- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.springframework.retry</groupId>
- <artifactId>spring-retry</artifactId>
- </dependency>
1 ribbon配置如下
- @Bean
- @LoadBalanced
- RestTemplate restTemplate() {
- HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory();
- httpRequestFactory.setReadTimeout(5000);
- httpRequestFactory.setConnectTimeout(5000);
- return new RestTemplate(httpRequestFactory);
- }
2 zuul配置如下
zuul的重试比较简单,不需要任何代码,直接在yml里配置即可。 注意,配置时,ribbon开头的在yml里是不给提示的,不要以为不提示就是没效果,其实是可以用的。 这个ReadTimeout和ConnectTimeout区别是很大的,ConnectTimeout是指建立连接的时间,如果目标服务宕机或网络故障,那么响应的就是ConnectTimeout,无法连接。而ReadTimeout则是连接建立后,等待目标服务返回响应的时间,譬如目标服务做了一个复杂操作导致耗时较长,那么会触发ReadTimeout。 譬如zuul路由了/user路径到user服务上,如果User1实例宕机了,那么配置了retry的zuul就会在重试MaxAutoRetries次数后,切换到另一个实例User2上。如果User2也故障了,那么返回404. retryableStatusCodes里面有几个错误码,意思就是遇到哪些错误码时触发重试。默认是404,我多配了几个,仅供参考。3 feign配置如下
feign默认是通过自己包下的Retryer进行重试配置,默认是5次- import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
- /**
- * Cloned for each invocation to {@link Client#execute(Request, feign.Request.Options)}.
- * Implementations may keep state to determine if retry operations should continue or not.
- */
- public interface Retryer extends Cloneable {
- /**
- * if retry is permitted, return (possibly after sleeping). Otherwise propagate the exception.
- */
- void continueOrPropagate(RetryableException e);
- Retryer clone();
- public static class Default implements Retryer {
- private final int maxAttempts;
- private final long period;
- private final long maxPeriod;
- int attempt;
- long sleptForMillis;
- public Default() {
- this(100, SECONDS.toMillis(1), 5);
- }
- public Default(long period, long maxPeriod, int maxAttempts) {
- this.period = period;
- this.maxPeriod = maxPeriod;
- this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
- this.attempt = 1;
- }
- @Bean
- Retryer feignRetryer() {
- return Retryer.NEVER_RETRY;
- }
- @Bean
- Request.Options requestOptions(ConfigurableEnvironment env){
- int ribbonReadTimeout = env.getProperty("ribbon.ReadTimeout", int.class, 6000);
- int ribbonConnectionTimeout = env.getProperty("ribbon.ConnectTimeout", int.class, 3000);
- return new Request.Options(ribbonConnectionTimeout, ribbonReadTimeout);
- }