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时间:2023-05-29 18:25:19浏览次数:39  
标签:手臂 含义 social Arms arms 机载 robotic Jizai


The Jizai Arms supernumerary robotic arm system can accommodate up to six arms per user

Jizai Arms 超编机械臂系统每位用户最多可容纳六只手臂

Kazuaki Koyama / Jizai Arms 


Equipping people with extra sets of robotic arms could definitely help them perform certain tasks, but what role might such arms play in social interactions? The wild-looking Jizai Arms were designed with that question in mind.

为人们配备额外的机械臂肯定可以帮助他们完成某些任务,但这些机械臂在社交互动中扮演什么角色呢?外观狂野的 Jizai Arms 就是为这个问题而设计的。


Created by a team of scientists at the University of Tokyo, the Jizai Arms take their name from the traditional Japanese "Jizai Okimono" articulated animal figurines. Jizai is pronounced "jee-zye," and roughly translates to "freely" … or in this case, more like "freely moving."

Jizai Arms 由东京大学的一组科学家创建,其名称来源于日本传统的“Jizai Okimono”铰接式动物雕像。Jizai 发音为“jee-zye”,大致翻译为“自由地”……或者在这种情况下,更像是“自由移动”。


At the base of the experimental setup is a backpack with six built-in sockets. Different types of system-specific articulated robotic arms can be plugged into one or more of those sockets, then controlled in real time by either the wearer or another person. The arms were designed to be aesthetically appealing, and to "harmonize with the human body."


 The Jizai Arms team is currently seeking research and development opportunities, in order to take the technology further

Jizai Arms 团队目前正在寻求研发机会,以进一步推动技术发展

Kazuaki Koyama / Jizai Arms


We're still waiting to hear back from the researchers regarding the exact means by which the Jizai Arms are controlled, although a report on the Analytics Vidhya website states that a wireless remote which actually looks like a miniature version of the arms is used. The report also claims that with four arms attached, the wearable setup tips the scales at 14 kg (31 lb).

尽管Analytics Vidhya网站上的一份报告指出,使用了一个实际上看起来像微型版武器的无线遥控器,但我们仍在等待研究人员关于控制 Jizai Arms 的确切方法的回复。该报告还声称,在附有四只手臂的情况下,可穿戴设备的秤重为 14 公斤(31 磅)。

For the study, groups of volunteers wore Jizai Arms systems while physically interacting with one another is a variety of role-playing social scenarios. Participants were encouraged to exchange arms with one other as they saw fit, and to give or receive them as gifts. They could also control both their own arms and those of other volunteers.

在这项研究中,一组志愿者佩戴着 Jizai Arms 系统,同时通过各种角色扮演社交场景进行身体互动。鼓励参与者在他们认为合适的时候互相交换武器,并将它们作为礼物赠送或接受。他们还可以控制自己和其他志愿者的手臂。

"From our role-playing sessions, we found that our bodies could precisely sense the attachment/detachment of arms, and we especially felt a strong impact when detaching or reducing the number of robotic arms worn," the scientists stated in a paper on the study. "We also suggested adding customizability to the robotic arms to generate a sense of social ownership, an individual's sense of ownership towards a specific artificial body part shared among multiple persons, as a future research topic."

“在我们的角色扮演环节中,我们发现我们的身体可以精确地感知手臂的附着/分离,尤其是在拆卸或减少佩戴的机械臂数量时,我们感受到了强烈的冲击,”科学家们在一篇有关该领域的论文中表示。学习 “我们还建议为机械臂增加可定制性,以产生一种社会所有权感,即个人对多人共享的特定人造身体部位的所有权感,作为未来的研究课题。”

The paper was recently published in the journal Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. You can see the Jizai Arms in action, in the video below.

该论文最近发表在2023 年 CHI 计算系统人为因素会议论文集上。您可以在下面的视频中看到 Jizai Arms 的实际效果。


Source: Jizai Arms




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From: https://www.cnblogs.com/bjrobot/p/17441282.html


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