Hudi 官方配置文档:,从源码分析可以看到配置项 hoodie.payload.ordering.field 已经废弃,取而代之的是 hoodie.datasource.write.precombine.field 。
ConfigProperty 聚合了 HoodieConfig 。
public class ConfigProperty<T> implements Serializable {
private final String key; // 配置项名
private final T defaultValue; // 配置项默认值
private final String docOnDefaultValue;
private final String doc;
private final Option<String> sinceVersion;
private final Option<String> deprecatedVersion;
private final Set<String> validValues;
private final boolean advanced;
private final String[] alternatives;
// provide the ability to infer config value based on other configs
private final Option<Function<HoodieConfig, Option<T>>> inferFunction;
HoodieConfig 是所有配置的基类,提供了公共的 get/set 接口。
public class HoodieConfig implements Serializable {
// 相关文档:
public class HoodieWriteConfig extends HoodieConfig {
// preCombineField 配置(hoodie.datasource.write.precombine.field)
public static final ConfigProperty<String> PRECOMBINE_FIELD_NAME = ConfigProperty
.defaultValue("ts") // 默认值
.withDocumentation("Field used in preCombining before actual write. When two records have the same key value, "
+ "we will pick the one with the largest value for the precombine field, determined by Object.compareTo(..)");
// Payload 配置(hoodie.datasource.write.payload.class)
public static final ConfigProperty<String> WRITE_PAYLOAD_CLASS_NAME = ConfigProperty
.withDocumentation("Payload class used. Override this, if you like to roll your own merge logic, when upserting/inserting. "
+ "This will render any value set for PRECOMBINE_FIELD_OPT_VAL in-effective");
从 HoodiePayloadConfig 的实现可以看到配置项 hoodie.payload.ordering.field 已被废弃,取而代之的是 hoodie.datasource.write.precombine.field 。
public class HoodiePayloadConfig extends HoodieConfig {
public static final ConfigProperty<String> E // hoodie.payload.event.time.field
.withDocumentation("Table column/field name to derive timestamp associated with the records. This can"
+ "be useful for e.g, determining the freshness of the table.");
public static final ConfigProperty<String> PAYLOAD_CLASS_NAME = ConfigProperty
.withDocumentation("This needs to be same as class used during insert/upserts. Just like writing, compaction also uses "
+ "the record payload class to merge records in the log against each other, merge again with the base file and "
+ "produce the final record to be written after compaction.");
// hoodie.payload.ordering.field 已经废弃了,
// 已由 hoodie.datasource.write.precombine.field 取代。
/** @deprecated Use {@link HoodieWriteConfig#PRECOMBINE_FIELD_NAME} and its methods instead */
@Deprecated - 弃用
public static final ConfigProperty<String> ORDERING_FIELD = ConfigProperty
.key(PAYLOAD_ORDERING_FIELD_PROP_KEY) // 即 hoodie.payload.ordering.field
.withDocumentation("Table column/field name to order records that have the same key, before "
+ "merging and writing to storage.");
/** @deprecated Use {@link #PAYLOAD_CLASS_NAME} and its methods instead */
@Deprecated - 弃用
public static final String DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_CLASS = PAYLOAD_CLASS_NAME.defaultValue();
/** @deprecated Use {@link #PAYLOAD_CLASS_NAME} and its methods instead */
@Deprecated - 弃用
public static final String PAYLOAD_CLASS_PROP = PAYLOAD_CLASS_NAME.key();
// payload 类和 HoodiePayloadConfig 都要用到的公共类
public class HoodiePayloadProps {
public static final String PAYLOAD_ORDERING_FIELD_PROP_KEY = "hoodie.payload.ordering.field";
public static final String PAYLOAD_EVENT_TIME_FIELD_PROP_KEY = "hoodie.payload.event.time.field";
public static final String PAYLOAD_IS_UPDATE_RECORD_FOR_MOR = "";
FlinkOptions 对部分 hudi 配置做了转换,比如使用 payload.class 替代 hoodie.datasource.write.payload.class 。
public class FlinkOptions extends HoodieConfig {
public static final ConfigOption<String> OPERATION = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(WriteOperationType.UPSERT.value()) // 默认值为 upsert
.withDescription("The write operation, that this write should do");
public static final ConfigOption<String> PAYLOAD_CLASS_NAME = ConfigOptions
.withFallbackKeys("write.payload.class", HoodieWriteConfig.WRITE_PAYLOAD_CLASS_NAME.key()) // 实为 hoodie.datasource.write.payload.class
.withDescription("Payload class used. Override this, if you like to roll your own merge logic, when upserting/inserting.\n"
+ "This will render any value set for the option in-effective");
* Flag to indicate whether to drop duplicates before insert/upsert.
* By default false to gain extra performance.
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> PRE_COMBINE = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(false) // 默认值为 false
.withDescription("Flag to indicate whether to drop duplicates before insert/upsert.\n"
+ "By default these cases will accept duplicates, to gain extra performance:\n"
+ "1) insert operation;\n"
+ "2) upsert for MOR table, the MOR table deduplicate on reading");
public static final ConfigOption<String> RECORD_KEY_FIELD = ConfigOptions
// RECORDKEY_FIELD_NAME 在 hudi-common/src/main/java/org/apache/hudi/keygen/constant/ 中定义
.key(KeyGeneratorOptions.RECORDKEY_FIELD_NAME.key()) // hoodie.datasource.write.recordkey.field
.defaultValue("uuid") // 默认值
.withDescription("Record key field. Value to be used as the `recordKey` component of `HoodieKey`.\n"
+ "Actual value will be obtained by invoking .toString() on the field value. Nested fields can be specified using "
+ "the dot notation eg: `a.b.c`");
// Hudi maintains keys (record key + partition path) for uniquely identifying a particular record.
// This config allows developers to setup the Key generator class that will extract these out of incoming records.
public class KeyGeneratorOptions extends HoodieConfig {
public static final ConfigProperty<String> RECORDKEY_FIELD_NAME = ConfigProperty
.withDocumentation("Record key field. Value to be used as the `recordKey` component of `HoodieKey`.\n"
+ "Actual value will be obtained by invoking .toString() on the field value. Nested fields can be specified using\n"
+ "the dot notation eg: `a.b.c`");