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时间:2023-04-17 15:58:36浏览次数:35  
标签:CS230 AI ML company Internet data

Introduction and Basis


  • why deep learning taking off:
    • data and the action of collecting data increasing
    • ML's performance becomes plateus when training dataset becoming bigger, but DL keep performing better and better
  • some AI categories:
    • DL/ML
    • PGM (Possibility Graph Model)
    • Planning
    • KR (Knowledge Representation)
    • Search
    • Game Theory
  • what is AI company:
    • Internet era (shopping mall+website \(\neq\) Internet company)
      • A/B testing
      • short shipping time
      • decision making by engineers
    • AI era (company+NN \(\neq\) AI company)
      • statastic data occupation
      • unified data warehouse
      • pervasive automation oppotunity
      • new job description
  • the course details:
    • C1: Neural Networks and Deep Learning
    • C2: Improving Deep Neural Networks
    • C3: Strategy fro ML Projects
    • C4: CNN
    • C5: Sequence Models
  • one week for CS230 student:
    • 1 module:
      • Watch videos on Coursera (1.5h)
      • Solve quiz (20min)
      • Complete programming assignments (1-3h)
    • one week=2 modules+1 in-class lecture (1h20min)


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Sherlocked-hzoi/p/17326084.html
