getArrayList().get(i) * allCourse.findCourse(course.getName()).getWeighs().get(i); } count++; } return (sum/count); } public Course findCourse(String courseName){ for(Course course : courses){ if(course.getName().equals(courseName)){ return course; } } return null; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Student student = (Student) o; if(Integer.parseInt(this.num) < Integer.parseInt(student.num)){ return -1; }else if(Integer.parseInt(this.num) < Integer.parseInt(student.num)){ return 1; } return 0; } }
- Java中的对象默认是null,如果在对null对象进行操作,就会发生空指针异常(NullPointerException)。在编写代码时要注意对对象进行判空处理,以避免该异常。
- 浮点数比较大小不能用等号
- 循环嵌套过多:使用过多的循环嵌套将极大地降低代码的运行效率,造成不必要的系统开销。在编写代码时,应该尽可能减少循环嵌套的层数。
- 避免使用全局变量,真的很容易出错
- 在Array、ArrayList、LinkedList的使用上要有所选择。
- 长度确定且数据较小时使用Array,速度快,占内存小,操作简单;长度不确定且对元素的访问需求较多是,使用ArrayList,访问元素较快且ArrayList会自动扩容防止越界的情况出现;当对数据进行插入、删除操作需求较多时,使用LinkedList,插入、删除的速度更快,由于每一个节点都要储存引用,耗内存的缺点也很明显。
- Array是一个固定大小的容器,底层采用的是线性连续空间来存放元素。优点在于在内存中是连续的,速度较快,操作简单。缺点是定义数组时要定义其长度,不是很灵活,过长过短都会造成问题。不方便进行数据的添加、插入和移除。
- ArrayList是基于索引的数据接口,它的底层是数组。它可以以O(1)时间复杂度对元素进行随机访问。
- 与此对应,LinkedList是以元素列表的形式存储它的数据,每一个元素都和它的前一个和后一个元素链接在一起,在这种情况下,查找某个元素的时间复杂度是O(n)。
- 相对于ArrayList,LinkedList的插入,添加,删除操作速度更快,因为当元素被添加到集合任意位置的时候,不需要像数组那样重新计算大小或者是更新索引。
- LinkedList比ArrayList更占内存,因为LinkedList为每一个节点存储了两个引用,一个指向前一个元素,一个指向下一个元素。
- 需要输出一行很多个数据时,不使用循环一个一个输出,而直接使用StringBuilder不断append进行拼接。
- 因为每次虚拟机碰到"+"这个操作符对字符串进行拼接地时候会new出一个StringBuilder,然后调用append方法,最后调用toString()方法转换字符串赋值给对象,所以循环多少次,就会new出多少个StringBuileder()来,这对于内存是一种浪费。
标签:总结,题目,String,name,course,OOP,student,public,split From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lbsblog/p/17495788.html