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英语背单词 专四词汇 202304 ChatGPT

时间:2023-04-01 21:22:48浏览次数:57  
标签:专四 index 202304 scooter had Jack versus 背单词 he

英语背单词 专四词汇 202302以及202303 ChatGPT - ChuckLu - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
crusade, scandal, jack,
peril, optimism, anchor, burial, jerk,
erase, bother, sardine, album, scooter,
obvious, fearful, versus, dewdrop, rotary

  1. crusade /kruːˈseɪd/ (n.): a campaign or movement organized around a particular cause or idea, often religious or political in nature (index: 1)
  2. scandal /ˈskændəl/ (n.): an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing public outrage (index: 2)
  3. jack /dʒæk/ (n.): a device for lifting heavy objects or vehicles, or for exerting mechanical force (index: 3)
  4. peril /ˈpɛrəl/ (n.): serious and immediate danger (index: 4)
  5. optimism /ˈɒptɪmɪzəm/ (n.): hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something (index: 5)
  6. anchor /ˈæŋkər/ (n.): a heavy object attached to a rope or chain and used to moor a vessel to the sea bottom, typically having a metal shank with a pair of curved, barbed flukes (index: 6)
  7. burial /ˈbɛrɪəl/ (n.): the act or ceremony of burying a dead person (index: 7)
  8. jerk /dʒəːk/ (n.): a quick, sharp, sudden movement (index: 8)
  9. erase /ɪˈreɪz/ (v.): remove (writing, recorded material, or data) from a surface or storage medium (index: 9)
  10. bother /ˈbɒðə/ (v.): take the trouble to do something (index: 10)
  11. sardine /sɑːrˈdiːn/ (n.): a small, oily, silvery fish, often canned and used for food (index: 11)
  12. album /ˈælbəm/ (n.): a collection of recordings issued as a single item on CD, record, or another medium (index: 12)
  13. scooter /ˈskuːtə/ (n.): a lightweight vehicle resembling a motorcycle but with larger wheels and a floorboard for the rider's feet (index: 13)
  14. obvious /ˈɒbvɪəs/ (adj.): easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent (index: 14)
  15. fearful /ˈfɪəfʊl/ (adj.): feeling afraid, frightened, or anxious (index: 15)
  16. versus /ˈvəːsəs/ (prep.): used to indicate that two things are being compared or contrasted (index: 16)
  17. dewdrop /ˈdjuːdrɒp/ (n.): a drop of dew (index: 17)
  18. rotary /ˈrəʊtəri/ (adj.): revolving around a central axis or point (index: 18)

Write a short story with the following words and mark the words index in story
crusade, scandal, jack,
peril, optimism, anchor, burial, jerk,
erase, bother, sardine, album, scooter,
obvious, fearful, versus, dewdrop, rotary

I will show you an example, assume I have two words
1.apple 2.fish

The short story
I love eating apple[1] and fish[2].

Once upon a time, a young man named Jack[3] embarked on a crusade[1] to expose a scandal[2] involving a powerful corporation. Despite the peril[4] he faced, Jack remained optimistic[5] that justice would prevail. He was determined to be the anchor[6] for change, and never allowed himself to be deterred by the jerks[8] who tried to slow him down. Along the way, Jack discovered evidence that would erase[9] any doubt about the corporation's wrongdoing. However, he also found out that his efforts had bothered[10] some powerful people who tried to silence him. Jack pressed on, determined to be a sardine[11] in a sea of sharks. He documented everything in an album[12], which he kept hidden in his scooter[13]. The evidence he had gathered was so obvious[14] that even those who had been fearful[15] of taking on the corporation began to support Jack's crusade. It became a battle of good versus[16] evil, and Jack refused to back down. Finally, the evidence he had gathered proved to be the dewdrop[18] that caused the corporation to collapse like a rotary[19] engine. Jack emerged as a hero, and was celebrated by all who had supported his cause.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/17279403.html


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