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Our Brave Censors


by Aaron Swartz

作者: Aaron Swartz

I’d like to take some time to recognize some especially brave Americans. These men and women work long hours, face harsh criticism, and receive little praise, yet they continue to do their work because they know it is right. I refer to, of course, the censors.


The folks at organizations at the Parents Television Council have the unrewarding job of watching endless quantities of television, carefully watching for sexual behavior (shown or implied). Often, they have to rewind and rewatch especially salacious scenes several times to understand it fully, before summarizing it and marking its location down in their notes for future reference. The task is arduous, and often requires hours of intense concentration, but yet these fearless warriors carry on.

家长电视委员会的工作人员要观看无数的电视节目,仔细观察其中的性行为(性表演或性暗示) ,这是一份毫无回报的工作。通常,他们不得不倒带和重看特别淫秽的场景几次,以充分理解它,然后总结并标记其位置在他们的笔记中,以供将来参考。这项任务是艰巨的,通常需要几个小时的高度专注,但是这些无畏的勇士们继续前进。

Brave members of the ChildCare Action Project go see every new movie, marking down each every swear word spoken, every violent act, each appearance of drugs, and, again, all sexual content. And what rigor and detail! You’d think that an organization like this would see the name, or at most the trailer, for Austin Powers: Goldmember and write it off. But not these guys! They continue to sit through the entire movie, taking notes on everything. A lesson to us all.

儿童保育行动项目勇敢的成员们会去看每一部新电影,记下每一句脏话,每一次暴力行为,每一次毒品的出现,还有,所有的性内容。多么严密和详细!你可能认为他们是这样的组织:看一眼名字,顶多看下预告片,然后把它们划掉(像《王牌大间谍》, 《黄金会员》这种)。但他们不是这样的!他们继续坐着看完整部电影,对每件事都做笔记。这一点值得我们所有人学习。

Meanwhile the American Decency Association carefully goes through the Abercrombie and Fitch catalog, searching their pages for every last bare butt and breast, marking down the page numbers on which they appear, and putting the results on the Internet. But just doing this once isn’t enough for them. Instead, they make sure to get a copy of every issue, and do the same for all of them. What persistance!

与此同时,美国道德协会仔细地翻阅Abercrombie and Fitch的广告目录,搜索他们的网页上每一个露出的屁股和乳房,记下它们出现的页码,然后把结果放到互联网上。但是仅仅这样做一次对他们来说是不够的。相反,他们确保得到每一期杂志的副本,并且对所有杂志做同样的事情。多么坚持啊!

Why do these people take on this unrewarding job? We may never know. All I can do is think of them, sitting there in front of their television, movie screen, or nude photographs, carefully examining offensive and sexual content, and thank them for doing what most of us could not stomach. Continue on, brave censors.


posted November 28, 2003 12:00 AM (TV) #

发表于2003年11月28日12:00 AM (标签分类:电视)

From: https://blog.51cto.com/wizardforcel/6215670


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