一、问题描述:目前找不到任何关于opengauuss Datakit安装部署的文档,自己来尝试踩坑。
# 此时如果没有/ops/server/openGauss-visualtool目录,可以临时手动创建,也可以把这一步在初始化环境中进行解压
[root@test01 tmp]# tar -xvf Datakit-5.0.0.tar.gz -C /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool
datakit除了visualtool-main.jar 放在/ops/server/openGauss-visualtool目录中,其余几个打包好的插件需要放在/ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/visualtool-plugin/ 目录中
# 检查
rpm -qa | grep java rpm -qa | grep jdk
# 卸载 rpm -qa | grep java | xargs rpm -e --nodeps rpm -qa | grep jdk | xargs rpm -e --nodeps
# 安装
rpm -ivh jdk-11.0.17_linux-x64_bin.rpm
# 验证
[root@test01 tmp]# java -version
java version "11.0.17" 2022-10-18 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.17+10-LTS-269)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.17+10-LTS-269, mixed mode)
# 创建用户
openGauss=# CREATE USER jack WITH MONADMIN password "xxxxxxxx"; openGauss=# alter user jack sysadmin;
# 写入pg_hba.conf文件
[omm@test01 ~]$ gs_guc set -N all -I all -h "host all jack sha256"
# 创建ops用户 useradd -m ops
vim install.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash echo "begin install..." #sh ./uninstall.sh read -p "Do you want to automatically install dependencies (JDK, maven, node) ? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No). " install_depency if [ "$install_depency" = "Y" -o "$install_depency" = "y" ]; then #sh ./install-depency.sh else echo "Please install the dependencies required by the system by yourself, including openjdk (11), maven (3), and node (16.15.1)." exit 1 fi read -p "Please enter the host of openGauss, Please ensure that the current host IP is in the whitelist of openGauss: " host if [ ! -n "$host" ]; then echo "Host cannot be empty." exit 1 fi read -p "Please enter the port of openGauss.: " port if [ ! -n "$port" ]; then echo "Port cannot be empty." exit 1 fi read -p "Please enter the database of openGauss.: " database if [ ! -n "$database" ]; then echo "Database cannot be empty." exit 1 fi read -p "Please enter the username of openGauss.: " username if [ ! -n "$username" ]; then echo "Username cannot be empty." exit 1 fi stty -echo read -p "Please enter the password of openGauss.: " password if [ ! -n "$password" ]; then echo "Password cannot be empty." exit 1 fi stty echo echo "host: $host, port: $port username: $username database: $database" cp config/application-temp.yml config/application-cus.yml sed -i "23s/ip:port/$host:$port/" config/application-cus.yml sed -i "23s/database/$database/" config/application-cus.yml sed -i "24s/dbuser/$username/" config/application-cus.yml sed -i "25s/dbpassword/$password/" config/application-cus.yml #mvn clean install -P prod -Dmaven.test.skip=true mkdir -p /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/ mkdir -p /ops/files/ mkdir -p /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/logs/ mkdir -p /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/config/ mkdir -p /ops/ssl/ if [ ! -f "/ops/ssl/keystore.p12" ];then keytool -genkey -noprompt \ -dname "CN=opengauss, OU=opengauss, O=opengauss, L=Beijing, S=Beijing, C=CN"\ -alias opengauss\ -storetype PKCS12 \ -keyalg RSA \ -keysize 2048 \ -keystore /ops/ssl/keystore.p12 \ -validity 3650 \ -storepass 123456 fi echo "SSL is enabled, you can replace the keystore file at /ops/ssl/ folder and config the ssl options at file /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/config/application-cus.yml" touch /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/logs/visualtool-main.out cp visualtool-api/target/visualtool-main.jar /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/ mv config/application-cus.yml /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/config/ chown -R ops:ops /ops echo "end install"
#!/usr/bin/env bash SERVER_HOME=/ops/server/openGauss-visualtool cd $SERVER_HOME API_NAME=visualtool-main JAR_NAME=$SERVER_HOME/$API_NAME\.jar LOG=$SERVER_HOME/logs/$API_NAME\.out PID=$SERVER_HOME/$API_NAME\.pid usage() { echo "Usage: sh server.sh [start|stop|restart|status]" exit 1 } is_exist(){ pid=`ps -ef|grep $JAR_NAME|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}' ` if [ -z "${pid}" ]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } start(){ is_exist if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then echo ">>> ${JAR_NAME} is already running PID=${pid} <<<" else echo '' > $LOG nohup java -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -jar $JAR_NAME --spring.profiles.active=cus >$LOG 2>&1 & echo $! > $PID echo ">>> start $JAR_NAME successed PID=$! <<<" fi } stop(){ pidf=$(cat $PID) echo ">>> ${API_NAME} PID = $pidf begin kill $pidf <<<" kill $pidf rm -rf $PID sleep 2 is_exist if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then echo ">>> ${API_NAME} 2 PID = $pid begin kill -9 $pid <<<" kill -9 $pid sleep 2 echo ">>> $JAR_NAME process stopped <<<" else echo ">>> ${JAR_NAME} is not running <<<" fi } status(){ is_exist if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then echo ">>> ${JAR_NAME} is running PID is ${pid} <<<" else echo ">>> ${JAR_NAME} is not running <<<" fi } restart(){ stop start } case "$1" in "start") start ;; "stop") stop ;; "status") status ;; "restart") restart ;; *) usage ;; esac exit 0 }
[root@test01 openGauss-visualtool]# mv application-temp.yml ./config/ [root@test01 openGauss-visualtool]# ./install.sh begin install... sh: ./uninstall.sh: No such file or directory Do you want to automatically install dependencies (JDK, maven, node) ? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No). Y sh: ./install-depency.sh: No such file or directory Please enter the host of openGauss, Please ensure that the current host IP is in the whitelist of openGauss: Please enter the port of openGauss.: 26000 Please enter the database of openGauss.: postgres Please enter the username of openGauss.: jack Please enter the password of openGauss.: host:, port: 26000 username: jack database: postgres SSL is enabled, you can replace the keystore file at /ops/ssl/ folder and config the ssl options at file /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/config/application-cus.yml cp: cannot stat ‘visualtool-api/target/visualtool-main.jar’: No such file or directory mv: ‘config/application-cus.yml’ and ‘/ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/config/application-cus.yml’ are the same file end install
[root@hktestmysqldb01 openGauss-visualtool]# ll config/ total 8 -rw------- 1 ops ops 873 Apr 11 16:42 application-cus.yml -rw-r--r-- 1 ops ops 865 Mar 28 20:47 application-temp.yml [root@hktestmysqldb01 openGauss-visualtool]# pwd /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool
6. 启动服务
# 把模板移动到插件目录下。也可以后期启动好平台后手动补入插件 [ops@test01 openGauss-visualtool]$ mkdir -p /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/visualtool-plugin [ops@test01 openGauss-visualtool]$ mv base-ops-5.0.0-repackage.jar ./visualtool-plugin/ [ops@test01 openGauss-visualtool]$ mv data-migration-5.0.0-repackage.jar ./visualtool-plugin/ [ops@test01 openGauss-visualtool]$ mv observability-instance-5.0.0-repackage.jar ./visualtool-plugin/ [ops@test01 openGauss-visualtool]$ mv observability-log-search-5.0.0-repackage.jar ./visualtool-plugin/ [ops@test01 openGauss-visualtool]$ mv observability-sql-diagnosis-5.0.0-repackage.jar ./visualtool-plugin/ [ops@test01 openGauss-visualtool]$ mv webds-plugin-5.0.0-repackage.jar ./visualtool-plugin/ # ./server.sh start/stop/restart [ops@test01 openGauss-visualtool]$ ./server.sh restart >>> visualtool-main PID = 45148 begin kill 45148 <<< >>> /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/visualtool-main.jar is not running <<< >>> start /ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/visualtool-main.jar successed PID=46530 <<<
/ops/server/openGauss-visualtool/logs/visualtool-main.out 会记录实时日志
[root@test01 ~]# netstat -ntpl | grep 9494 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 46530/java
标签:ops,部署,server,Datakit,visualtool,openGauss,echo,config From: https://www.cnblogs.com/avasteven/p/17306870.html